One month down, eleven more to go. Not that I’m looking to rush 2019 but time has a way of slipping by without us really noticing and before you know it the holidays and a New Year are upon us once again. Why not stay invested in the market and continue to make contributions throughout the year and take advantage of all that time whizzing by. Stay in the game no matter what the headlines read.
With February already underway it is time for all dividend income investors to look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. No doubt, these are the best posts to write and read online as it only provides further proof that dividend investing can work over time and that anyone can create an ever growing passive income stream. With that being said, let’s take a look back at my January 2019 totals.
Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $304.96 up from $245.72 an increase of 24.1% from January of last year.
Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $146.83 up from $139.11 an increase of 5.5% from this time last year.
Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $68.36 up from $45.40 from this time last year, an increase of 50.6%
Grand total for the month of January dividends: $520.15 an increase of 20.9% from January 2018.
Brokerage Account
Year to date dividends: $304.96
Date | Description | Amount $ |
01/03/19 | KIMBERLY CLARK CORP CASH DIV ON 64 SHS REC 12/07/18 PAY 01/0... | 64.00 |
01/07/19 | PEPSICO INC COMMON STOCK CASH DIV ON 35 SHS REC 12/07/18 PAY... | 32.46 |
01/10/19 | ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS INC CASH DIV ON 58 SHS REC 12/31/18 PAY ... | 58.00 |
01/10/19 | ALTRIA GROUP INC CASH DIV ON 34 SHS REC 12/26/18 PAY 01/10/1... | 27.20 |
01/14/19 | CHUBB LTD COM CASH DIV ON 9 SHS REC 12/21/18 PAY 01/11/19 | 6.57 |
01/15/19 | CARDINAL HEALTH INC CASH DIV ON 61 SHS REC 01/02/19 PAY 01/1... | 29.05 |
01/25/19 | GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY COM CASH DIV ON 308 SHS REC 12/20/1... | 3.08 |
Total: $304.96 |
ROTH Account
Year to date dividends: $146.83
Date | Description | Amount $ |
01/03/19 | KIMBERLY CLARK CORP CASH DIV ON 7 SHS REC 12/07/18 PAY 01/03... | 7.00 |
01/07/19 | PEPSICO INC COMMON STOCK CASH DIV ON 20 SHS REC 12/07/18 PAY... | 18.55 |
01/14/19 | MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL INC COM CASH DIV ON 44 SHS REC 12/31/... | 11.44 |
01/30/19 | BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA CASH DIV ON 159 SHS REC 01/03/19 PAY ... | 101.86 |
Total: $146.83 |
IRA Account
Year to date dividends: $68.36
Date | Description | Amount $ |
01/14/19 | VENTAS INC CASH DIV ON 79 SHS REC 01/02/19 PAY 01/14/19 NON-... | 62.61 |
01/31/19 | LTC PROPERTIES INC CASH DIV ON 30.26146 SHS REC 01/23/19 PAY... | 5.75 |
Total: $68.36 |
What’s not to like about these real world results? Even with a nasty GE cut in 2018 my dividend income still continued to grow because of fresh capital being added, automatic reinvestment and those dividend raises which come by way more often than those ugly cuts. This is the beauty of building up a diversified dividend income portfolio.
Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your January dividend income? Please let me know below.
Disclosure: Long all above
solid month Keith
great yr over yr growth. nice companies, but boy oh boy do i love that bns payment!
keep it up man
Passivecanadianincome recently posted…January 2019 Passive Income Update
Hi Passivecanadianincome,
I still like my Canadian banks a lot. BNS was a big one, that’s for sure. Still have CM and BMO on my mind for further diversification. I also hold TD and RY. As always, I appreciate your comment.
Great Month DH! Although it was an “off” month for me, it was still a record month. We had a similar YOY increase. Mine was 20.6%, just .3% below yours, lol. Nice double digits! Keep up the great work! 🙂
My Dividend Dynasty recently posted…January 2019 Dividend Income
Always a good feeling hitting a record. Seeing double digit year over year gains only means one thing… we are headed in the right direction. Keep it strong in 2019!
Nothing wrong with 21% YOY growth, especially starting from that base. Keep on rolling that dividend snowball!
Kody recently posted…January 2019 Dividend Income
Hi Kody,
Always appreciate the kind words and support. That’s the plan for 2019… keep growing that snowball.
Nice set of companies paying dividends, DivHut.
GE is looking interesting by the day and I am tempted to jump back in as a value play. Still lots of hurdles ahead, but things are looking promising.
Hi R2R,
No one wanted to touch GE in the single digits. It has climbed a lot since $6+ a share. I plan to hold on to my shares for now. I may want to sell towards the end of 2019 for some loss harvesting but we’ll see till then. For now, GE remains. As always, I appreciate the comment.
