Dividend Income Update January 2022

One month down, eleven more to go. Not that I’m looking to rush 2022 but time has a way of slipping by without us really noticing and before you know it the holidays and a New Year are upon us once again. Why not stay invested in the market and continue to make contributions throughout the year and take advantage of all that time whizzing by. Stay in the game no matter what the headlines read.

With February already underway it is time for all dividend income investors to look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. No doubt, these are the best posts to write and read online as it only provides further proof that dividend investing can work over time and that anyone can create an ever growing passive income stream. With that being said, let’s take a look back at my January 2022 totals.

Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $835.67.

01/07/2022PEPPEPSICO INC$37.92
01/07/2022CBCHUBB LTD F$7.20
01/10/2022MOALTRIA GROUP INC$319.94
01/10/2022PMPHILIP MORRIS INTL$194.48
01/14/2022MDLZMONDELEZ INTL$11.26
01/14/2022JCIJOHNSON CONTROLS $40.46
01/14/2022LEGLEGGETT & PLATT INC$16.93
Transactions Total$835.67

Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your January dividend income? Please let me know below.

Disclosure: Long all above

10 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update January 2022”

    • Hi IF,

      Having a portfolio of dividend stocks definitely reduces ones financial stress levels knowing that cash continues to flow into your account no matter how volatile the market is.

    • Hi JC,

      Good to be back. Just needed a little break from all the crap going on. I’m still heavy on dividends but after 2021 I also have to manage my cryptos more closely. Sure glad I held all these years and haven’t fallen to all the negativity surrounding bitcoin. You know, it’s only for criminals, bad for environment, can’t do anything with it, not backed by any government, can be banned, etc. All lies to get you to sell.


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