Dividend Income Update February 2017

It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my dividend income portfolios.


Without rehashing the wild ride we experienced in the market so far this year, I could find comfort in one thing, my dividends. As we all know, the market may move up and down irrationally and seemingly on a whim while our dividends remain much more stable, reliable and predictable. Sure, dividends may not increase every year and a cut or elimination is even possible but the odds are greatly reduced when you diversify among different companies and sectors and focus on dividend quality (free cash flow, EPS and payout ratios). Forget chasing the high yield unicorns and focus on the boring lower yielding but sustainable dividends. In the long run you’ll be better off. With that being said, let’s take a look at my February 2017 dividend totals.


Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $281.33 up from $241.34 an increase of 16.6% from February of last year.


Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $189.71 up from $149.31 an increase of 27.1% from this time last year.


Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $49.01 down from $87.62, a year over year decrease of -44.1%.


Grand total for the month of February: $520.05 an increase of 8.7% from February 2016.


Brokerage Account

Total: $281.33

ROTH Account

Total: $189.71

IRA Account

Total: $49.01


I have to say I’m quite pleased with my February totals. Who can complain about an 8.7% year over year increase even when companies change their monthly dividend distribution schedule as was the case with HCP not paying this month. The proof of our dividend investing strategy rests in these real results. After all, dividends don’t lie. It’s real cash being returned to investors. With patience and consistency these results and better can be achieved.


Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your February dividend income? Please let me know below.


Disclosure: Long all above

73 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update February 2017”

    • Hi DD,

      Congrats on your best for February dividend income. Just stay invested in the market and don’t sweat the bumps along the way. If anything, those bumps are the best times to accumulate shares. Happy to be a fellow ABBV shareholder with you. Thank you for commenting.

  1. That’s a great month Keith. Over $500 is awesome. We have 6 holdings in common but there’s several that you own such as CLX and CL that I’d like to add. Maybe ABT as well. I’m looking forward to seeing what March has in store for all of our portfolios. I know I’m ready to put up a huge number. All the best.
    JC recently posted…Lowe’s: A Total Return Candidate For The DGIMy Profile

    • Hi JC,

      I always appreciate your continued support. No complaints from me reaching over $500 in passive income. That certainly pays a lot of my small monthly expenses. I always love to hear about common stocks between my portfolio and others. I’d love to buy more CL and CLX, one day, but not at current levels. Keep up the good work on your end. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Did you do the IRA conversion? to Roth I see the 50% decrease on the income. I followed your blog but I don’t remember you mentioned the conversion. Any secrets you’re hiding Mister? ehhehe

    hehe, My dividend income decrease quite significantly YOY, because of the allocation to the real estate. But my passive income increase significantly, more like 10x. I couldn’t be more pleased with the result.
    vivianne recently posted…February Passive IncomeMy Profile

    • Hi vivianne,

      Not hiding anything here 🙂 though I have thought about that IRA to ROTH conversion. I have to talk to my accountant about that. I mentioned the reason for the decline in my IRA in the post. It was because HCP changed its payout schedule. Nothing to concern me with. It happened to me last month too when KHC changed their payout schedule. These changes certainly affect the monthly year over year results but as long as my annual total climbs higher I’ll be happy. Keep building and growing whether with dividend paying stocks, real estate or any other form of income producing asset. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  3. Hey Keith,
    Congrats on the 8.7% increase. It’s definitely reassuring to see that passive income roll in at a higher rate then last year. The only one I shared with you was ABBV. I’m looking at adding GIS to my portfolio this year though.

    • Hi DD,

      The name of the game, or challenge, or whatever you want to call it with dividend growth investing is be able to consistently put up year over year gains no matter how large or small they may be. By continually growing your passive income stream you can be assured of a brighter financial future. Happy to be a fellow ABBV shareholder with you. I like that name a lot long term! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi BHL,

      I appreciate those kind words about my results and with time, patience and consistent investing I am positive you will be generating this type of income and more. DGI is a marathon and not a sprint. I think many forget that along way and seek a quicker means to generate meaningful income. Thank you for commenting.

