Dividend Income Update March 2018

The start of every month is exciting for all dividend income investors as we look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. March was exciting as ever as my year over year numbers continue to highlight the trifecta magic of dividend investing which includes, adding fresh capital, dividend raises and basic compounding to create an ever increasing passive income stream. Even if I stopped adding fresh capital today and every dividend stock I owned kept all distributions flat, without a single raise, my passive income stream would continue to grow. With that being said, let’s take a look back at my March 2018 dividend income.


Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $679.27 up from $568.21 an increase of 19.5% from March of last year.


Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $159.04 up from $140.58 an increase of 13.1% from this time last year.


Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $59.92 down from $98.46 from this time last year, a decrease of -39.1%. (Nothing wrong here. VTR used to pay in March last year which explains the year over year decrease along with CCP which no longer exists after the SBRA merger and a delayed LTC payout which came in April instead of March).


Grand total for the month of March: $898.23 an increase of 11.3% from March 2017.


Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: $1,255.65

Total: $679.27

ROTH Account

Year to date dividends: $521.28

Total: $159.04

IRA Account

Year to date dividends: $210.12

Total: $59.92


I have to say I’m quite pleased with my March totals. Who would complain about an 11.3% year over year increase? The proof of our dividend investing strategy rests in these real results. After all, dividends don’t lie. It’s real cash being returned to investors. With patience and consistency these results and better can be achieved. Just remember, sometimes investing with blinders on can be beneficial as it blocks out the constant noise we are bombarded with on a daily basis and keeps you focused on the job at hand which is to keep investing, not falling for market timing traps, diversifying, not getting shaken out of the market when it tumbles and just creating a solid, ever growing passive income stream.


Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your March dividend income? Please let me know below.


Disclosure: Long all above

50 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update March 2018”

  1. Solid results here Divhut, great to see your even grew dividend with one being switched into another month. You are certainly doing something right! Dividends indeed don’t lie.

    • Hi TCF,

      Dividend payouts sometimes change from time to time but as long as they hit my account eventually I’m cool with it. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Nice list paying you. Seems you had a good month and quarter overall. I am in the same boat with the LTC payment. But the position is small so it really doesn’t change growth numbers all that much. I agree, moving payments isn’t a loss. You just realize that growth in a different month. Keep up the good work!

    • Hi DD,

      Thank you for recognizing my list of solid dividend income payers. It’s all about buying quality and riding out any near and mid term storms with an eye on the long term horizon. Love your updates too! Keep it up.

  3. Congrats on an excellent month DH. Very impressive growth, and I like your description of the “trifecta“ of dividend investing. I never thought about it that way.

    You own some strong dividend growth stocks that I was watching a few years ago but never bought – MMM and MCD are two examples. They should be solid dividend payers for years to come. Great work!

    • Hi DF,

      There are so many great benefits to being a dividend growth investor but that “trifecta” magic has to be one of the best. It’s easy to take advantage of it by simply buying and holding quality companies. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Dp,

      Thank you for that compliment. It’s much appreciated. In the meantime, I’ll keep doing more of the same which is buying consistently, reinvesting and enjoying those raises when they come.

    • Hi Doug,

      Let’s keep encouraging one another with our regular posts and updates. I think it’s inspiring to see how far we have come along as a collective bunch.

  4. DH –

    Great month of dividends, bottom line. Also – I like where the companies are located in their respective type of account. Just am so happy and impressed on the path you are on, and the dividends you receive throughout the year is just awesome.


    • Hi DD,

      Thank you for those kind words and continued support. I’m glad you can recognize how my portfolios have been structured and built up over time. It’s still a work in progress though.

    • Hi ED,

      AFL is one of my largest holdings and it has delivered over the years. It’s not leaving my portfolio anytime soon. Just keep it steady and let time and compounding work its magic.

    • Hi Passivecanadianincome,

      You said it. It’s what I call the trifecta of dividend investing. All you really need is patience and keep your hands off your portfolio 🙂

    • Hi MR,

      I appreciate those kind words. These results are about a decade in the making. DGI, the marathon, at its finest. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi MH,

      Thank you for those kind words. I love sharing my real world portfolios and you can see first hand that I do not panic sell, hold for the long haul, reinvest dividends and make consistent monthly buys. This is simply the result.

    • Hi Stockles,

      Thank you for your comment and continued support. My goal is to always put up year over year growth rates. Look forward to that $1K one day.

  5. Amazing month DH. You made a great point in your intro that regardless of what happens that through the drip your income will grow. You have a lot of good companies in your portfolio and im proud to be a fellow shareholder in a couple of them. Im excited to see what the future holds. Thanks for sharing.
    More Dividends recently posted…More Dividends Update from March 2018My Profile

    • Hi MD,

      I invest with blinders on. I just make consistent monthly buys, reinvest and hold steady no matter what’s going on in the market. It’s a strategy that served me well and caused me to not panic sell when things turned ugly ten years ago.

    • Hi DG,

      I’m happy putting up a double digit year over year gain. It just affirms that my strategy is paying off over the long haul which is to create an ever increasing passive income stream.

    • Hi TPS,

      The goal is to keep building up my passive income stream share by individual share. It’s a long process but I know I’ll get there eventually. $1K is in my sight.

  6. DivHut,

    Great work! We are both just so close hitting that four digit mark in the month of March. I have hit the 4 digit mark in December for the last few years thanks for to some annual dividends received from previous mutual funds I’ve owned int he past. Last year, I hit the mark in June thanks to a special dividend from NGG. I would expect that you’d hit the 4 digit milestone relatively easy this same time next year primarily due to dividend increase and perhaps from a few more purchases in the intervening 12 months. Keep it up, it’s inspiring!


    • Hi PIV,

      I know the four digit mark will come in time. One of my long term goals for my portfolio is to average $1K a month in income. Of course, I want this to come my way via regular dividends and not because of special payments that come every now and then. Let’s keep inspiring one another.

    • Hi GRB,

      I couldn’t agree with you more. There is a very comforting feeling about predictable and reliable dividend income. The whims of the market can whipsaw your net worth violently but dividends remain that even keel. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi EL,

      I’ll remain consistent with my buying each month and that usually equates to an ever increasing passive income stream. March was a good total. Now I look forward to my June results.


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