Dividend Income Update – March 2015

It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my two dividend income portfolios. March was a pretty eventful month as I welcomed the birth of my first child along with my consistent investment in the Canadian banking space adding to my The Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) in my ROTH account. Having been more aggressive in adding to my ROTH account holdings for several months I am starting to see the fruits of those initial investments in my dividend income from my ROTH. With that being said, let’s take a look back at my March dividend income from my two accounts.


Dividend income from my taxable account totalled $327.67 up from $231.33 an increase of 41.65% from March of last year.


Dividend income from my ROTH account totalled $73.36 up from $51.42 an increase of 42.67% from this time last year.


My year to date dividends from my brokerage account is $741.45 and from my ROTH account $192.77.


Are any of the names below in your portfolio too? How was your March dividend income?


Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: 741.45

Total: $327.67


ROTH Account

Year to date dividends: 192.77

Total: $73.36


Disclosure: Long all above

62 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update – March 2015”

  1. Keith,

    Another great month in the books! And the best part is that you didn’t have to do anything for it so you could focus all your attention on Little DivHut. 😉

    We share some investments: AFL, JNJ, MCD and UL. Glad to be a fellow shareholder in all of them as they boosted me above the $100 threshold for the first time ever.

    Keep it up,
    No More Waffles recently posted…Savings Rate for March 2015My Profile

    • Hi NMW,

      As you stated the best part of passive dividend income is the fact that it just keeps rolling in without any active work on my part. I just love watching it not just come in but grow year over year as well. Baby DivHut is continuing to grow. I can’t believe he is one month already. Where does the time go?

      Happy to be a fellow shareholder in some great names you mention above as well. I sure wish we could find better valuations in other sectors instead of just banking and energy. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  2. Solid increase YoY DH. We both own several of the same companies but sadly I don’t own BDX. That’s a huge misstep on my part but I’m patiently waiting for a better entry point. It just seems way to expensive to initiate a position in. You’ve got a great portfolio that’s well diversified and the best part is that you should continue to get raises for doing nothing. Keep up the good work!
    JC recently posted…How effective are those share buybacks?My Profile

    • Thank you for your encouraging words. It’s always fun writing these updates and seeing in real dollar terms the dividend growth that occurs year over year. Keep watching BDX. I’m sure there will be a day when many names we are wanting to buy will go on sale and you’ll have your opportunity to buy into that great name. I mentioned how I’d love to add a lot more to my health sector names including JNJ, BCR, BDX, ABT and the like. But I always say that it seems that high quality companies always come with a premium attached. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  3. Very nice work, DivHut. Hope you are enjoying your time with your new family member. Congratulations.

    Quite a few of your holdings are in our portfolio as well. Good companies. We also had very similar results for March. Our March results were up 46% YOY, and YTD was up 44%. How can we not feel good about that? Keep it up. I think you are going to be one happy investor come retirement time.

    Dividend Gravy recently posted…March 2015 UpdateMy Profile

    • Hi DG,

      Mrs. DivHut and I are truly enjoying our time with baby DivHut. The moments when he falls asleep on our chest and looks so peaceful to those 4AM feedings and diaper changes to his new faces and gestures, we are soaking it all in. I was surprised to see such strong year over year growth in my taxable account as most of my new purchases have been in my ROTH account but I guess that snowball effect is starting to take hold. AFL is one example where dividends are adding over one whole share with each distribution. I love the fact that without any additional investment I’m getting about five additional shares in AFL without doing anything. I appreciate your comment and continued support. Thanks for stopping by.

    • Hi DH,

      I always believed in slow and steady which is why from day one I never chased those high yield MLPs and dangerous REITs. I’d rather invest in those steady dividend growers instead of current dangerous high yielding stocks. Baby DivHut is doing great and yes he is so sweet. When he just looks up at us or has his eyes closed and looks so peaceful our hearts really melt. Being a parent is definitely a unique experience that can only be had by having your own child. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  4. Everything else pales in comparison to “I welcomed the birth of my first child”. Congratulations on becoming a father!

    Great month of dividend income and year-over-year increase. Keep up the good work!
    FerdiS recently posted…Updated Blogroll PageMy Profile

    • Hi FerdiS,

      So true. Having a child is one of those life experiences that really helps put things into perspective. I am very fortunate to have a very like minded Mrs. DivHut that can enjoy and appreciate the small things in life and is not a slave to material items or status. As cliche as it sounds, health, happiness and family is really what counts. Thank you for your kind words and continued support. I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi Evan,

      Thank you for your kind words. I too was impressed with that year over year growth in my taxable account. I kind of expected it in my ROTH since I have been investing a lot more in that account but I guess the snowball effect is starting to take hold with little new investment and that’s the name of the game. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi R2R,

      As we all know those end of quarter months are our favorite with most of our dividend income coming in March, June, September and December. Thank you for your continued support and for your comment.

