Back home, after logging about 2,500 miles over the last four weeks or so and it was great. This was a much needed family time road trip that had its share of ups and downs, but mostly ups. Of course, a large part of our trip was making sure baby DivHut was enjoying the ride as much as Mrs. DivHut and I were. If he was happy, we were happy. We saw a ton of amazing things on the road as we wound our way up the California coast into Oregon and Washington. For those who are familiar with that part of the country, we stayed mostly on the 1 and 101 northbound as we wound our way through some amazing forest and beach scenery. Some points of interest that we stopped along the way included Morro Bay, Pismo, Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur, 17-Mile Drive and S.F. up towards Eureka then Crescent City and southern Oregon. From there passing through Coos Bay visiting Tillamook and sampling some cheese and ice cream too and crossing the Columbia River at Astoria making our way towards Olympia and Seattle. Seattle was our final destination and we enjoyed our time up there a lot. There is a lot to see and visit in the Seattle area and it ranks as one of my favorite U.S. cities to visit. A few days before we left, the city was celebrating an annual festival called Seafair where they have high speed boat races on Lake Washington and the Blue Angels fly around performing stunts too. I have to say it was quite fun to watch those crazy fast boats flying on the water. Of course, as fast as we arrived, it was time to leave. Time sure does fly by when you are having fun.
Heading south we took interstate 5 almost all the way down which was scenic as we were following the Cascade Range and had amazing views of several prominent volcanoes, like Mt. Ranier, Mt. St. Helen’s, Mt. Hood, Mt. Shasta and Lassen Peak. Crossing into Oregon, we visited Portland, the Columbia River Gorge and Multnomah Falls. Continuing south off interstate 5 we visited and spent a whole day at Crater Lake National Park. If it were up to me I’d spend two or three days there just hiking around the crater and spending time on the lake. For those who are not familiar, Crater Lake is basically a collapsed volcano that has filled its caldera with nothing but rainwater and snow. There are no rivers or streams flowing into nor out of the lake which makes it one of the deepest and clearest waters anywhere on Earth. It’s so deep and clear that when light hits the water all colors, except blue are absorbed by the deep water which gives it its unreal color. I have never seen water that blue anywhere else. Needless to say, it was a great day.
From Crater Lake, it was another couple nights in California along interstate 5 before we headed home. In all, we were on the road 26 days and covered exactly 2,537 miles. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to spend time with my family and share this travel experience with them. Of course, sometimes while driving on those long, straight stretches of road I was reminded of my dividend paying stocks and how they continued to pay me over those 26 days no matter where I was. It’s this passive nature of dividend income that we all seek. Whether at work, at play or somewhere in between, those dividends keep rolling in.
How has your summer been coming along? Please let me know below.
Sounds like you had a great trip! I love that drive down the I5, so much great country to see.
“I was reminded of my dividend paying stocks and how they continued to pay me over those 26 days no matter where I was” How true. Dividend are money working for you, they never sleep!
DiviCents recently posted…July Savings
Hi DC,
Our road trip was a definite family bonding experience. While that was one aspect I loved very much about our trip, the other, of course, was the great scenery along the way. There really is a lot of “great country to see.” As you know, the other fun part was knowing that my dividends continued to flow in even though I wasn’t really watching what was going on in the market most of the time. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Fantastic DH! I’ve never done that trip, and I’m sure this was an ideal time of year to do it. We’re out on a month long road trip right now, as well. Glad to hear your little one travels well. If the Little Man didn’t travel well, we would have nearly as many memories/experiences. Here’s to safe and healthy travel. Have a great weekend 🙂
Income Surfer recently posted…One Week In
Hi IS,
I think the summer is the best time for any drive. The days are long, no chance of road closures for snow and the temperature, at least driving along the coast, is very, very mild. We took out baby DivHut in the car very early on and I would shuttle him around with me during the day for errands etc. We took several shorter weekend trips in the desert with him so I think he’s very used to sitting in his car seat and already knows it means we’re going somewhere. Keep creating those family memories too. You are giving your family unit a solid “togetherness foundation.” Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Sounds awesome and I can’t wait to make the drive on the west coast in the future. Hopefully one summer once the baby and/or future kids are a bit older.
JC recently posted…Trouble Ahead For Kimberly-Clark Investors?
