Some great blogs and web sites I follow:
European Dividend Growth Investor
Want to see your blog listed here? Leave a comment or contact me for consideration.
Dividend Investing Blog
Some great blogs and web sites I follow:
European Dividend Growth Investor
Want to see your blog listed here? Leave a comment or contact me for consideration.
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll, DivHut. Appreciate the support.
Best wishes
My pleasure. Always want to support other great blogs out there.
I appreciate being added to your blogroll. Thanks, and welcome to the Div blog community. Good luck reaching your investment goals.
Thank you for stopping by. DivHut is just a product of all those amazing and inspiring finance blogs out there, yours included, that got me thinking how I want to share and chronicle my investing/passive income trek. I can honestly say that I am very surprised at the level of comments and support I got in just less than 3 weeks since I actually launched the site. Still working on WordPress and figuring it out but so far seems to be working. Thanks for the tweet shout out too!
Hey there – I think we were talking the other day on my site about you adding me to your blog roll, and I had told you that I was getting ready to launch a new site and I’d let you know when it was all set up. Well, here I am!
I will also add you to my blog roll. I love your site, and love dividend investing!
Hi MJ,
Great looking site with lots of money saving tips. Welcome to the DivHut blogroll.
Thanks for adding me to your list DivHut. I’ll check back soon
My pleasure IS. Enjoy your stories too!
Hi DivHut,
as promised I am back… My English version of the site is now ready (ok, let`s say it`s in beta stadium…). I would like to ask you to list my site in your blogroll. I have done the same with yours on my site.
By the way: I liked your new article about the “century club” very much. It opened my eyes to put the Canadian market to my stock radar… till now it was nearly “dark”…
Thanks and have a good week
Hi RickRack,
Thank you for creating an English version of your site. I look forward to your articles and dividend income updates. I have also added your site to the DivHut blogroll.
I’m glad you liked the century club articles. I hope you have a chance to read both the American and Canadian articles. Like you, I was in the dark about some of these great Canadain bank stocks. They are definitely something to consider. Thanks for commenting.
Your site has encouraged me to add a few more dividend stocks to my portfolio. Keep up the good work.
If you get a chance please add my site to your blogroll. (
Hi LI,
I’m happy to provide some encouragement via my blog and portfolio. For my money, I only invest in dividend paying stocks. I know I might be missing out on the high flier growth tech names such as TWTR, FB, TSLA and the like but I prefer to grow my income slow and steady. By the way, I added your blog to the DivHut blogroll. Thanks for stopping by.
Thank you for adding me to your Blogroll. I appreciate all the encouragement and support you spread through your blog and comments.
Dividend SWAN recently posted…LIEBSTER Award
Hi DS,
My pleasure. I’m happy to be a part of the FI community. I think it’s amazing that we are so open about our debt, investments, net worth etc. The transparency of our community makes each of us stronger.
Hi Divhut,
You have built a great blog in a short time! You can be proud of it.
English is not my first language but I’m doing my best with quityourdayjob101 and hope to help new investors avoid my mistakes and reach the great dividend growth community!
If you get the chance please add my blog there ☺
Have a nice day and keep investing and blogging my friend
Allan recently posted…I have reached a milestone! 1000$ in growing dividend income!
Thank you for the compliment. I really appreciate it. It will be my pleasure to add your site to the DivHut blogroll. Keep investing in those dividend stocks!
Hi DivHut,
I would be honored if you add my blog to this list….
I am doing my best to build a high quality blog and follow your example…
Sure thing. You are now on the DivHut blogroll. Thank you for creating your blog and adding to the dividend investing community.
Thanks DivHut 🙂
I wish you plenty of gains in 2015 and juicy dividends as well.
Long Term Investing recently posted…The “2045 Test” or Can the World Survive Without Facebook, Johnnie Walker and Chunky Monkey?
You are very welcome. Look forward to following your progress as well.
You leave a comment in my blog, maybe this is the start of our friendship. Anyway, can you please include my blog in your blog roll using the anchor text as “online stock trading”.
Let me know if you are done, so that I will also include in my blog roll.
I have just added your site to the DivHut blog roll. Thank you for the request.
This is my personal Blog about Dividend and Trading. Im from spain and my blog is in spanish.
I hope you like it
César recently posted…Regalitos a los accionistas ¿si o no?
