Dividend Income

Dividend Income December 2023


Dividend Income November 2023


Dividend Income October 2023


Dividend Income September 2023


Dividend Income August 2023


Dividend Income July 2023


Dividend Income June 2023


Dividend Income May 2023


Dividend Income April 2023


Dividend Income March 2023


Dividend Income February 2023


Dividend Income January 2023


Dividend Income December 2022


Dividend Income November 2022


Dividend Income October 2022


Dividend Income September 2022


Dividend Income August 2022


Dividend Income July 2022


Dividend Income June 2022


Dividend Income May 2022


Dividend Income April 2022


Dividend Income March 2022


Dividend Income February 2022


Dividend Income January 2022


50 thoughts on “Dividend Income”

  1. Wow great progress on a year to year basis! Do have your dividends in a taxable account, and if so, how do you reduce the brokerage fees on a per share basis. (Investing with active income, maybe?)


    • Part of my dividends are in a taxable account and part in a ROTH. The way I keep my brokerage fees low are by 1) re-investing all my dividends automatically which costs nothing, and 2) when buying new shares I always make sure my commission is 1% or less. In other words if it costs me $4 a trade the minimum I would invest at a time would be $400. If I invest $800 for example then my commission drops to .5%. I’m comfortable paying at the most 1% per trade. Since I am not an active trader the fees at 1% or less are fine with me.

  2. That’s a great dividend growth investing strategy! From nearly zero to $1,908.82 in only 7 years .- Good job and very impressive! I wish you all the best to hike your portfolio income further.

    • HI DY,

      Thanks for stopping by. There’s no more real proof than the figures you mention. I think that’s one of the best things we do as dividend growth investors… is that we can actually see rising income streams from year to year. Dividends are real, they are tangible and cannot be faked.

  3. This looks great! Congratulations on your progress. Watching how you and other dividend growth investors are building these passive income portfolios is very inspiring. I’m more of an active trader focusing on growth stocks. I make a decent profit at times, but it’s a lot of work. I am planning on changing strategies towards dividend growth, but most stocks are so overpriced or close to It right now that I’m basically standing by and waiting for another 2008-2009 crash so I can load up on the div growers.
    ArizonaTrader (@ArizonaTrader) recently posted…Mid-Week ReviewMy Profile

    • Hi AT,

      Thanks for the words of encouragement. Much appreciated. I totally agree with you about many stocks being overpriced these days. However, the recent market slide, specifically with commodities such as oil, have really created some interesting opportunities in the energy space. Many majors experienced great declines recently such as TOT, BP, XOM and CVX to name a few. While I can appreciate your stance on being an active trader I do agree that it is a lot of work and I prefer my DGI method and would rather focus on developing current income rather than capital appreciation. Thank you for commenting and sharing.

    • Hi DD,

      Can’t complain about the progress for my dividend income year over year. Of course, as income investors it seems that the increases aren’t coming fast enough. I make sure to maximize my ROTH contributions as well. Might as well take advantage of any tax benefit you can get. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi FvO,

      Thank you for the kind words. Looking back it is great seeing the dividend income rise over the years and watch the magic of compounding take effect. I can only imagine where it will be in another ten or twenty years. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi BSR,

      I have been a dividend income investor for many years but it wasn’t till last year when I created this blog that I actually tracked my income on a monthly basis to the penny and could plot my progress. I think creating this site was one of the best things I could have done to stay on track and monitor my passive income progress more closely. Thank you for the words of encouragement and for commenting.

    • Hi ADD,

      Thank you for the kind words and continued support. It’s much appreciated. I fully agree with you regarding the very real nature of dividend growth investing. This isn’t theory or some complex trading formula. Just simple mathematics when it comes to time and compounding and this page shows the results of consistent long term investing in dividend paying companies. Honored to have you as a follower. Thank you for commenting.

  4. Very nice increases in dividend income especially in the Roth from 2014 to 2015. I would love to see my divs double for a month year over year. Good job.

