I can’t believe it’s been over a month since my last buy was made, but, if you have been following my blog for some time you know at least one buy is coming every calendar month. With one week left in April I decided to deploy some fresh capital into a market that has been very, very generous as of late in terms of giving us much better buying opportunities in many “name brand” stocks that have been previously deemed untouchable because of low yields, high valuations and relatively speaking, high prices. What a difference a couple of months can make. You all know the names, The Clorox Company (CLX), Colgate-Palmolive Company (CL), The Procter & Gamble Company (PG), PepsiCo, Inc. (PEP), Philip Morris International Inc. (PM), General Mills, Inc. (GIS), The Kraft Heinz Company (KHC), General Electric Company (GE), Caterpillar Inc. (CAT), 3M Company (MMM), every health REIT but specifically HCP, Inc. (HCP), Welltower Inc. (WELL), Ventas, Inc. (VTR), LTC Properties, Inc. (LTC) and many utilities like Dominion Energy, Inc. (D), The Southern Company (SO) and PPL Corporation (PPL) have all been decimated in 2018. Just go back a year or so and these stocks were all riding high compared to what we’re seeing today. Of course, seeing these major declines should whet anyone’s long term buy outlook and being a dividend centric investor I’m excited to be buying into some great stocks that are sporting yields close to or well above 4%. With that being said and sticking to my April stock considerations:
I have added to my taxable account 8.0358 shares at $99.55 for a total investment of $799.96 in Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB). With this recent purchase my taxable account holdings in KMB now totals 52.2068 shares with a market value of $5,194.58. I also hold 7.5504 shares with a market value of $751.49 in my ROTH account.
What do you think about my recent buy? Are you looking at any of the beaten staples, utilities, industrials or REITs? Please let me know below.
Disclosure: Long CLX, CL, PG, PEP, PM, GIS, KHC, GE, CAT, MMM, HCP, WELL, VTR, LTC, D, SO, KMB
awesome buy!
I’ve only grab 10 shares, if it falls to the low $90s, I’ll get more, as this stock has pretty low beta and stable dividend yield over the years. It’ll be a good anchor.
vivivanne recently posted…Recent Buy – Kimberly-Clark Corp $KMB
Hi vivivanne,
There is a lot to like about KMB long term which is why seeing it under $100 caused me to pull the trigger and add more to my portfolio. Nice yield too 🙂
Good price on KMB under $100. Started small stake in 3M at $199.46 who ended day down at 6.8%. Will add more if continues to drop.
Hi Phylliss,
Buying quality stocks when they go on sale can be a good strategy. Sometimes it’s tough to pull the trigger on a losing stock but over the long haul they should produce nicely.
Great minds think a like as the saying goes Keith. I added to KMB last Friday at $102.91. Unfortunately, I was a couple days early to the party. I was holding out for 4% yield at $100, but got anxious. It won’t matter in the long run.
Philip Morris is really tempting to me now. I have not added to it in a long time and it has just been hammered. Realty Income also looks nice in the high 40’s again. Lots of new options like you mention. Last year I bought very little and now so many more attractive options, but like you I like to purchase consistently over time. I don’t want to get overly excited we may go lower.
Tom @ Dividends Diversify recently posted…The New Millionaires | Introduction | Part 2
Hi DD,
I have been early to many parties myself but it doesn’t bother me as I reinvest all dividends and often average down my cost with future lower buys. No doubt we have many choices these days when it comes to buying quality stocks. A lot of great names are on sale. Can’t forget the REITs and utilities either.
Very good buy Keith, I made the same buy myself, it’s just to good to pass up on under a $100!
Hi DI,
Totally agree. Under $100 KMB looks like a good pick up. When you see a solid, quality company go on sale it’s time to pull the trigger.
Nice buy Keith
Lots of great buys out there currently. Seems like a bunch of ppl are buying kimberly clark at these levels.