Hi César,
You have a nice looking investment blog. Do you plan to post in English at some point in the future or keep it 100% Spanish? I’m happy you have found DivHut and hope it can provide you some investing insight and inspiration. By the way I had an awesome time in Ibiza! Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Divhut,
Any chance my site can be blessed with a presence on your blogroll?
Dividend Dreams recently posted…Dividend Dreams Fund Update – February 2015
Hi DD,
My pleasure to welcome your site to the DivHut blogroll. Please keep creating great content on your end.
Thanks for the addition!
Dividend Dreams recently posted…2015 Goals Update
Hi DD,
My pleasure!
Thank you for your support and attention. Is there a room for one more blog in your list?
Financial Independence recently posted…April 2015 update ($315,320 +$37,699 or +14%)
Hi FI,
Sure thing. I always love finding new blogs and reading about the progress other people are making in terms of FI and overall dividend income. Thank you for your suggestion.
Hi DivHut
I think your blogroll misses me so much 🙂
Thanks for great articles!
Best Regards
Dividend Freedom
Hi Dividendfreedom,
Sure thing. It’s always a pleasure to add another quality dividend blog.
Hi DH,
REITs always enjoy a place in a dividend investor’s portfolio. I would like to suggest my site as it is a news hub for Canada’s real estate investment trusts. Investors will also love the dynamic stocks list where they can filter Canadian REIT Stocks by price, yield and performance.
Hi RR,
Thank you for stopping by and suggesting REIT Report. It looks like it can offer a lot of value to anyone who uses the site. I’d be happy to include it on our blogroll.
Thanks for adding me to this list, I added you to mine. Lets keep on building dividends my friend.
EL @ Moneywatch101 recently posted…What is Wealth
Hi EL,
My pleasure. I appreciate the DivHut add to your blogroll too.
What a great site and awesome list! Lots of good info on dividend investing- something I have been wanting to get into in the near future. I shall be visiting often.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope that my blog and others you see can provide you with the inspiration to invest in your future. Thank you for stopping by.
Thanks for adding me Keith. I’ll be mentioning your site in my upcoming post.
All the best.
Social Trading Investor recently posted…Stocks to watch this week (12th October)
My pleasure. Always love to find new investing blogs and see how others like to invest.
Hello DivHut
Can you add me also to your blogroll?
Thanks in advance.
Sharon – Divorcedff
divorcedff recently posted…Recent Buy And Recent Sell
Hi divorcedff,
With pleasure. I always love to add various financial and dividend-centric blogs that exist. Thank you for the suggestion.
Hi DivHut!
Respectfully, would you mind adding me to the blogroll?
The favor will be returned!
Dividends @ recently posted…DGI Portfolio Update – 11-10-15
Hi A4i,
Would be happy to add another investing blog to my list. Thank you for the suggestion.
Thanks, DH! Best of wishes to you!
Another down week in the markets… More buying opportunities appearing, especially with T and TD.
Dividends @ recently posted…IBM or Microsoft?
Hi A4I,
I think we’ll be seeing a lot more volatility in the market because of interest rate hike speculation. There shouldn’t be any shortage of quality names to invest in for the next month and a half. Thanks for the reply.
Could you please add my site to your blogroll? I would greatly appreciate it!
DivHut is listed on my blogroll here:
Laura Beth
Laura Beth recently posted…The Many Ways I am Changing Because of You
Hi LB,
Of course… it would be my pleasure to add your site to the DivHut blog roll. You have a nice following and I would like to explore opportunities for us to exchange ideas on one another’s blog.
Thank you buddy. Perhaps I could do a guest post for you. Of course, dividends are not my area of expertise, but I’ll get to brainstorming and run something by you soon. Thanks again!
Laura Beth recently posted…The Many Ways I am Changing Because of You
Hi LB,
That sounds lovely. You can make it a personal post and talk about your own dividend stock experiences/investments. People really seem to like following other real world portfolios and their progress.
Hey DIvHut!
We’re new to the DGI community and would love a blogroll. We’re just starting out (18 years old) and it might be interesting to see the beginnings of a DGI portfolio. I’ve already blogrolled you
Good Luck!
Hi TD,
Welcome to the world of dividend growth investing. Starting in your teens is an awesome way to get your snowball rolling and start earning and growing a passive income stream. It’ll be my pleasure to add your site to the DivHut blogroll. Thank you for adding my blog to yours.
Hi-I would be honored to be added to your blogroll.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Hi Philip,
It would be my pleasure to add your site to the DivHut blogroll. Thank you for your suggestion.