  4. Great month. Can’t argue with that passive income growth. I own a few of the same companies so it’s nice to see them paying and working for other members of the community as well. I would love to add more GIS to my portfolio in the future. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing.
    Dividend Daze recently posted…Dividend Update – FebruaryMy Profile

    • Hi DD,

      You said it, “Can’t argue with that passive income growth.” That’s the truth. Dividends are real, tangible cash being returned to shareholders that’s easily measured and quantified over time. What’s not to like about seeing more and more money coming your way in a passive manner? I still like GIS and if it goes below $60 I think I’ll be adding to that name as well. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi Doug,

      Thank you for your continued encouragement and support. As you can imagine, I was quite pleased with my February totals. Hope to see some common names paying us both in the future. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi DM,

      The elusive four digit month 🙂 It’s one of my longer term goals to average four digits every month ($12k a year) and, of course, grow from there. One step at a time. I have been doing this for many, many years and am pleased with my slow and steady progress. Thank you for your kind words and support.

    • Hi DI,

      For a middle of the quarter month, earning over $500 is definitely a welcome figure. No question I’m on the slow and steady route for increasing my passive income stream, but that’s just how I like it. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi ambertree,

      Shifting dividend payments happen from time to time. Nothing you can really do as a small shareholder about that. It’s all good though. I always say that as long as my annual totals keep rising year over year I’ll be happy. Thank you for your comment and continued support.

    • Hi Tawcan,

      As you can imagine I was quite pleased with my February totals. Can’t complain about bringing in over $500 passively. That can pay many of my current smaller monthly bills easily. Look forward to reading your February results. Four digits is a serious amount no matter how you look at it. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi R2R,

      Always happy to share my dividend income results. That’s part of the fun of having this blog. Let’s keep the hustle going. So far 2017 has been off to a good start. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi TCF,

      February came in at a pretty nice clip considering there was no HCP payment during the month. Just goes to show that having a nice mix of dividend paying stocks can always offset any schedule change or dividend reduction. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi MDD,

      No doubt $500 is a very respectable sum that can go a long way outside the U.S. but also take care of some business here at home. It can cover my utilities, put gas in my car, pay for my cell phone, online access and more. With time, patience and consistent investing I am positive you will be generating this type of income and more. DGI is a marathon and not a sprint. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  5. Good job DivHut. My Feb 2017 divs were lower than same month last year, but that’s because late last year, I traded out of one stock that has a sizable Feb payment schedule and bought another that pays in March and then quarterly. So, I expect a heavy March dividend flow compared to last year, sizably boosted by many recent purchase Dominion. Link has details.
    Ten Factorial Rocks recently posted…Dividend Stock Purchase – An ExampleMy Profile

    • Hi TFR,

      Dividend income will shift from time to time on a monthly basis with those inevitable sells or changes to payout schedules but it doesn’t really matter as long as those annual totals march ever higher. Nice to see another fellow D shareholder. Look forward to following your results. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  6. Love the Canadian Banks. I was nervous at first with them being foreign. Now I wish I pushed my whole stack on them. ;-). Solid dividend growth payers. Recently I just increased my stake in Enbridge as well. 90% of my portfolio is USA but I am now more open to Canada.

    • Hi TJ,

      There’s a lot to like about the large Canadian banks. For now I hold three, TD, BNS and RY but still have on my watch list BMO and CM. Check out this post I wrote a while back highlighting these Canadian banks, “Canadian Century Club Dividend Stocks.” Canada offers up some very strong long term dividend payers and I think it’s worth a look to our northern neighbors. Long term I only really like two American banks, WFC and USB. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi WS,

      Sharing none, one or many stocks in any month just highlights to me the vast world of dividend paying stocks that exist. I think we can all learn a little something from each of our portfolios we see online and exchange ideas for buying or selling a particular stock. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi MSLM,

      I always love reading about others holding the large Canadian banks in their portfolios. To me, they represent some of the most solid, well run institutions in the world. Of course, I qualify that statement with a grain of salt because these days it seems like every company has the opportunity to stumble from some ill advised “scheme.” Just look at WFC and CAT in recent times. I guess all you can do is stay diversified so no one impact can potentially destroy your whole portfolio. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi DD,

      January had the KHC shuffle, February had the HCP shift, who knows what’s in store for March. Bottom line, as long as my annual totals keep climbing I’ll be happy though it’s nice to see I was still able to put up a nice year over year gain for the month. Let’s keep the action going. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi easydividend,

      Thank you for your kind words. I’m sure, in time, you too will have a portfolio like mine generating an ever increasing passive income stream. Just remember, there are no short cuts. It takes a lot of time and consistency to get these results and better. Just stick with the plan during market highs and lows. As always, I appreciate your thoughts.

