Recent Stock Purchase II January 2019

It’s been a few months since I last made two purchases in a month but here we are in January and I just couldn’t resist nibbling on some more discounted stock… that seems to be discounting on a daily basis which just goes to show that no one can ever buy at a true bottom nor sell at a true top. All you can do is look for good value, discounted prices, enough free cash to keep a dividend rolling into your account, make sure no single position becomes too large in your portfolio and diversify. Those general rules can help mitigate against any of those nasty dividend cuts, or worse, elimination. With that being said:

I have added to my taxable account 22 shares at $44.82 for a total investment of $986.04 in Altria Group, Inc. (MO). With this recent purchase my taxable account holdings in MO now totals 56.5462 shares with a market value of $2,410.57. I also hold 27 shares of MO in my ROTH account with a market value of $1,151.01.

If you have been following my blog for the last few months you already know that MO has been on my mind. I recently added this stock to my ROTH and not too long ago started a position in my taxable account as well. I know MO is a stock that people love to hate and hate to love but there comes a point when the numbers make it too irresistible to nibble. I know I’m not alone regarding investors out there who love to pounce on out of favor stocks. These days, while many names are offering us some compelling value, MO looks like a good choice for those with a longer term horizon.

What do you think about my recent buy? Are you looking at MO this month as well? What are you buying? Please let me know below.

Disclosure: Long MO

22 thoughts on “Recent Stock Purchase II January 2019”

    • Hi Passivecanadianincome,

      That’s probably why almost every DGI blogger has been adding to their holdings. I still like it under $50. It may be my February buy as well.

  1. Love the buy, and I just added 35 shares to my position today as I couldn’t resist the declining price. Right now it seems a lot of people are really down on them, but that doesn’t bother me. I’m publishing a post on Friday about some of the things causing people to overreact (in my opinion).
    DivvyDad recently posted…Get Out of the F*@#ing ShowerMy Profile

    • Hi DD,

      Well done taking advantage of the negative sentiment. That’s usually the best time to buy any stock or asset. I think MO will be here for a long, long time, especially with the steps they are taking to remain relevant with vaping and cannabis stakes.

  2. Nice purchase! I’ve also added some MO at a similar price. Unbelievable to see Altria trading at these levels. But time and time again we’re witnessing these exaggerated “out of favor” moves on solid companies.
    In my opinion, increased capital spending on the new issued debt for JUUL and (maybe) further declining revenue isn’t justifying this drop in stock price. The regulation risk is and was always present and is part of the equation.
    Just looking at the numbers (free cash flow), I’m not worried.
    DivRider recently posted…Goal Review and 2019 UpdateMy Profile

    • Hi DR,

      Seems like almost everyone in our community has been adding to their MO. The best time to buy any stock is when it’s out of favor. I just like the steps MO is taking to remain relevant with declining tobacco usage. By diversifying there businesses they can help ensure their longevity in the long term.

  3. I picked up a 2nd slug of Altria last week and just might have to pick up some more. I’m currently targeting between $40-42 but here in the $43.xx is awfully tempting.

    • Hi Doug,

      As long as you keep adding something each month you should be fine long term. There are many great high yielding options for those in the DGI game. MO is just one.

    • Hi DI,

      I hear you. I kind of feel that way with my ABBV as I try to keep my portfolio equally diversified (as best I can). MO still looks like a potential buy for me in February as prices remain below $50.

    • Hi Snugfortune,

      MO seems to be taking the right steps to remain relevant in a declining tobacco usage world. I like the vaping and cannabis stakes they have taken and feel they are adapting to changing consumer tastes and trends.

    • Hi D4J,

      MO has been on my mind for a while now. Several of my recent buys have been in this stock and now I hold it in my taxable and ROTH account. Still looking to potentially add more in February.


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