Hey Divhut, please could you put me on your blogroll?
Thanks, Tristan
Tristan @ Dividendsdownunder recently posted…Superannuation Fund: July Backdate
Hi Tristan,
Absolutely. It’s always my pleasure to add another dividend/investing blog to my blogroll.
Hi 🙂
It would be very nice, if you could add me to your Bloglist. 🙂
easydividend recently posted…“Aktien sind doch viel zu riskant”
Hi easydividend,
Of course. I’m always happy to add another investing/dividend blog to my blogroll. Thank you for stopping by.
thank you so much 🙂
Could you help me get some traffic to my new started blog and share it on your blogroll please?
Have a nice day!
Always happy to add another financial blog to my blog roll. Thank you for your suggestion.
Hey Keith could you put my blog on your list?
Hi Cliff,
Of course. I always love finding and adding new financial and dividend investing blogs to my site. Welcome to DivHut.
hi, can you please change my link to my new domain?
best regards
easydividend recently posted…Österreichs Dividendenzahler
Hi easydividend,
Thanks for the update. The change has been made.
thank you very much 🙂
could you please add my blog to your blogroll?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi DT,
Thank you for the suggestion. Your blog has been added.
Hey, Any chance you could add my new blog to your blogroll?
Hi Rich,
Of course. I’m happy to add your site to the DivHut blog roll. Look forward to reading your updates and passive income progress.
Many Thanks!
Rich recently posted…The 4-Hour Work Week and a Drop Shipping Udemy Course
Thanks for adding me DHut!
Dividend Family Guy recently posted…April 2016 Dividends
My pleasure. I always enjoy adding new investing and income oriented blogs to my blog roll.
Hi DivHut,
Any chance of my site sneaking onto your blogroll?
All the best,
Hi CI,
Sure thing. It’s my pleasure to add your site. Thank you for suggesting it.
Hey DH, just realized that we are not yet in your lovely blogroll. Any chance we could have a spot?
Team CF recently posted…July 2016 Dividend Update
Of course. It’s my pleasure to add your site to my blog roll.
Hi DivHut, we’ve really enjoyed reading your posts on dividend income.
We started a site as well on dividend investing and wanted to let you know about it, hopefully we can earn a spot on your blogroll if you think it would be useful to your readers.
Thanks, Kemp
Hi Kemp,
With pleasure. Always love adding dividend related sites to my list. My last post just mentioned dividend aristocrats. I think it’s a very important list to look at when considering a potential investment.
I enjoy reading your site. If you also enjoy reading mine, please add me to your blog roll. Thanks!
Brian recently posted…October Dividends
Hi Brian,
Thank you for your suggestion. It’s my pleasure to add your site to the blog roll.
Thanks DH !
Brian recently posted…Market volatility is your friend !
Great list! Found a lot of quality blogs and resources here. Hope in time I am able to make your blogroll. Your already on mine.
Dividend Daze recently posted…Checklist for Year End
Hi DD,
I am happy to add your site to my blog roll. There is always room for another quality divided site.
Thanks for putting together this great list of blogs.
Can you add me to the list?
Thank you,
Hi DM,
Of course. It’s my pleasure to add another (dividend) investing blog to the list. Thank you for your suggestion.
Hi DivHut!
You have assembled a list of awesome resources. I discovered a few new gems in here – thank you!
Is there any chance you would have room for one more blog resource? Here is my blog, which I usually add content to 3-5 times per week:
Keep up your great work! I recently bought some KMB as well.
Brian Bollinger recently posted…Emerson Electric (EMR): A Dividend King With 60 Consecutive Years of Dividend Increases
Hi BB,
I’m glad that you found my list useful and found some new sites yourself. There is always room for another financial resource on DivHut and I am happy to add your blog. Happy to be a fellow KMB shareholder as well 🙂
Hello. Very nice resource here for the dividend hungry mind. I have added you to my blogroll, please check it out below. I’d love it if you might consider doing the same for me. Thanks
Hi Frank,
Thank you for introducing me to your blog. It’s my pleasure to add your site to my growing list.
Hey DivHut,
Just came to check out your list and saw that Two Investing wasn’t listed yet. Could I have the pleasure of being added?
Two Investing recently posted…March 2017 Income
Hi TI,
Your blog definitely deserves a spot on this list. I’m more than happy to add you. Thank you for letting me know.
Hey DivHut!
