These are the posts that are the central reason we are part of the dividend growth community: Dividend income. November was another great month of passive income “earned” as I continue to build upon my snowball via annual dividends received. A couple months ago I reported how I exceeded $2,000 in dividend income for the year and last month I was excited to announce that I have exceeded my 2013 dividend income.
November also brought my first dividend payments in two relatively new positions in my ROTH account receiving payments from The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and Royal Bank of Canada (RY).
My year to date dividends from my brokerage account is $2,159.84 and from my ROTH account $408.24.
Are any of the names below in your portfolio too? How was your November dividend income?
Brokerage Account
Year to date dividends: $2,159.84
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
11/03/2014 | DIVIDEND:GIS | GIS | $28.74 |
11/07/2014 | DIVIDEND:YUM | YUM | $23.02 |
11/10/2014 | DIVIDEND:APD | APD | $29.44 |
11/14/2014 | DIVIDEND:CLX | CLX | $9.75 |
11/14/2014 | DIVIDEND:CL | CL | $6.07 |
11/17/2014 | DIVIDEND:ABT | ABT | $11.83 |
11/17/2014 | DIVIDEND:ABBV | ABBV | $36.44 |
11/17/2014 | DIVIDEND:PG | PG | $11.41 |
11/20/2014 | DIVIDEND:CAT | CAT | $41.45 |
Total: $198.15 |
ROTH Account
Year to date dividends: $408.24
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
11/03/2014 | DIVIDEND:TD | TD | $7.02 |
11/07/2014 | DIVIDEND:YUM | YUM | $6.74 |
11/17/2014 | DIVIDEND:PG | PG | $6.79 |
11/20/2014 | DIVIDEND:CAT | CAT | $11.80 |
11/25/2014 | DIVIDEND:RY | RY | $7.89 |
Total: $40.24 |
Disclosure: Long all above
Nice totals there for the off month. I didn’t share in those numbers, but its still nice to see someone doing good. Next month should be a strong closing month to the year.
– Gremlin
Hi DG,
I was happy with my November totals to say the least. I am happy to see the growth just going from quarter to quarter. End of quarter results are always the happiest months for dividend growth investors. I am curious to see how 2014 will close out exactly. Thank you for commenting.
Very, very solid month right there. Almost $200 you didn’t have to go out and work for. Life is pretty good. 🙂
Keep it up. Congrats on exceeding your goal. December will be all gravy!
Best regards.
Dividend Mantra recently posted…Dividend Income Update – November 2014
Hi DM,
In terms of passive income, heck yeah I’ll take $200. Between my taxable and ROTH account I can envision a day when both dividends can go into my pocket once I reach that magical “retirement distribution age.” Of course, who knows how Congress may tamper with current rules. In any case, November was a great month and I’m looking forward to a solid December. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Looking good! I recently added YUM to my watch list so cool to see it in your stock stable. Not really interested at these levels but a nice drop might change my attitude 🙂
Onward and upward!
Dividends with Children recently posted…Catching Up: Recent Buys, Black Friday and a Milestone
Hi DwC,
YUM is one of my longer term holdings. There are many awesome names I’d love to add to but not at current levels. YUM is one of them and so is VFC and BDX to name a few. The market has a experienced a real run up going into the end of the year and it seems that the new bargains are in commodities where everyone is jumping into the oil patch. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Looking like another great month, DivHut. Enjoy those dividends and keep it up!
Roadmap2Retire recently posted…Recent Buy
Hi R2R,
Thank you for the kind words. With all of the ups and downs in life I can tell you with certainty that I always look forward towards the beginning of each month and tallying up my dividend income results. I think it is a pleasure that every dividend blogger/investor shares. Thank you for stopping by.
Hey DivHut,
Congrats on yet another solid month of dividends. $2,500 for the year is very impressive. Are you expecting a good return in December? It looks like $3k will be in the bag next year too.
Keep up the good work!
Huw recently posted…Net Worth & Freedom Fund – November 2014
Hi Huw,
Thanks for the kind words. December should be one of the bigger months as the end of quarters are always larger. Between new investments, dividend reinvestment and hopefully some nice dividend increases I’d like to surpass $3k by far. Of course, time will tell how 2015 shakes out. For now, let’s enjoy the end of the year and look forward to next. Thank you for commenting.
The dividends keep on rolling in. Keep up the great work!
Henry @ Living At Home recently posted…Book Notes – How To Become A Great Boss
Thanks for the encouragement. I’m happy with the progress for 2014. Look forward to a solid finish for the year and we’ll see what’s in store for ’15. Thanks for stopping by.
