Recent Stock Purchase May 2020

How has your May been going? For me, it is more of the same which simply means making a monthly stock purchase and staying invested no matter how ugly the world economy is looking. As I said in March and April, I don’t have a crystal ball, nor do I pretend to even attempt to understand what is going on in the markets these days as massive sell offs continue followed by strong gains along with crazy negative prices charted for oil for the first time ever and any other nonsense and manipulations we witness. I just continue to have a long term outlook, continue to invest, diversify my portfolio even more and just hold on. With that being said let’s take a look at my May stock buys.

I have added to my taxable account 20 shares at $28.21 for a total investment of $564.20 in AT&T Inc. (T).

I have added to my taxable account 2 shares at $131.34 for a total investment of $262.68 in General Dynamics Corporation (GD).

I have added to my taxable account 10 shares at $26.80 for a total investment of $268.00 in Leggett & Platt, Incorporated (LEG).

I have added to my ROTH account 2 shares at $180.70 for a total investment of $361.40 in Microsoft Corporation (MSFT).

I have added to my ROTH account 5 shares at $36.59 for a total investment of $182.95 in Altria Group, Inc. (MO).

I have added to my ROTH account 5 shares at $68.08 for a total investment of $340.40 in Philip Morris International Inc. (PM).

I have added to my IRA account 23 shares at $22.40 for a total investment of $515.20 in Iron Mountain Incorporated (IRM).

In total I have put $2,494.83 of fresh capital to work in May… about half my total from the month of April but a solid amount nonetheless. As you can see, I have opted for many smaller buys (in each of my accounts) rather than deploy my cash in just one or two individual stocks. Again, I have no idea about the immediate future but long term, and with a diversified portfolio, I feel I can weather our current economic storm. Of course, these days it seems that no portfolio is immune from those dreaded dividend cuts but by staying the course and continuing to invest and diversifying greatly mitigates any of the nastiness.

What do you think about my recent stock buys? Are you adding anything in May or accumulating/sitting on cash? Please let me know below.

Disclosure: Long all above

13 thoughts on “Recent Stock Purchase May 2020”

  1. That’s another nice investment chunk, DivHut. You snagged some good value across the board given today’s prices. But of course it’s all about the income and you obtained a good bump there, too.
    I’ve added to GD recently as well. MSFT is one I’d like to see grow inside my portfolio, but I’m hoping for a pull back in price of some degree.
    Engineering Dividends recently posted…Portfolio Thoughts (May 2020)My Profile

    • Hi ED,

      I still like MSFT, even these days, and AAPL. Tech has proven its mettle during this economic meltdown. It will be interesting to see how the second half of 2020 goes.

  2. Great series of buys DH! Right now, I am still accumulating money for new purchases. Probably late June or July I will invest in some more stocks. Like you, I do not know what the market is going to do, but I am committed to long-term investing! Best of luck! 🙂
    My Dividend Dynasty recently posted…Some Mid-May ThoughtsMy Profile

    • Hi MDD,

      I never think that building up a cash pile is a bad thing. After all, you will be in a position to jump on potential drops at will. Still, I like investing each month and keep minimal cash. I need my dividends to keep growing and to mitigate all those cuts.

  3. Nice buys, DivHut!

    I thought about Microsoft at $40, but never take the plunger, kinda regret it now hahah 🙂 who knows microsoft is a great dividend stock?!! yikes!!
    I made a bunch of purchases in March, and April. This month I’ve started a 529 for baby WRI with Fidelity, they limit on how I invest it, which is disappointing. I’m still trying to figure out how to get baby WRI on the payroll so I can start him on a ROTH IRA 😛 with all these stimulus, I think the future generation will face with BIG taxes.

    • Hi vivianne,

      MSFT I think still has a lot of potential going forward. Clearly tech is a very resilient sector during these crazy times. Keep on investing.

    • Hi DG,

      GD was looking good back then. I’m still making my monthly buys even when there is a lot of uncertainty going forward. These are the days that test the mettle of any that are into DGI.

    • Hi LOI,

      I’m still making my buys each month. The numbers are ugly out there in terms of economy though the fake stock market looks like things are amazing. What can you do? Sit on cash? I deploy but make sure to hold hard assets too. Hard is best during these crazy times. Gold, silver, bitcoin, real estate.


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