    • Hi DG,

      Thank you for your continued support. As I mentioned in other comments, I was pretty impressed with the year over year growth in my taxable account as new investment there has been lighter than in my ROTH. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Tawcan,

      I appreciate the encouraging words and support. Seeing those year over year numbers always continue to inspire me to continue on this journey and keep up with my monthly investing goals. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  5. Keith,
    Looks like little DivHut will get to go to college after all. 😉 Seriously, you are close to $4000 per year in dividends, which is really great progress.

    Let’s see, what do I own from your list? BDX, MMM, MCD, JNJ, UL, and PEP. I am considering adding shares of SO to the portfolio. I sold SO a while back because I thought it was over valued (note that I do not recommend doing that), but it has come down and looks like it might be time to buy it back.
    Best wishes,

    • Hi KeithX,

      College, trade school or start his own business like I did. Whatever path he chooses I’ll be happy with. We will start a baby DivHut dividend portfolio within a month or two and get him well on his way to a growing passive income stream. I hope to teach him the lessons of investing way before he even knows about his account. Regarding my passive income, it would be nice to hit $4k in dividends for the year. It would be a big jump from my 2014 totals.

      I think it’s great that we share quite a few names in common. As many have been saying the market is overvalued for quite a few years and waiting for the inevitable correction so to the utilities have garnered the same attention as the entire sector jumped tremendously in 2014 and everyone was calling for a correction. Sure utilities offer little growth but their yield and long dividend histories make for great additions to any dividend income portfolio. I own three utilities, ED, SO and D and though a small part of my overall portfolio I still think of them as an important component. Thank you for your continued support and comment.

      • Update: I bought 100 shares of SO today in my 401k. I found it interesting that I at one time or another owned all three of the utilities you listed. SO is a good start to get some exposure in the utilities sector, which historically has been a very good place to put your money.

        Now, I should get my two daughters started on dividend investing even though they are in their twenties. Better now than next week. Really, really good idea to get your children started when they are babies.

        • Hi KeithX,

          Great pick up with 100 shares of SO. I have owned those three utilities since day one of my portfolio. In the far, far, space in the back of my head I do wonder about the long term future of utilities as more homes are going solar and TSLA and other companies are improving battery capacity and storage capabilities which all can potentially hurt the utilities. I realize that this may not impact utilities for many years but I think it can be a concern in our investing lifetime.

          Getting your daughters to invest in their 20s is an awesome idea. They would still be far ahead of most if they begin at that young age. For my son, I hope he can “retire” at age 40 after having just as many years of dividends and compounding hit his own dividend portfolio. Thanks for the SO update.

  6. I have WFC and D on my portfolio. It’s nice to see a little increase in WFC dividend. both of them are solid companies. D have a history of splitting its stock when it gets to 70-90$ so I’m hoping it would do it to attract more buyers.

    40% increase is very impressive. March is a good month for everybody. Here comes April where I had to pay taxes from last year profit taking and 4-plex income. I’m learning for next year to keep money on the side for taxes purposes. 😛

    • Hi Vivianne,

      An increase is an increase whether large or small. Even though stock splits do nothing inherently to a stock it does attract new buyers and those stocks have a tendency to go back to pre-split levels which is always nice.

      Estimating taxes is never fun nor easy. I think it’s great that you have multiple income streams coming via rentals and dividends. Great way to diversify. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi Seraph,

      Thank you for your words of encouragement. Seems like we share more than just a few names for the month of March. These are the solid names that belong in any dividend income portfolio. Thank you as well for wishing Mrs. DivHut and baby DivHut well. Everyone is doing fine. I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi DD,

      Thank you for your encouraging words. There’s nothing more satisfying than tallying up the previous month dividend income. As always, I appreciate you stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi FF,

      By far these are the best posts to write and read. I have been quite happy with my first quarter tally for 2015 and at this pace I’m set to blow by my 2014 totals which is exciting to me. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi MDG,

      Thank you for your continued support and words of encouragement. I fully agree with you that these are the best posts to read and write and nothing says progress like real cash hitting your account each month and seeing the progress. We all know the phrase, “dividends don’t lie” and that is certainly the case. Thank you for your comment.

  7. Wonderful to see 40%+ increases isn’t it? WOO WOO! Of course, it’s nowhere near as exciting as seeing the new life that you made… and seeing them gurgle and smile and laugh, and then poop everywhere, which at times is also cute… although not always HAHA

    Keep up the good work and enjoy the sweetness of the baby divhut whilst it lasts, because boy does it go fast I tell you.