Passivecanadianincome recently posted…March 2018 – Solar Income
Hi Passivecanadianincome,
The trigger for KMB seems to be that $100 mark. As soon as it dipped below that level it caught the eye of many DGI people.
I like KMB a lot, and am thinking they might end up in my portfolio sometime soon too – when the cash is ready.
– Gremlin
Dividend Gremlin recently posted…Recent Sale / Buy April and Other Developments, 2018
Hi DG,
KMB is a staple among most DGI portfolios you see online. I think there is good reason for that. It’s been with me since I went the DGI route and I have no plans to sell it for the foreseeable future.
I’ve a (probably dumb) question, Keith. Why 8.0358 ? I would understand 8 shares, but why the 0.0358 ? And can you do that directly at your broker ? Thanks 🙂
Good luck with your dividends!
The Poor Swiss recently posted…Redesign of the blog and Pinterest
I use Sharebuilder which is a brokerage that allows you to buy stock in dollar amounts as opposed to share amounts. In that way fractional shares can be purchased.
Thanks, it makes much more sense now 😛
The Poor Swiss recently posted…Our first DIY project: A 65$ wood book shelf
Great buy below $100. Like Tom I was early to the party at $111 at the end of March.
Almost every blogger I frequent either has bought KMB or is about to! 🙂 I might even expand myself.
Mr. Robot recently posted…This is my buy for April 2018 (PG)
Hi MR,
If you plan to make KMB a long term hold you can always average down, reinvest those dividends and slowly lower your cost basis. Believe me, there are many times I have come early to the party too.
Ditto! I’ve been building my stake in KMB as well. I’ve also recently initiated a position in KHC. I hope to pick up some shares in a few of the other names you’ve identified as well if prices continue to hang out where they are currently, or better yet, fall lower!
That’s a general rule I like to follow… buy when prices are falling. It’s impossible to know where the exact bottom is for any stock but as long as you can buy quality at better prices values and yields why not nibble?
Consumer staples are looking good. Can’t go wrong there. Anything that is a solid stock that is having a little trouble is always a good buy
Doug recently posted…March 18 Dividend report
Hi Doug,
We have been waiting for a long, long time to see better prices, values and yields in the staples and now in 2018 we finally have them. Why not take advantage of a sector that’s in trouble?
This is a great buy DH. I have been looking at some other stocks on your list but I have not made it to KMB yet. Nice addition.
More Dividends recently posted…Dividend Increase – Exxon Mobil (XOM)
Hi MD,
I know others have been looking at KMB when it hit the magic $100 price point. Seems like that was a trigger to pick up some shares for many. The staples in general are still pretty beaten down even in June.
Great buy a long time fan of KMB. I waiting on pull back on health and industrials.
Cheers congrats on recent purchase
Dividend pursuit
Dividend Pursuit recently posted…Recent purchase II April 2018
Hi DP,
Like you I am also a long time fan of KMB. Input costs may change, people may opt for generic products here and there, the economy might slow down but the bottom line is that KMB seems to adjust well over the many decades in operation.
Hut –
What a price! Wow, congrats!
Hi DD,
Sometimes you just know when it’s a good time to pull the trigger. KMB under $100 was that trigger for me.
Huh, I totally missed kmb dip as I was traveling in Cuba and had no Internet most of the time. Nice buy 🙂
Travel to Cuba is an experience worth having and one could argue more than missing a dip in KMB. The beauty of stock market investing is that in time you will always get another chance to buy a dip. Cuba sounds like fun!
I don’t own KMB, but could see adding to my PG and PEP holdings. MMM has hit my radar, too, but I’ll probably wait to see if it declines further. There are certainly more attractive stock prices in several sectors of the market these days.
Engineering Dividends recently posted…Monthly Options Income (Apr. 2018)
Hi ED,
For the last several months it really has been all about the staples. It’s been a tough 2018 so far and many names like KMB, PG, CLX, PEP, GIS and more have taken it on the chin. KMB has been with me since the beginning and I plan to keep it for the foreseeable future.