    • Hi Passivecanadianincome,

      Always appreciate the support. I’m quite pleased with my February totals and look forward to posting continued year over year gains every month. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi timeinthemarketblog,

      You know the saying, “slow and steady.” That’s pretty much the way I have been investing since I became a dedicated dividend growth investor. Slowly but surely my passive income stream continues to rise and seeing it just continues to encourage me along my own journey towards FI. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi MSM,

      I know it’s exciting to post double digit year over year gains but your comment highlights the fact that even single digit dividend yearly gains can accumulate to a huge sum given enough time. Thank you for your kind words and continued support.

    • Hi 5-0F,

      As I have been commenting to others, there’s a lot to like about my February totals. You won’t hear any complaints from me about bringing over $500 passively along with posting a year over year growth rate. This update just highlights the beauty of a dividend growth strategy. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Brian,

      Thank you for those nice words about my progress. I still wonder why some people out there don’t see the long term merits of being a dividend growth investor. As you stated, getting paid to own stocks is really what it’s all about. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi Dan,

      I guess you are right about that. I’ll take a year over year increase, no matter how small, versus a decline. As long as those declines are because of shifting payments (like HCP this month) or a selling a reallocation to another position you should still be fine long term. When you get a major decline in passive income because of dividend cuts or eliminations then it’s time to worry. Thank you for commenting.

  7. Hi DivHut,
    Congrats on an almost 10% year-on-year increase. Over $500 this month is awesome!
    Just one question about the IRA – it’s listed in your summary as symbol “HCN” but you mention “HCP” in the article and comments above. Is this a typo?
    Looks like you’re getting ready for a great finish to this first quarter!
    Best wishes,
    Dividend Life recently posted…Income Fund Update for February 2017My Profile

    • Hi DL,

      Yes, my February totals came in at a nice clip. For a known “slow” month the passive income was pretty substantial and I was pleased with my results. I mentioned HCP because they usually pay in February but changed their distribution schedule which is why my IRA year over year totals were much lower. I only received a distribution from HCN in my IRA. No typo 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Evan,

      Always nice to share some common names with my fellow dividend investing peers. As you know it’s all a journey and DGI is a marathon and not a sprint. With time and patience your holdings will grow. I also like CAT a lot and plan to keep it for the foreseeable future but have no plans on adding to that stock at current levels. If a major decline occurs and it sports a 4% yield again it will catch my eye for sure. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi SSDD,

      Like you, I also enjoy reading these updates every month. While I don’t like how fast time goes by I do look forward to these reports. Planning on putting some of that refund money into dividend paying stocks? Why not? Sounds like a good plan to me and it will just help your snowball grow that much faster. Thank you for your continued support.

  8. HCP is just changing the payout schedule, but not cutting or reducing the dividend, right?

    Nice YOY increase… steady dividend growth is the way to go. We share a lot of the same companies in common. Good to know we both see value in the same companies. 🙂

    • Hi ACI,

      That is correct. HCP just changed the timing of their distributions. Similar to what KHC pulled on us last month. Nice to read that we share quite a few names too for the month of February. Steady dividend growth is the name of the game. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi R2R,

      No complaints from me. Year over year growth is year over year growth and gaining close to 10% can appreciate into an amazing snowball given enough time to compound. Thank you for your continued support.

    • Hi EL,

      With every passing month that I can show a positive year over year growth rate I’m happy. It’s always fun seeing double digit growth but as you mentioned 8% is not too shabby. I know we are all looking forward to our March totals. Those end of quarter months are the most fun to report. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi DDU,

      February provided me with a modest year over year increase, yet, an increase nonetheless which always makes me happy. As long as I can continue to put up gains every month of the year I know I am headed in the right direction. We’ll see how March finished up. I plan to post my results in the coming days. Thank you for commenting.


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