The beginning of every month is exciting for all dividend income investors as we look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. No doubt, these are the best posts to write and read online as it only provides further proof that dividend investing can work over time and that anyone can create an ever growing passive income stream (even with those nasty dividend cuts that come our way every now and then; thank you GE). Looking back at my November totals I see that my year over year progress is still moving at a nice clip and I look forward to calculating my 2018 totals in a few weeks. With that being said, let’s take a look back at my November 2018 dividend income.
Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $401.25 up from $313.78 an increase of 27.9% from November of last year.
Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $251.50 up from $216.27 an increase of 16.3% from this time last year.
Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $177.23 up from $152.19 from this time last year. An increase of 16.5%.
Grand total for the month of November: $829.98 an increase of 21.7% from November 2017.
Brokerage Account
Year to date dividends: $5,157.10
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
11/01/2018 | DIVIDEND:GIS | GIS | $55.37 |
11/01/2018 | DIVIDEND:T | T | $14.50 |
11/12/2018 | DIVIDEND:APD | APD | $45.10 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:HRL | HRL | $16.13 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:CL | CL | $7.56 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:ABT | ABT | $22.12 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:ABBV | ABBV | $136.32 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:ADNT | ADNT | $1.65 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:PG | PG | $20.08 |
11/16/2018 | DIVIDEND:CLX | CLX | $16.32 |
11/20/2018 | DIVIDEND:CAT | CAT | $64.50 |
11/27/2018 | DIVIDEND: VSM | VSM | $1.60 |
Total: $401.25 |
ROTH Account
Year to date dividends: $2,043.02
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
11/01/2018 | DIVIDEND:GIS | GIS | $27.44 |
11/01/2018 | DIVIDEND:TD | TD | $90.40 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:HRL | HRL | $1.69 |
11/15/2018 | DIVIDEND:PG | PG | $7.89 |
11/20/2018 | DIVIDEND:CAT | CAT | $55.90 |
11/26/2018 | DIVIDEND:RY | RY | $65.66 |
11/30/2018 | DIVIDEND:SBUX | SBUX | $2.52 |
Total: $251.50 |
IRA Account
Year to date dividends: $931.36
Date | Description | Amount |
11/20/18 | HCP INC CASH DIV ON 167 SHS REC 11/05/18 PAY 11/20/18 NON-QU... | $61.79 |
11/21/18 | WELLTOWER INC COMMON STOCK CASH DIV ON 77 SHS REC 11/12/18 P... | $66.99 |
11/30/18 | SABRA HEALTH CARE REIT INC CASH DIV ON 95 SHS REC 11/15/18 P... | $42.75 |
11/30/18 | LTC PROPERTIES INC CASH DIV ON 30 SHS REC 11/21/18 PAY 11/30... | $5.70 |
Total: $177.23 |
I have to say I’m quite pleased with my November totals. Who would complain about a 21.7% year over year increase? The proof of our dividend investing strategy rests in these real results. After all, dividends don’t lie. It’s real cash being returned to investors. With patience and consistency these results and better can be achieved. Just remember, sometimes investing with blinders on can be beneficial as it blocks out the constant noise we are bombarded with on a daily basis and keeps you focused on the job at hand which is to keep investing, not falling for market timing traps, diversifying, not getting shaken out of the market when it tumbles and just creating a solid, ever growing passive income stream.
Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your November dividend income? Please let me know below.
Disclosure: Long all above
Congrats on a solid month Keith! 21.7% YOY increase is pretty fantastic! Are you considering buying more T and ABBV?
Hi Tawcan,
Thank you for your kind words. I still like T and ABBV a lot going forward. That being said, I have more room to add to my T at current levels before adding to my ABBV. If ABBV started drifting towards $80 or below I’ll probably nibble.
Congrats on another solid month! $21.7% YOY growth is very impressive starting from that $682 dividend base that you had in November 2017.
Hi Kody,
Thank you for your continued support. November was a solid showing by any measure. Just goes to show what consistent buying, reinvesting and dividend increases can do for a portfolio… even while holding a stinker or two like GE.
nice keith.
great yr over yr growth and a solid income to boot.
love seeing those canadian banks in there as well
keep it up
Hi Passivecanadianincome,
Canadian banks keep working their magic, even though they have stumbled a bit as of late. Nothing goes up forever. As always I appreciate your comment.
Great month Keith, and really nice growth particularly at those income levels! It’s hard not to like that. Looks like we share 8 holdings across your accounts. Keep putting that capital to work!
Hi DD,
Always nice to see some common names paying us both last month. It’s all about building up that passive income stream with each buy, each share, each dollar put to work. I’m looking forward to seeing how 2018 closes out. Thank you for commenting.