    Keep cranking,
    Robert the DividendDreamer

    • Hi dividenddreamer,

      Thank you for your continued support. I really started adding to my ROTH in earnest in recent months and it’s starting to show up in the form of high year over year increases in dividends. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  5. Hi DivHut,

    I have a Roth IRA with TRowe Price but I do not select the stock. How Do you select your own stocks for your IRA? Thank you very much!

    • Hi Cardy,

      I have my IRA and ROTH accounts with Sharebuilder. Once you open a retirement account with them you can select any stock, ETF, or mutual fund to invest. Hope this answers your question.

    • Hi DGB,

      That’s the name of the game… ever increasing passive income from high quality dividend paying stocks. When I first started in 2007 it was not with a lot of cash as you can see by my total dividends for the year on my dividend income page. With that being said, I do not have any figures handy to tell you exactly how much I started with back then unless I log into my account and pull up those figures. I can tell you that typically I average about $2,000 a month in fresh capital these days. Now I say it’s an average because some months I invest $800 and some it may be as high as $3,000. It all depends on my cash flow and free cash for the month plus if I see any value staring me in the face. I tend to nibble on stocks instead of gorge making small purchases consistently instead of piling in a huge sum at once. With my commission being only $2 a trade I can buy relatively small amounts without it costing me much. Thank you for your question.

      • WOW! $2 a trade, that’s really a bargain. I use E-Trade Financial, and the cost per transaction for me is $9.99. It’s surprising that with $2500 monthly average contribution, you are able to build such a great massive portfolio. I am also contributing $2500 a month to my new portfolio now. I just started my dividend growth portfolio and my blog. I want to see how I’ll do 5 to 10 years from now.

        Do you look at the companies valuation before buying?? Checking Price to Book, P/E, Profit growth trend, Discount Cash Flow analysis. Let me know thanks. I hope we can give each other idea to better our self.
        Dividend Growth Bunny recently posted…Why Start Investing Early!My Profile

        • Hi DGB,

          The $2 trade is a grandfathered commission rate from Sharebuilder that gave a discount to Costco members. I like that low fee as it enables me to invest smaller amounts if cash is tight or no real bargains can be found. I have been a dividend growth investor since 2007 and averaging more or less $2,500 a month can grow into a very nice size portfolio. As I mentioned, some months I invest as little as $800 and some $3,000 or so. It really fluctuates. Also, my portfolio has grown by over $40k during that time which inflates my overall value.

          The way I have built my portfolio is really quite simple. The very first thing I did was look at the dividend aristocrats list. That was my very first stop. Next, I look at dividend information such as current yield, sustainability (payout ratio), past dividend growth rates, etc. Finally, before making a final decision to buy, I look at P/E, current and past, 5 year average P/E and profitability. I look at other metrics as well, such as revenue trends, etc. but do not use any Discount Cash Flow analysis or the like as you mentioned. Hope this answers your question. I try not to over analyze things and stick to the basic valuation metrics. It’s worked for me all these years and my portfolio highlights my returns the best.

    • Hi FTPI,

      I fully agree with you. Build out a portfolio of stable dividend payers and raisers and do not chase high yield fantasies, stay diversified and you can build a nice ever growing passive income stream. This is my plan for now and going forward. As long as I can continually put up nice year over year increases in my passive income stream I’ll be happy. Thank you for commenting.

  6. Really like the year over year growth table you made up, shows just how much you are growing your dividend income. Gotta love 20-30 % increases, good job. Might have to make chart for my self.

    • Hi Savestacks,

      Thank you for your kind words. As long as I can put up positive year over year growth with my dividend income I know I am headed in the right direction. Thank you for your support.

  7. Invest not just in stocks with dividends but stocks with a solid history of RAISING the dividend.
    Also, sell out of the money puts against cash for stocks you are willing to own at prices you are willing to pay. Repeat.

    • Hi James,

      Well said. It seems like a very easy recipe to follow except for the fact that dividend investing takes a lot of time to fully mature a reap the most benefits. Sometimes we are too shortsighted with our investment strategies. Thank you for commenting.


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