Dividend Income Update October 2016

It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my dividend income portfolios.


Looking back at the month of October it seems that we have seen a lot more of the same that we witnessed in the beginning of the year in terms of increased volatility. Wild market gyrations with many triple digit moves in the DOW, both up and down, and a market that at one point in 2016 was looking quite ugly, then saw all time highs only to give back a lot of those gains in recent weeks can make anyone’s head spin. What gives? I’ll tell you what gives… our consistent, reliable and predictable dividend income. Many seasoned dividend investors already know that the market and even individual stock prices are highly unpredictable and often trade irrationally in the short and even mid term. The one steady aspect of our portfolios comes from diversified dividend income that we’ll all count on one day.


With that being said, let’s take a look back at my October 2016 dividend income.


Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $296.19 up from $269.94 an increase of 9.7% from October of last year.


Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $137.69 up from $96.30 an increase of 43.0% from this time last year.


Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $0.00 equal to $0.00 from this time last year.


Grand total for the month of October: $433.88 an increase of 18.5% from October 2015.


Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: $3,153.17

Total: $296.19

ROTH Account

Year to date dividends: $1,278.74

Total: $137.69

IRA Account

Year to date dividends: $417.07


Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? Are you still buying regularly or have you slowed down or stopped your new purchases? How was your October dividend income? Please let me know below.


Disclosure: Long all above

53 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update October 2016”

    • Hi beer,

      Wow, that’s an impressive dividend gain from your portfolio in one year. You hold a lot of high quality dividend payers from what I saw plus a few names that I’m not familiar with. Always nice to be a fellow shareholder with you in some great companies. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your totals.

    • Hi John,

      I like both KO and KHC long term. The consumer staples are my favorite sector of them all. I just wish there would be some better value and yield in the space. Good to hear that the market gyrations are not phasing you out of stocks. Like you, I am also buying something each month. I’m not a fan of retail stocks long term but TGT and WMT represent some of the best that are out there these days. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi TDL,

      While their current yield is very juicy to say the least, I do not like their prospects for dividend growth going forward. I still expect the dividend to rise but I feel it will be token raises, maybe 1% or less. That being said, PM, like ORI or other high yielding names might be better bought for current yield more so than dividend growth. I just looked at PM’s trailing twelve month payout ratio and it’s 98.1%. Not a very sustainable figure long term. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  1. Wow, what’s a strong dividend growth from your ROTH. This year I have not made any contribution. So, my ROTH is stalling. But since my ROTH is heavily on BAC, and they upped the dividend by 50%, so the dividend “growth” is “great”. haha! Maybe one of these days I will disclose my Roth position.


    • Hi vivianne,

      Those Canadian banks are doing their part for my ROTH totals each month. With every dividend received and reinvested it just helps move that snowball further along. Of course, having stocks that grow their dividends meaningfully like BAC doesn’t hurt either. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Tawcan,

      You said it best. As always, no complaints about my October results. Putting up double digit year over year growth just helps me stay focused on my own dividend growth path. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi MoM,

      Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. When you break it down into a weekly total it really helps to put things in better perspective. I’d like an extra hundred in my pocket at the end of each week. Who wouldn’t? Glad to be a fellow shareholder with you in some great stocks. Thank you for commenting.

  2. DivHut,

    That is a really nice month and with the exception of DEO, the payouts are spread across your holdings pretty evenly. You have to love that balance!!!

    Out of your holdings, I am looking very closely at KMB, CAH, and DEO. ABBV and SBUX are also becoming very interesting after the dividend hikes.

    Keep up the great work!

    My Dividend Pipeline recently posted…October 2016 RecapMy Profile

    • Hi MDP,

      Nice of you to notice that balance. It’s something that I’m still trying to achieve. My next CAH payment should bring in more than this payment and will help even out my passive income stream more. Thanks for sharing some of your considerations. I have to say that KMB is a name I haven’t looked at in quite a while. I see it’s trading at a reasonable PE, sustainable payout ratio and a pretty nice current yield too. I may have to consider this name this month. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  3. You are rocking those dividends. Only common one is KO. Probably try to buy every other month from here on out but if I get enough money I’ll buy an extra stock here or there
    Doug recently posted…CFFN BuyMy Profile

    • Hi Doug,

      Just one name in common? That’s cool too. I’m sure over time our portfolios will overlap further. Just keep trying to stay consistent with your investments and buy whenever you can. As you already know, it doesn’t matter where the market is or is headed. There are always individual stocks out there trading at good prices, values and yields. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi DWaOD,

      I’m pretty happy with a double digit year over year increase. I think we sometimes forget that double digit gains are pretty impressive. After all, what job hands out raises like that every year? DEO and UL are both looking more and more attractive in recent weeks. I’m with you in liking DEO. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi PID,

      Passive income in any amount feels good to “earn.” Thank you for your continued support. Here’s to a strong 2016 finish. Thank you for sharing thoughts.

