End Of Year DivHut Blog Stats

As 2014 comes to a close I wanted to highlight some of my blog activity to see how the site has grown since my first article was published in late April of this year. Back in September I highlighted my site traffic as reported from Google Analytics and thought it would be a good and interesting idea to see my stats several months later. I’m thinking these types of posts would be beneficial to myself, and perhaps others, on a quarterly basis. While I never set out to achieve any specific goal with my blog in terms of traffic, other than writing about and sharing my investments, I felt that by at least reviewing these metrics I could judge the overall health and growth of DivHut in the future months and years. With that being said, below you will find my recent month traffic stats along with my stats since my first blog post was written.


December 1 – 31, 2014 (Most recent month stats)



April 25 – December 31, 2014 (All time stats)



The stats above just provides further motivation to keep investing and sharing my real life experiences with the DGI/FI community. I just want to thank everyone who has participated in leaving comments on DivHut as well as questioning and/or praising some of my investment decisions and/or comments. I continue to find the DGI-FI community extremely supportive and transparent which only translates to brighter financial futures for us all. Thank you again and have a great 2015.

36 thoughts on “End Of Year DivHut Blog Stats”

    • Hi LAH,

      Thank you for the kind words. I’ll keep churning out my dividend theme articles as well as investment updates. Thanks for stopping by.

    • Hi w2r,

      I was pretty surprised to see those types of numbers. I knew I had my regular visitors and comments left by them but did not expect to see these figures. Definitely keeps me motivated to continue as 2015 will be the first full year of stats I’ll be able to compile. Thanks for your continued support.

    • Hi HMB,

      It always gives me great pleasure knowing that my articles can provide some investing inspiration. It’s all about sharing new and different ideas and as a community we certainly have many different ideas when it comes to income investing. Thank you for stopping by and your support.

    • Hi R2R,

      Thank you for the kind words. I am happy to be a part of the DGI/FI community and will continue to write new posts and share my own real world portfolio buys, sells and dividend income. As always, I appreciate you stopping by.

    • Hi FtFF,

      Thanks for the encouraging words. Of course, these stats are a direct result of people like you stopping by and commenting and contributing to the DGI/FI community. I appreciate your comment and look forward to a good 2015.

    • Hi Cazadividendos,

      Always exciting to have visitors from outside the U.S. visit my blog and comment. As long as I can create interesting articles, highlight my own dividend income and portfolio I can count on supportive visitors such as yourself. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Look forward to what 2015 will bring.

  1. I wonder if some of the stats are inflated. I check for an update every day, so you get a page view every day from me whether or not you post a new article. Either way, the growth is impressive. Happy New Year!

    • Hi KeithX,

      Not sure how I could inflate the stats. The numbers are taken directly from Google Analytics. I always appreciate you stopping by and commenting so please keep checking in regularly. It’s just another reason why I enjoy being part of the DGI community. Knowing that my articles and real world portfolio is examined by like minded investors helps give me insight into my investment decisions as well. Thank you again for stopping by.

    • Hi DM,

      I’m very happy to have joined this growing dividend blog community. Even since my start in late April many new blogs have come on the scene. I guess this is simply a testament to our investment philosophy and strategies. Thanks for stopping by and contributing to the continued success of DivHut.

    • Hi SN,

      Happy to welcome you to DivHut. I hope my articles, ideas and investments can provide some inspiration for your own dividend growth portfolio. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Tawcan,

      Thank you for the kind words. As long as I have traffic and comments on my blog my motivation to write and share remains unshaken. Thank you for being a part of DivHut. As always, much appreciated.

    • Hi AI,

      Always happy to hear words of encouragement. Glad you are enjoying DivHut and I hope to continue to inspire yourself and others about finding great dividend stocks. Thanks for stopping by.

    • Hi QYDJ101,

      As always, I love reading your comments. It just reinforces what I am doing with this blog as well as my investment decisions. Keep cranking out good content yourself and let’s have a great 2015.

    • Hi SoS,

      Happy to read that you are enjoying my blog. It’s always nice to hear positive comments from my readers and followers. Thank you for stopping by.

    • Hi GRB,

      Thank you for your continued support. Much appreciated. 2014 introduced me to many new personal finance and dividend investing blogs. I was happy to have found yours and follow your thoughts and discussions as well. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi DH,

      Blog traffic and progress was definitely a secondary concern of mine when I fist started DivHut. In fact, I didn’t even consider traffic or rank till I read stats about other blogs and wondered how DivHut compares. All I can say is ‘thank you’ to people like yourself who check out the site, comment and continue to encourage. In all I am happy with the progress made since April of 2014. I look forward to marking my one year anniversary soon.

    • Hi DD,

      For now this blog is just my personal account of my real world dividend portfolio and dividend income progress as well as a venue to highlight some other unique dividend income opportunities. If one day it will become a major funding source as well then that would just be gravy. I’m happy to provide you with continued dividend investing inspiration. As always, I thank you for commenting and your support.

    • Hi AFFJ,

      Thank you for the kind words. I can’t believe how much the site has grown in less than a year. I will be very excited in late April to see what one full year of stats brings. As you enjoy DivHut, I too enjoy reading your blog and following your progress. I have to admit, the personal finance community is one of the most supportive and encouraging that I have ever come across online. We all seem to be very genuine and selfless by disclosing our information online and it truly shows. Glad you enjoy my articles. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.


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