PG and TD for me, except I received my TD dividend in October…interesting 🙂 Right around $275 in dividends in my taxable account and just under $500 in my 401k; I’m giving myself kudos considering that I switched over to a DGI model just 4 months ago.
Hi DH,
Not sure why your TD came in October and mine in November. My TD is in a ROTH account. Perhaps that makes a difference? Congrats on your dividend income progress as well. I’m a full fan of the DGI model and won’t even consider a stock that doesn’t pay me to wait. Thank you for sharing your passive income and for stopping by.
Mine’s in my rollover IRA. Maybe it’s the broker? Who knows. Either way I’m looking forward to more dividends from them.
100% behind the DGI model, even have my son invested in four solid payers: F, TGT, UG, and BMS
Eventually I’ll get around to starting my blog and I can share even more. Thanks.
Hi DH,
Look forward to seeing your blog set up. I know many people comment but do not have blogs of their own. I like to follow other buys and portfolios to see how similar or different it is from my own. Happy to hear you got your son on board the DGI game too. I also have BMS in my portfolio and might be adding more. It has run up a lot in recent months but that dividend history is pretty solid.
Great job! It is always nice to reach a goal and pass it. I like checking out everyone’s passive income updates. Real motivation!!
Thank you for the kind words. These are the best posts to read and write if you are a dividend income investor. I am like you and receive much inspiration from other bloggers sharing their journey no matter where they are on the path to FI. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Congratulations on a strong month DivHut. Always feels good to see that cash hit the account and see the actual growth as time goes on. While the only position we currently share is YUM, I’m sure we will overlap of a few more of them as time goes on and opportunities to invest present themselves.
Thanks for sharing your November dividends.
writing2reality recently posted…Trades – International Business Machines (IBM) Purchase
HI w2r,
Thank you for the continued encouragement. Watching dividends hit my account is like a gift that keeps on giving. It’s amazing that I get excited seeing relatively small amounts hit my account. Who knew watching $7.00 come in could be that exciting? I think every DGI blogger knows that feeling of satisfaction as passive income is “earned.” As always, I appreciate your comment and sharing your common holdings too.
It is always great to receive passive dividend income and hardly have to do any work for it as times goes on. An better yet it increases over time at a quick rate, especially for a dividend growth stock. I read recently Disney increased their dividend by 34% recently, for example.
Hi IP,
I think every dividend investor counts on buying solid, amazing companies that are able to increase their dividends each year. Imagine when you own a stock that can increase their dividends for many years at a double digit rate? You’d be pretty happy. Passive income is our “investing pursuit” and I have to agree with you that it is truly great when those dividends roll into your account. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Looking great DivHut. We got a nice boost from RY dividend in Nov. Very happy about that.
Tawcan recently posted…On the road again – December dividend stock considerations
Hi Tawcan,
Always appreciate a nice boost from any dividend stock I own. This was my first RY dividend received and I was pretty excited to see it. Thank you for commenting.
Great job! Nice to see the passive income it is real motivation!!
As we all know passive dividend income is a real measurable form of progress that is easily quantifiable. It’s easy to get motivation when watching your dividend income rise. Thanks for commenting.
Congrats on a great month. We share a few stocks between our portfolio and I would like to initiate positions in a couple more. I still haven’t compiled the numbers for my November dividends, but hoping that I am on target to meet my goal for the year.
Dividend Growth Journey recently posted…Sharebuilder Purchase – 12/2/2014
Thanks for the continued support. I think I’m pretty content with my portfolio for now and probably won’t add any new positions myself. To tell you the truth I feel that my portfolio has expanded a little too much in recent years. Four new companies have been added via spin off and I recently added four new positions as well. All this without any energy exposure that I would like to add one day too. Look forward to your dividend progress and goal. Thank you for commenting.
Solid month! That’s a pretty good-looking group of companies. Of that list, I’ve only got YUM in my portfolio, though I’d love to initiate positions in many of the others.
I think most dividend investors are excited for December. End of the quarter is always a big month!
Seraph recently posted…Disney Announces Dividend Increase
Hi Seraph,
The end of quarters are always the biggest for dividend investors. I look forward to seeing how I finish the year as I’m sure you are too regarding passive income earned. Happy to share YUM dividends with you last month. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Great month DivHut! You had some great companies paying out in November, many that I wish I owned. Over 2500 in dividend income for the year is very impressive! Congrats and I look forward to seeing how you close out the year.