Hi JC,
The entire west coast is super scenic and I fully recommend driving it at least once. There really is so much to see and visit. You might want to consider a road trip with a relatively young baby. I think it’s easier. For the most part they just sleep as long as the car is in motion. As they get older they want to run around more and entertaining becomes a necessity for sanity 🙂 As always, I appreciate your comment.
Hey Keith, I’m glad you and your family had an awesome trip! In a very beautiful place too – that’s awesome. I think one day we’ll probably do a similar thing that you did, probably won’t until we’re financially independent though.
Our winter is coming to an end thankfully, the days are getting longer and warmer. Sorry to say that I’m enjoying August ending 🙂
Dividends Down Under recently posted…Share Purchase: Rural Farm Funds (ASX:RFF)
It was a great trip and I know we have created many awesome family memories too. As I kind of hinted in the post, there were ups and downs during our journey, mostly because of teeth coming in for baby DivHut. On teething days he was miserable. Luckily, this last teething spurt was quick. In all, I would definitely do it all over again. Perhaps travel in another direction. Our northern hemisphere days are slowly getting shorter while yours are getting longer. The never ending seasonal cycle. Thank you for commenting.
Having vacations as a family together is great. It builds super connections that make you closer as a family.
Part of the trip you did, was part of our honeymoon as weel. One day, I hope to redo this trip with our kids. The scenery is really nice. We liked it a lot.
We adjusted our holiday a little due to the bad weather. No regrets, just other experiences. For next summer, we will look into a road trip as a family.
ambertree recently posted…Does semi Financial Independence exists?
Hi ambertree,
I totally agree with you about the benefits of family vacations. It seems like we are so busy and into our individual lives during most of the year that having quality time together is a great bonding and needed experience. I’m happy to hear that you already visited some of the areas I have seen and want to redo the trip. There is a lot to see in the Pacific northwest. Enjoy the rest of your summer. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Sounds like quite a trip, DivHut. I have explored a bit of California from my multiple visits over the years, but never driven the PCH or other highways to go up and down the coast. Sounds like you had a great vacation…thanks for sharing
Roadmap2Retire recently posted…Chatter Around the World – 157
Hi R2R,
Our family really enjoyed the trip a lot. Driving on the 1 or 101 is definitely slower than the 5 but it gives you a totally different driving and scenic experience. Driving long distances is always fun when you can take your time and explore new areas along the way. It was a great family bonding time too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
That trip sounds incredible. I will definitely have to pick your brain in an email or something as my wife and I plan our trip in the region next year. I’m not too familiar with the Crater Lake park or the story behind it, but it sounds beautiful. I cannot wait to drive along the coast and experience some of what you saw. And it sounds like you had some quality bonding time with Mrs. Divhut and Baby Divhut over the four week stretch.
Looking forward to hearing more about the story. Thank you so much for sharing.
Dividend Diplomats recently posted…July Dividend Income from YOU the Bloggers!
Hi DD,
Feel free to email me whenever you want some information about where we have driven and stopped. There is so much to see right here in the U.S. and visiting that part of the country should definitely be on anyone’s list. Crater Lake was a very interesting place to experience. Driving the rim of a volcano, hiking in the area and seeing that amazing clear blue water was memorable to say the least. Bottom line, it was a great road trip as I got to see a new section of the country and shared that experience with my family. Thank you for commenting.
I have never visited extensively the west side of the United States. My friends recently visited Portland, Oregon and absolutely loved it and the climate is absolutely beautiful there. Can’t wait till I gain my vacation days hehehe.
My summer’s been pretty busy with working on my blog and finally starting to work. It’s been fantastic but definitely was a challenge getting accustomed to the busy schedule!
Finance Solver recently posted…July 2016 Second Month Blog Report
Hi FS,
Portland is a great city. Not big at all, scenic along the river and nearby forests with a huge coffee and beer culture among other things too. I mentioned the climate was amazing for the summertime. Seems like the whole country is baking while the Pacific northwest remains cool. Good to to hear that you are keeping busy this summer with work and your blog. Better than being idle, that’s for sure. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Welcome back and it sounds like you had a great trip! I’m sure Baby DivHut appreciates the getaway, even if he can’t express it yet. I’ve never been to that part of the country but it sounds peaceful and serene. I’ve never even heard of Crater Lake.
ARB–Angry Retail Banker
ARB recently posted…Follow Up On My Previous Article: The Guy Came Back!