I’d definitely love to be on this list after all the comments we left on each others blogs the last couple of years. I don’t have a blogroll yet, but adding you to my upcoming post on Thursday of my favorite blogs to follow!
Keep up the awesome Dividend Reports!
Wallet Squirrel recently posted…Income Report – March, 2017
Hi WS,
Of course! It’s my pleasure to add your blog to my growing list. Thank you for your suggestion!
Is it Christmas? I’m really excited right now! Thanks DivHut!
Wallet Squirrel recently posted…What I Learned from Commenting on 30 Blogs in a week
PS. I added your blog on my list of favorite 30 in the CommentLuv link here. Keep being awesome! =)
Wallet Squirrel recently posted…What I Learned from Commenting on 30 Blogs in a week
Hi WS,
Wow! Thank you for the DivHut mention! I appreciate it.
Glad to get you fired up!
Amazing list. So much inspiration here!
Would it be possible to add Stockles to the blogroll?
Stockles recently posted…Why Financial Independence?
Hi Stockles,
Yes, of course. Thank you for reaching out and suggesting your site. I am happy to add another financial blog to my list.
Hey Div Hut,
I added Div Hut in my blog roll and RSS feed. Can you add my site to your blog roll. I would appreciate it.
Dividend Portfolio recently posted…Backup Your Blog – New Feature Added
Hi DP,
Thank you for adding DivHut to your site. It’s a pleasure to add your site to my blog roll.
Hi DivHut,
congrats to your cool blog. It would be very nice if you could add my blog to your watchlist.
Thank you for those kind words. It’s my pleasure to add your dividend blog to my growing list.
hey Div Id love to make the cut, Ill add you to mine since I find myself reading your articles on the reg.
passivecanadianincome recently posted…Recent Purchase
Hi passivecanadianincome,
Thank you for suggesting your blog. I will be happy to include your site on my list.
Hey DivHut,
What would you like to see from me to get onto the blogroll?
Hi OF,
It’s my pleasure to add another great financial blog to my list. Thank you for the suggestion.
I really like your site and your posts.
While scrolling through your blogroll to see if there were any new sites, I discovered that my site isn’t listed. ;-(
I’ll appreciate being added to your blog roll.
If you have visite my blog yet, I like to invite you to go to:
Together we can help spread financial wisdom to everybody.
And of course; every back link helps!
Keep those divi’s rolling in!
Hi Pollie,
With pleasure. Your blog has been added to my list. Thank you for suggesting it to me.
Hey DivHut
I would be thrilled to see my blog ( on your great list!
Always inspiring to read your dividend reports!
Many thanks and cheers,
Financial Shaper
Financial Shaper recently posted…Dividend increases of my stock holdings
Hi FS,
I’m glad you enjoy reading my dividend reports. It’s my pleasure to add your site to my blogroll. Thank you for the suggestion.
Keith, Would you mind adding Dividends Diversify to your blogroll? If you have a chance, check out the good reads page at Dividends Diversify. I put DivHut on my good reads list and included a few kind words about your site.
Tom @ Dividends Diversify recently posted…Bridge To Engine Room: We Need More Power!
Hi DD,
With pleasure Dividends Diversify will have a home on the DivHut blog roll. Thank you for making my blog a ‘good read’ on your site.
Hello Keith,
I have been following your blog for a year now and is a major source of inspiration. It would be great if you could add my blog to your blogroll. I already have your’s in my reading list.
Hi dividendgeek,
With pleasure I have added your blog to my blog roll. Thank you for suggesting it.
Hey Keith,
Any chance of my blog being added to your blogroll? You’re on my list for many years now :):):)
Take care!
Dividend Income Stocks recently posted…2018 TFSA Contributions
Always happy to add another dividend investing blog to my list. Thank you for the suggestion.
Hi DivHut, this is a great list of DGI blogs. It would be great if you would consider adding my blog as well. Thank you!
Hi DN,
I have just added your blog to my blog roll. Thank you for suggesting your site.
Hello DivHut,
could you add my web site to your list as a resource for dividend investors? I have a unique dividends calendar and stock screener with up to 80 dividend aristocrats for free:
Hi TT,
I think your site would be a great resource and addition to the DivHut blogroll. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks for adding my ressources to your blogroll. Just saw it now with a “little” delay 😉
Hi TT,
You are most welcome!
Hey Divhut, would love to be added to your blogroll!
Just started my blog to track my dividend progress as well!