    M recently posted…Quarterly Review – Q1 2015My Profile

    • Hi M,

      You said it. Dividends are nice but seeing your own child grow and advance each day and week is nothing short of amazing. Mrs. DivHut and I cherish every moment from the 3AM feedings and diaper changes to the cuddling and bath time. We heed every parent who says time goes by fast and realize that they all know what they are talking about. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  8. This is my favorite topic of the month, dividend income update! Nothing beats a fresh dividends to start the month and repeat again the next month! Keep inspiring dude!

    How’s little DivHut doing? I hope you guys are getting enough sleep.
    FrugalityToFinancialFreedom recently posted…Vacation fundMy Profile

    • Hi FTFF,

      Happy to be an inspiration to you and others. We are all on the same journey headed in the same direction just at different points along the path. I know time goes by fast enough but I truly anticipate the beginning of each month so I can tally up my previous month passive income.

      Baby DivHut is doing amazing. So fun to bathe him, have him nap on my chest and more. We handle the crying and diaper changes and love the sweet time too. Mrs. DivHut and I seem to be doing OK with sleep. It’s already been a month and so far so good. Thank you very much for asking about baby DivHut and commenting.

    • Hi PIM,

      Thank you for your kind words. All it takes is patience and consistency when becoming a dividend income investor. I have been very pleased with my year over year growth and hope to continue this trend for many years to come. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi DFS,

      Always happy to know a fellow shareholder. Keep investing consistently and one day you’ll have your own portfolio of quality dividend payers. Thank you for your continued support and comment. Curious to see how next month’s year over year will show.

    • Hi BSR,

      Happy to be an inspiration to you. Clearly everyone in the dividend growth community supports one another via interesting articles and portfolio updates. Adding as much fresh capital as you can will really help boost those year over year numbers as well as being consistent. My goal is to invest something every single month no matter where the market is. As always I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi MU,

      Thank you for the support. It’s a very gratifying feeling tallying up the previous month of dividend income. My ROTH is quite small relative to my taxable account as it was started not that long ago. In time yours will grow too. Always nice receiving dividends without having to pay any taxes on it. Makes the compounding go that much faster. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi TP,

      For now and for many, many years to come I plan to reinvest all my dividends. I’m still in the compounding and growth mode for my dividend income. I am thinking about selectively reinvesting my dividends as that would be the only change I’d be doing with my dividend distributions for now. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi SWAN,

      Well as you know I am a fan of SWAN. It’s evident in the type of stocks I own in my portfolio and is evident by the fact that I am looking to create an ever increasing passive income stream. Thank you for you kind words and continued support.

  9. DivHut,

    Congrats on parenthood. I am sure this has been one of the best months of your life. Nothing will be better than watching your child grow up over the next year. It is crazy how much they grow and develop in the first 12 months!

    You had some amazing YOY growth, very impressive. I love pumping my Roth with high dividend paying stocks. Watching the dividends accumulate tax tree is great and can make quite the difference once the compounding occurs for an extended period of time. Just wait until we are reading this post in 10-15 years!

    Keep up the great work and congrats again on the new child and the dividend progress this year.


    • Hi DD,

      Thank you for your kind words and support with my new child. In only one month we have already seen amazing changes in our little one. We are trying to savor each of these moments as we know all to well that time flies by fast and our lives are quickly viewed in the rear view mirror.

      Looks like this year I’ll have a new retirement account for my stocks as money I had in long term CD’s I had in an IRA matured and were rolled over into an IRA account at my broker. I talked to my CPA about doing an IRA to ROTH conversion but the taxes were too high so I guess I’ll have three accounts now for my dividends, a taxable, ROTH and IRA. At the very least it will be nice to watch those investments grow tax free as you mention. I’m still continuing with my monthly buys and hope to report more great year over year increases. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi OBFW,

      I’ll keep pumping as much fresh capital as possible to keep that year over year increase coming on strong and of course those dividend raises help a lot too in getting that snowball rolling. The Canadian banks are still high on my potential buy list for April but I’m also watching DOV among others. We’ll see how the rest of April pans out. Thank you for commenting.

  10. Wow… 41.65% YOY for your taxable account and 42.67% YOY for your Roth is impressive! I do own some of the companies on your list… MMM is a company I do not own that I’m hoping to own someday as it’s a solid company in my opinion. Hope all is well with you and the family. Keep up the good work.

    • Hi ACI,

      No doubt I am very happy with my year over year increase considering that my taxable account is starting to really become of decent size but it looks like the dividend snowball effect is starting to take hold of that account while my ROTH has been growing because of a lot of fresh capital being added. Love MMM too and would like to add more but waiting for a little better valuation. Seems like all the high quality names are never on sale. Thank you for stopping by and commenting and asking about my family. I am thankful that everyone is healthy and doing just fine.

    • Hi Laura,

      Thank you for your kind words. Looking to continue the impressive year over year increases as long as I can. Of course, adding fresh capital helps a lot too. Being a daddy has been a great experience as well. I can’t believe my son is seven weeks already. I can’t blink… the time moves so quickly. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.


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