In all, I have to say that baby DivHut was fine most of the trip. I think we are lucky that he seems to be a good traveler. One thing I enjoyed about the trip besides the amazing scenery, was that mild, cool, crisp, clear air. Being along the coast and then inland through the forests gave me a new appreciation for really clean air. I had to laugh a bit at your comment when I read the words ‘peaceful and serene’ and thought to myself that perhaps an ‘angry’ banker needs a bit of peaceful and serene country to take so-me of that edge off 🙂 As always, I appreciate your comment.
Sweet trip, we have been in the same neck of the woods a couple of time. Great holiday/road trip destinations! Glad you enjoyed it.
Team CF recently posted…July 2016 Cheesy Index (and asset allocations)
The west coast of the U.S. is a very scenic place with many places to stop along the way and visit as you already know. I’m happy to hear that you had the chance to explore the same area as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Man, that sounds like a great trip. I really want to see all of those places out that way. In fact, its my goal to do a cross country road trip one day. My summer vacation was pretty cool too, about to put that one up!
Thanks for sharing,
Dividend Gremlin recently posted…July Review / August Preview, 2016
Hi DG,
The Pacific northwest is a definite part of the country that should not be missed. I have never done a cross country trip either though I’d like to as well. Of course, baby DivHut should be significantly older for a long trip like that. In time. Glad to hear you have been enjoying your summer. As always, I appreciate your comment.
Welcome home! Gotta play as hard as those dividends are working! Sounds like a fantastic road trip. 🙂
Hi Jeff,
Thank you for the welcome home. We can’t forget that life is a lot more than just increasing our dividend income. In all, it was a great trip. Thank you for commenting.
Man everyone is doing road trips except me!! Well I guess I recently did a road trip moving from TX to Indy but that doesnt really count. I love oregon and have snow boarded Mt Hood which was amazing.
Glad you enjoyed it. Live it up!
Alexander @ Cash Flow Diaries recently posted…How I Saved Over $14,000 Selling My House via For Sale By Owner – NO REALTORS!
Time to hop in a car and explore your new surroundings. Mt. Hood looks like an amazing place to ski. A lot of those Cascade mountains just look incredible. Life is more than collecting dividends, right? Thank you for commenting.
Sounds like an amazing experience and you can one day tell baby DivHut about it. I’ve never been to Oregon or Washington, but they have always been on my list! Although much more expensive as I live on the east coast =p. You had a great time while your dividends kept paying you. I wish everyone could appreciate how great that really is!
The Dividend Mogul recently posted…July Dividend Income
It was a great trip with a lot of quality family time. I highly recommend a visit to the Pacific northwest if you are on the west coast. The scenery, fresh, crisp air and more will make it very worthwhile. We have been getting baby DivHut used to being in the car quite a bit over the summer. We took a shorter trip before this big road trip to spend some time in the desert. As any dividend investor knows, we get paid, at work, at play, awake or asleep. The beauty of a passive income stream. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
I love roadtrips, you have so much freedom, and you’d get to see a lot more than just to take a 4 hours of flight time and all you get is cramp space with some cloud… hehe. The children would learn a lot more too from roadtrips. I love it, some of my best memories were traveling with my parents to see grandma.
Hi Vivianne,
Road trips definitely give you a different perspective as travel time takes a lot longer than gong by air but you get to see a whole lot more. For me, I enjoyed seeing new places and sharing that time with my family. We all have such busy lives week in and week out, it’s nice when you can set aside some personal family time every now and then. Thank you for commenting.
It is great to get away and refresh the mind. 23 days is awesome good for you. I looked up the pictures of crater park, and your right it is really blue. Next time post a picture with the post so we can get a glimpse. Good luck with your august dividend windfall.
EL @ Moneywatch101 recently posted…Giving Money is Gratitude Multiplied by Happiness
Hi EL,
This road trip was much needed. I always say that during the year we are always so busy with work, raising a child and whatever else comes up so if a chance arises to break free from the routine why not take it. In all, we spent 26 days together on the road and it was a great family bonding experience. If you ever get a chance to visit Crater Lake, I highly recommend you take it. Thank you for commenting.
Be safe on the road, with or without your BFFs. Do not let strangers know you are traveling alone—If people know you are traveling alone, you may be considered an “easy target.” Stop at places that are busy and well-lit and always look for locations that have other people around. Stay safe! 🙂