Special Agent Dividend recently posted…New Stock Purchase – Not BBL this time
Thanks for the continued support. 2014 has been a good year for dividend income as I invested more heavily than in 2013. Of course, dividend increases along the way and the magic of compounding doesn’t hurt either. Those are the key reasons we all love dividend growth investing. Thank you for stopping by and commenting and I look forward to your year end update as well.
Dividend income for November is looking good bud! Congrats on smashing your $2000 goal.
Also it appears we both hold TD, nice to be a fellow shareholder with you partner 😉
Hi DD,
October was the go to month for breaking 2013 dividend income records. November just added dividend gravy to my portfolio. Happy to be a fellow shareholder in TD with you. Look forward to a strong 2014 finish and new goals set for 2015. Thank you for stopping by.
That is just a real solid month there, and looks like you are cruising past 2013 and waving good bye! I bet you are pumped for December, as I am sure you will reach closer and closer to $3K for the year (I am guessing you are going to cross it!).
Great names in there as well – those Canadian banks are looking fairly attractive after the market downslide the last few days, may increase my position in CM, we shall see. Great work!
Dividend Diplomats recently posted…Bert & Lanny’s Dividend Income Summary November
Hi DD,
I’m curious to see how fast I’ll break previous years’ dividend income going forward. It would be awesome to break a whole year of dividend income in January. I’m still a way from that goal but I’m sure one day it will come. I’ll see how 2014 finishes as a final tally before I can estimate a 2015 goal.
The Canadian banks are still on my radar going forward. CM has been on my watch list for a few months but I most likely will stick to the three I already own. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Congrats for crossing $2K. Keep it coming 🙂
Best wishes.
Passive Income Mavericks recently posted…Dividend Income Update – November 2014
Thanks for the continued support. Glad to see your dividend progress as well.
Hi DivHut,
Congrats on earning over $200 in a relatively quiet month – I’m looking forward to seeing your December results!
I like your stock selection – I’m a fellow shareholder in PG, GIS, CLX & APD.
Best wishes,
Dividend Life recently posted…UK Dividend Champions – December 2014
Hi DL,
Thank you for your support. As you can see from my portfolio I own many defensive names and who says you can’t build a nice passive income stream from relatively low yielding names instead of the high yield REITs or MLPs many of the dividend growth bloggers are very fond of. Happy to be a fellow shareholder in several of the names listed. It will be interesting to see my exact final total for 2014. Thank you for stopping by.
Keep on growing your snowball! Making money without exchanging your time for it is truly empowering, because having a source of passive income gives you options. Those who rely 100% on earned income via a job have fewer options in life than those with additional sources of (preferably passive) income. And as your snowball grows to $300, $400, $500, and more every month your options will grow as well. Keep it up!
Hi DQ,
Thank you for the encouraging words and support. Your comment really drives home the point about the importance of building a passive income stream other than earned income and at first glance those on the outside might think to themselves, “big deal what’s $300, $400 or $500 extra a month,” but I know and you know it’s what that passive income represents and the fact that it continually grows. Happy to be on the same journey as you. Thank you for commenting.
Well done on a great month – looks like you’ll be ending 2014 on a high! 🙂
weenie recently posted…Saving on my Mobile Phone Contract
Hi weenie,
Thank you for the continued support. I guess the purchases made earlier in the year started to really kick in towards the final quarter. Looking forward to seeing how I’ll finish 2014 and make plans for 2015. Happy you stopped by and commented.
Very nice DivHut! $240 in a month is awesome 🙂 One of these days I’ll catch up.
Dividend Wisp recently posted…The TFSA and Why I Use It
Hi DW,
November was a good month considering that it is not one of the big end of quarter months. Be happy with your progress too. It’s all about building brick by brick dividend by dividend. As long as you add fresh capital, don’t chase yield and focus on the “boring” high quality names, continue to get dividend raises and let the power of time and compounding take hold your future self will be a happy camper. Thanks for commenting.
Congratulations on $240 dividend income for November very impressive. Even more impressive since November is not a particularly strong month for dividend income. Have been enjoying watching your progress so far.
Keep up the great work.
Thank you for the kind, encouraging words. Tracking my progress as well as following others continues to give me inspiration on this endeavor. I was happy to see my November results coming in as strong as they did. My ROTH account has been picking up some of the dividend slack as new companies have been added to the account in recent months and the first dividends are starting to roll in. Looking forward to seeing its full year impact in late 2015. Glad you are enjoying the site and following the progress. I appreciate you taking the time to comment as well.