    • Hi DaC,

      Earning any amount passively always feels good. Thanks for the support and encouragement. NKE is really starting to make the rounds among our fellow dividend bloggers. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi BSR,

      That’s the name of the game… growing dividends every month on a year over year basis. You already know how good that feels. So far November hasn’t disappointed in terms of continuing to offer us some better buying opportunities. It looks like volatility is here to stay for a while. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi MrSLM,

      These dividend income reports are everyone’s favorite time of the month. I always say that I’m happy as long as I can put up year over year gains and October didn’t disappoint. Seeing this type of progress just keeps me motivated month in and month out. Keep buying in a consistent manner and never worry about timing the market and trying to figure out the “best” time to buy or sell. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi DD,

      It’s OK. Close is fine with me as long as I am showing a year over year increase. Combined between all my accounts I was able to bring in $433.88 which is a sum I’m happy to report. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  4. Hut –

    MAN! Awesome, just cruising. Definitely outpaced my month of October and I love it, it keeps me going that’s for sure. Market has been on the down swing, so start strapping up the capital and gear up for it, looking forward to it. Congrats, again and on now towards the month of November!

    Dividend Diplomats recently posted…Recent Buy – Realty Income (O)My Profile

    • Hi DD,

      Thank you for those kind words and continued encouragement. Like you, I love reading all these passive income reports as they keep me going too. I’m looking forward to reading about the buys we’ll be making in November. It looks like with each passing week more and more buying opportunities pop up in solid dividend paying stocks. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  5. Great month! Good to see everything flowing in steadily. We also own BNS, which also gave us our only dividend this month. Over time hopefully it will grow into something just as nice as yours.

    We hope to acquire some extra money somewhere in the following months, so we can really eat our heart out with buying new stocks. For now we just continue to buy more whenever we can.

    • Hi Divnomics,

      You have the right attitude. Keep buying whenever you can. There is no “best” time to buy stocks especially if you are a dividend growth investor. Well, actually there is a “best” time and that’s always in the past. Happy to be a fellow BNS shareholder with you. I’m still a fan of the Canadian banks but not at current levels and my current exposure. If they drop significantly I’ll consider adding more. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi easydividend,

      Thanks for the continued support. Nice to see that we are shareholders in at least two common stocks. KMB right now is looking a lot more attractive than in recent months. A few of our fellow dividend bloggers have been bringing that name up. Keep building that passive income stream on your end via dividends and options premiums. As you already know, I’m still on the options sidelines but after reading so many positive reports from quite a few income investors it looks like I should at least dip my toe in that pool. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi TCF,

      October was another good month. I always say that I’m happy to see double digit year over year gains. Of course, even single digit year over gains shows progress. Look forward to a strong 2016 passive income finish no matter what the market does. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi DDU,

      Thank you for the kind words. As you stated, “increases all around,” which means I’m doing something right with my passive income investments. As you already know, the U.S. market has been a little crazy as of late and with elections coming up everyone is bringing out their crystal ball predicting what will happen, where we should invest, what to buy and what to sell. Of course, in a couple days everyone will know the outcome and the market will rise or fall or stay flat 🙂 Just stay in the game. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi Brian,

      Every month I see year over year gains I’m happy to know that I’m just a little bit closer to FI. It’s all about slow and steady baby steps and remaining invested in the market no matter where we are in a business cycle. I like BNS, TD and RY but will wait to add more to those names as they are already some of my larger positions in my ROTH. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi DC,

      Thanks for those kind words. Happy to provide any motivation I can along your dividend journey. October was another great month for passive income earned. I’ll never complain about an 18% year over year increase. Let’s keep the flow going into 2017! Thank you for commenting.

  6. Hopefully with tomorrow’s election, the market rollercoaster ride will end (regardless of who wins). Although I’m sure those looking for bargains were happy to see the SP500 see nine consecutive days of losses. Congrats on another great month. Unfortunately, on my end, I haven’t injected any new capital into my “fund” for a while now. If only I could catch a break! lol. Thanks for posting 🙂
    Andre @ GoGoAssets.com recently posted…Income & Expenses: October 2016My Profile

    • Hi GGA,

      It doesn’t matter what happens tomorrow. The market will rocket or fall off a cliff at the hint of any political, economic or international news. Think about what happened over the weekend. “Emails Warrant No New Action Against Hillary Clinton, F.B.I. Director Says,” and the world markets race to the moon. What does this have to do with the Fed, interest rates, national debt, corporate income, taxes, the ability of KO or PEP to sell one more drink? Nothing… Yet, the markets love to react on headlines, related to business or not. How can some stocks so hated a few days ago, like REITs, many health stocks, financial companies, etc. all rally today. Even, as you stated, the headlines were very negative with the S&P down nine consecutive days. What changed? Nothing. In other words, got a dollar, invest a dollar. Find the relative good value and put your money to work. Clearly, the stock market on a day to day, week to week and month to month basis is meaningless. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi EL,

      Your comment highlights why I like to reinvest all dividends automatically. At this point it’s all about building up as many shares as possible for future dividend withdrawals. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi R2R,

      Thanks for the continued encouragement. I am always happy to put up double digit year over year gains. That’s the real ‘proof in the pudding’ showcasing how dividend investing works. As always, I appreciate your comment.


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