Can’t wait to see where we are in a few years!
Check out my blog and let me know what you think!
Hi Cameron,
With pleasure. Always love adding a new dividend/investing resource to my blogroll.
Thanks for adding me!
I’ll get you added to mine shortly.
Hi Jordan,
My pleasure. Always enjoy expanding the DivHut blogroll!
It would mean the world if you added me to your blog roll. I’ve had a look around your site and it’s fantastic. Keep it up!
Money Professor recently posted…Net Worth Update February 2018: My Net Worth Revealed!
Hi MP,
I am happy to add your site to my blog roll. Thank you for your kind words too.
Hi, you have done good job compiling all those blogs. I would appreciate it a lot if you added me too.
I am happy to add your site to the DivHut blogroll. Thank you for the suggestion.
Check out – Divs4Jesus if you have a minute. Great list!
Hi D4J,
Thanks for sharing your site. Always happy to add another solid financial blog to my list.
Hi DivHut, that’s quite an impressive list. Many are still unfamiliar to me. I’ll check those out soon. It’s always nice to read other people’s journey…
Would you mind adding my website? It’s
Thanks and keep us informed! ?
dividendcompounder recently posted…Recent purchase: Starbucks
Hi dividendcompounder,
I will be happy to add another financial site to this list. Thank you for suggesting your site.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. No better friends than my fellows of the DGI community ?
dividendcompounder recently posted…Recent Purchase: Increasing My Starbucks Position
I like how we look out for one another. Just keep writing and inspiring others.
Link to Simply Safe Dividends doesn’t work. Seemed target page with free articles is
Hi Dieter,
This is done. Thanks for letting me know.
Hi DivHut
I would appreciate it very much if you added me to your impressive list.
My blog is in English and iam from a dividend investor from Sweden.
Greetings Swedendivin.
Ps i will of course add your blog to my blogroll 🙂
Hi swedendivin,
It’s my pleasure to add your site to the DivHut blog roll.
Hello DivHut,
Great site and as a value investor, dividends are very important to me. If you are accepting value investing sites on your list, please take a look at
Shailesh Kumar recently posted…Why Value Investors Do Not Make Good Entrepreneurs?
Hi SK,
Sure thing. I’d be happy to add your site to our growing list.
I’ve been following DivHut for awhile and I also blog about dividend investing (and psychology). Any chance you would add my site to your blog roll?…
I’m thinking about adding one to my site and I’d be happy to include a link to DivHut in return.
Hi BK,
With pleasure. Just added your site to the DivHut blog roll. Thank you for the suggestion.
Hey DivHut,
I really like what you are doing. It´s always nice to see people progressing and doing something good for others. It would mean the world to us if you included our blog posts in your list. We already included your website.
Best regards,
House of Banks
House of Banks recently posted…The 4 best personal finance apps in 2019
Hi HoB,
My pleasure to add your site to the blog roll. Thank you for sharing.
Hi divhut,
Your portfolios are quite awesome. I’m making my way up there; just started investing late last year. Started a blog as well: Please check it out if you have the time, and include me in your blogroll if you like it. I’m still adding more content/pages, and a blogroll is something on my to do list.
Keep the content coming,
Hi Sd,
My pleasure to add your blog to the DivHut blog roll. Thank you for sharing.
Hi DivHut,
It would be an honor to be on this blogroll.
My blog is fairly new, but hopefully will fill in with time.
Hi Chicken,
My pleasure. Done! Always happy to add another dividend blogging resource.
Hey DiviHut,
I recently came across your site and you have some great content!
As a fellow personal finance blogger, I would love to be added to this list if it’s no trouble.
Here is my site:
Have a great week!
Hi Michael,
Just added your site the the blog roll. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi DivHut,
I very much like your blog and would love to be added here 🙂
My pleasure to add your site to the blog roll.
Hello DivHut,
Can you add my blog to your blogroll?
Dividend Power
Dividend Power recently posted…Southwest Airlines (LUV): Dividend Suspended
Hi DP,
Sure thing. Always love adding new dividend/investing sites to my blog roll.
Thanks! I just added you to my blog roll as well.
Although not recently updated, I find this blogroll one of the best ones to find other good financial blogs! Well done. You most likely will say no, but I like to ask anyways: Is there any way to add my site? I would be honored! Cheers from Singapore, Noah
Noah @ recently posted…The 10 Best Luxury Stocks With Dividends
Hi Noah,
Sure thing. You are on!