Terrific month! That growth looks amazing, because your November 2017 passive income was already great. AbbVie’s most recent dividend increase (11,5 %) must feel nice when you own 150 shares!
Keep up the good work!
Hi DD,
That ABBV boost will definitely help offset some of my stinkers like GE. It’s all about staying diversified so no one stock or two can sink your passive income stream. Let’s keep it going in 2019!
Nice to see you crushed all YoY growth goals in all the seperate portfolios. Great job and keep doing what you’re doing DH!
Hi DI,
As always I appreciate your comment and continued support. Looking forward to finishing 2018 on a strong note and start building up my 2019 investments.
I can only confirm what you said at the beginning. Reading the monthy dividend reports is a huge motivation to stick to this strategy. It’s a confirmation how well DGI works. Your Novemer report is another proof for that. Keep it up.
Hi Snugfortune,
Thank you for those kind words. DGI is a marathon investment strategy. Most do not have the patience to see it fully through or panic and jump ship when things turn ugly. To me, DGI is such a simple way to accumulate wealth and generate a passive income stream. It’s very much hands on as it is a hands off approach to investing. I appreciate your comment.
Congrats on all those dividends! Over $800 for November is a big total and that 20%+ YoY growth is fantastic.
Hi JC,
Thank you for your continued support. I was quite pleased with my November totals. Here’s to a strong 2018 finish!
Nice YoY increase.
As you mention, your progress is great evidence of a successful strategy that you’ve been managing.
Congrats on the continued growth.
Hi BD,
The proof is in our collective dividend pudding. Why there are so many detractors to dividend growth investing is beyond me. Over time, everyone can create an ever growing passive income stream. Numbers (dollars) don’t lie. It’s real cash being returned to patient long term investors.
Great results. You can definitely see the results over time. Awesome increase in YOY. I had an excellent month and results should be posted soon. Keep it up.
Doug recently posted…NOV 2018 Buys
Hi Doug,
I’m sure the compounding effects are starting to take foot as I have been doing this for about a decade. Of course, adding fresh capital really helps move the needle a lot too. Let’s keep on truckin’ till we reach our goals.
Nice YoY gains. There many names you’ve listed above that I look forward to owning one day such as HRL and CL.
I recently added to GIS when the current div yield crossed 5%. Although it frozen for the moment, yet safe, I find it worthwhile to collect the 5% until the desired debt levels are reached and they then resume with increasing the dividend along with sales and earnings.
Passive Income Vortex recently posted…Recent Buy – Broadcom Inc (AVGO) and General Mills Inc (GIS)
Nice pick up of GIS with that juicy yield. I know many are sour on the entire sector with many food staples in the dumps but sometimes you have a risk/reward scenario that flashes a buy signal. I’m still long my GIS, HRL and the like. As always, I appreciate your comment.
Over 21% YoY growth is tremendous, DivHut. You’ve got all 3 accounts growing nicely.
That ABBV dividend really stands out, although the one from TD is quite hefty as well.
I share 5 stocks with you this month. One I see that would be nice to add to my portfolio one day is CAT. I’ll have to wait for a choice opportunity and then pounce. ?
Let’s finish 2018 on a strong note.
Engineering Dividends recently posted…Monthly Dividend Income (Nov. 2018)
Hi ED,
CAT has been a great long term hold. There never seems to be a “good” time to buy that stock as many analysts are sour on that stock/company during good times and bad. When it comes back down a bit and it’s sporting a juicier yield you should consider it. Look forward to our strongest dividend month yet!
Hi Keith,
the YoY increase is just amazing given your already high monthly dividend income. I am already looking to reaching also such numbers 🙂
Keep up the good work!
Div.Income recently posted…Recent Investments December 2018
Hi DI,
No complaints from me. I was quite happy with my November totals. Long term consistency pays off and not getting shaken out the market too when things turn ugly helps as well. Thank you for commenting.
DH –
WHOA! That CAT dividend is massive and ABBV is huge too. So crazy. Congrats DH, BIG inspiration.
Hi DD,
I have some positions that are quite large in my portfolio. For now, I’ll be keeping my winners and my stinkers too though I am considering shuttling my GE and other stocks I received from spin offs to “streamline” my account a bit. We’ll see.
Hey Divhut, nice month increase to dividends. It goes to show how persistence pays off. Next year you will be in the over 1000 dollar club. Good job.
EL recently posted…6 Creative Ways to Save and Eventually Replace Income
Hi EL,
Persistence and consistency. Moving forward into 2019 it will be more of the same. Buy each month, reinvest and enjoy those dividend hikes when they come. Thank you for commenting.