Dividend Income Update February 2020

It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my dividend income portfolios.

Without rehashing the wild ride we experienced in the market last few weeks, I could find comfort in one thing, my dividends (even if dividend cuts are very much on the table these days). As we all know, the market may move up and down irrationally and seemingly on a whim while our dividends remain much more stable, reliable and predictable. Sure, dividends may not increase every year and a cut or elimination is even possible but the odds are greatly reduced when you diversify among different companies and sectors and focus on dividend quality (free cash flow, EPS, debt, payout ratios and these days cash on hand). Keep in mind these days there are no shortages of accidental high yielding stocks but look at real cash on hand when viewing balance sheets. With that being said, let’s take a look at my February 2020 dividend totals.

Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $612.34 up from $446.50 an increase of 37.1% from February of last year.

Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $253.91 down from $258.35 a decrease of -1.7% from this time last year.

Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $139.07 down from $179.92 from this time last year, a decrease of -22.7%.

Grand total for the month of February dividends: $1,005.32 an increase of 13.6% from February 2019.

Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: $1,226.48

02/03/2020TA T & T INC$34.32
02/03/2020GISGENERAL MILLS INC$118.58
02/10/2020APDAIR PROD & CHEMICALS$47.56
02/14/2020ABBVABBVIE INC$239.54
02/14/2020CLXCLOROX CO$18.02
02/18/2020HRLHORMEL FOODS CORP$20.00
02/18/2020PGPROCTER & GAMBLE$20.89
02/20/2020CATCATERPILLAR INC$77.25
Total: $612.34

ROTH Account

Year to date dividends: $544.99

02/03/2020GISGENERAL MILLS INC$27.93
02/14/2020ABBVABBVIE INC$75.54
02/18/2020PGPROCTER & GAMBLE$8.20
02/20/2020CATCATERPILLAR INC$66.95
02/24/2020RYROYAL BANK OF CANADA F$70.33
Total: $253.91

IRA Account

Year to date dividends: $208.98

Total: $139.07

Double digit year over year gains… I’ll take it happily. The portfolio is doing what it’s supposed to be doing… throwing out cash and reinvesting. No big concerns with these numbers as the decreases in income from a couple of my accounts resulted from sales I made last year as I shuttled spin off stocks from my portfolio.

I hope your February totals brought some comfort to you during these turbulent times. I feel there is still more downside in the market as unemployment figures and company earnings start to shed some light on real lost business. In the meantime I will do more of the same… make monthly buys like I always have been doing (I added about $2,400 fresh capital in March), reinvest and enjoy those dividend raises when they come. That’s it.

Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your February dividend income? Please let me know below.

Disclosure: Long all above

18 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update February 2020”

  1. DHut,

    Nice YoY. The market certainly has been crazy, and there definitely are cuts on the table. Question is, do we treat this like a recession / depression as part of the economic cycle or as something that is part of the cycle with an extraordinary side story? Time will tell. Its easier to make money being lazy and getting dividends though, as opposed to worrying too hard about it and panic selling!

    – Gremlin
    Dividend Gremlin recently posted…February Review, March Preview 2020My Profile

    • Hi DG,

      Exactly. Time will tell. This story is still unfolding. Are we going through some big time economic cycle or is there something else more sinister brewing? End of cash, end of Fed, end of dollar, new reserve currency, crypto, depression, inflation… who knows? I just stay in the game.

    • Hi MDD,

      Always appreciate the comment. I say it every month. I make my monthly buys no matter what the headlines read nor what is going on in the world. Really, what else can you do? For me, for better or worse, I’m staying in the game. The way I see it is if this really is the end of the world then I and everyone on the planet will have bigger issues than investing and collecting dividends.

    • Hi DD,

      Thanks for continuing to inspire us all on your end too. I’m already looking forward to making my April buys. This is one nasty market but at least we’re staying in the game.

  2. I had my best February ever since it was my first February earning dividends. Thanks to blogs like yours for the motivation and inspiration. Energy Transfer (ET) was my biggest contributor with $15.86 in dividend payments. My portfolio does not have any overlap with your February dividend payers. I’d love to be in a lot of the companies you are in, and what a time with so many great buying opportunities at the moment. Trying to keep focused, take advantage of the opportunity, while not deviating from my strategy. Thanks for sharing!
    – Marcus
    Dividend Brothers recently posted…Fear and Greed in a PandemicMy Profile

    • Hi DB,

      Congrats on achieving your best February ever. I know it’s a great feeling especially during these tough times knowing that cash is rolling into your account. While many people are being let go from their jobs and their incomes go to zero it’s nice to know that dividends can at least pad our coffers somewhat. This is why we invest.

  3. Hey Keith,

    As you mention, the important thing is to appropriately diversified among the top quality dividend growth names. We will each inevitably feel the sting through a few suspensions, cuts, or failure-to-riase situations, but overall we should continue to find our incomes growing year over year.

    Take care,
    Get Rich Brothers recently posted…February 2020 Portfolio UpdateMy Profile

    • Hi GRB,

      I’m not looking forward to the many announcements coming this year about dividend cuts or suspensions. I’m thinking the safest bet is going for very cash rich companies like AAPL or MSFT to name a couple. However, there are so many other stalwarts out there that are vying for my April attention.

      • Yeah, MSFT is high on my list of companies I’d love to continue averaging down into. Their cloud business has been impressing me, and that’s just one segment of their enterprise.

        Great news on the Canadian banks front in terms of the TD and CM CEOs coming out and saying they have no plans to change their dividend policies. Just word, mind you, but I actually believe them in this case.


  4. That’s the way to drive past the $1K mark for the month, DivHut… and on solid YoY growth no less.
    I share 6 dividend payers with you this month, one of which is SBUX. I see SBUX is one of your smaller dividend payers, Have you been eyeballing a SBUX addition during the recent decline? Or are you inclined to wait and see the magnitude of the recent impact on their business? If I’m not mistaken, they pulled back all the way to $50!
    Engineering Dividends recently posted…Portfolio Thoughts (Mar. 2020)My Profile

  5. Nice Keith

    Another solid month of dividends. General mills is one I debated cutting for its lack of dividend growth but it has held up very well during all this turmoil. So Im going to keep it lol.

    Jealous of that Cat and APD position. 2 stocks Id love to acquire soon enough. I have a feeling cat will be a steal in the next 2 quarters.

    Keep it up, always love the reports
    Passivecanadianincome recently posted…March 2020 Passive Income Report – $1,252.63‬My Profile

    • Hi Passivecanadianincome,

      Once all the earnings are finally released we’ll see the extent of the damage. I don’t believe anything is baked into the price yet. We all know earnings will be terrible across the board but stocks are always headline driven. We’ll see more carnage and as you said about CAT we’ll get some real steals in three to six months.


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