Great start to 2019 Keith! $500+ and a 20% increase. I’m pretty stoked about how this year is going to go especially with us being able to start investing some cash once again although with a new baby on the way that will probably be around the middle of the year. January got 2019 started off right for us too!
JC recently posted…Dividend Increase | Aflac Incorporated (AFL)
Hi JC,
The market will be there for you whether you have funds to invest or not. That’s the beauty of DGI. Stocks that you already own are compounding and generating income without new cash being added. I can imagine your excitement to start investing in earnest though. Congrats on a strong start to 2019. Let’s go from strength to strength.
GE was a stinker man. I am still holding on to it for now.
You could get a certificate for your site using
dividendgeek recently posted…Congrats on finishing the year strong Geek and goo…
Hi dividendgeek,
Like you I am also holding on to my GE at least till the end of 2019. I may want to sell for a tax loss at that time. Thanks for that SSL link.
Solid growth and a great way to start a year! GE dividend cut was a bummer, but fortunately most of the companies raised their dividends last year.
Dividend Deluge recently posted…Passive Income – January 2019 / Goals for 2019
Hi DD,
Cuts happen to every person in the DGI game. It’s part of the play action. The key is to stay diversified enough so that you are not too dependent on a handful of stocks for the majority of your passive income. Even with GE cutting I still managed a year over year increase.
That’s some solid dividend income for the month! Time to reinvest and push those dividend returns even higher.
Hi Brian,
That’s my recipe. Buy at least one stock each month, reinvest automatically and enjoy those raises when they come. DGI at its finest.
Good way to start the year. Even with GE dividend cut, you are still up a nice 20% on an off month.
Dividend Daze recently posted…2019 Goals
Hi DD,
No complaints from me about my 2019 start. Always happy to see a double digit year over year gain even with a nasty GE cut. Keep on investing!
Nice bump, even with GE coming home to roost. 2019 is already off to a great start, between fresh dividends and raises!
– Gremlin
Hi DG,
Cuts happen to all of us at some point. That’s the nature of DGI. All good though. Still managed a year over year increase despite the GE cut. What’s not to like about that?
I bet your fantastic January figure is a result of being consistent with investing and ignoring the noise at the same time.
“Stay in the game no matter what the headlines read”. So true!
Keep on building that compounding machine!
Snugfortune recently posted…Dividend Income – January 2019
Hi Snugfortune,
You said it. I invest with blinders on. Don’t know, don’t care about the financial noise. No one knows what the future will bring. National debt, wars, yield curve nonsense, interest rates rising, inflation, deflation, bubble this, bubble that. Who knows? What’s the alternative? Cash in the mattress? If cash will be worth anything (Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Argentina, etc.). Stay in the game, tune out the noise and just live your life. In the big scheme of things that’s all we really can do.
Hi Keith
Nice YoY growth, congrats! I particularly like the high quality consumer staples in your portfolio. PepsiCo, Altria, Philips Morris, Mondelez… These businesses will churn out stable and growing cash to their shareholders.
I agree, the beginning of the year is great to look back and calculate the forward annual dividend income. It‘s so motivating. And as you say: that strategy works!
We had a good start as well and will work very hard to smash the usd 10‘000 dividend income milestone this year.
Keep it up and all the best!
Hi FS,
Let’s keep smashing our personal records and keep growing that passive income stream. I still don’t understand why so many out there (outside our community) don’t like DGI. To me it’s a slow, stable, predictable and reliable way to grow a passive income stream. Money that you can tap in an emergency, supplement your lifestyle or better yet fully fund it. I keep thinking about all those people affected by the shutdown last month. If only an emergency fund was in place, supplemental income of $500, $600 from dividends would have been a big help as opposed to receiving zero. We have to take responsibility for ourselves. Of course, investing in new rims for my car or the latest $1K cel phone is just as prudent.
Great month with the total dividends and YoY growth! Looks like we share three companies from this month, those being KMB, PEP, and MO.
The market moves we saw over December and now January are further evidence and support to your comments about staying invested and sticking to the plan. If someone panicked in December and sold, they likely missed the recovery in January. I know you do a great job of tuning out the noise and remaining true to the strategy, as evidenced by these numbers!
DivvyDad recently posted…Dividend Income Report :: January 2019
Hi DD,
I really invest with blinders on. I read CNBC for fun mostly. I do not take anything there to mind as over the years negativity persists. Every single day there is a negative headline no matter what’s going on in the market. Enjoy:
No one knows what the future will bring. National debt, wars, yield curve nonsense, interest rates rising, inflation, deflation, bubble this, bubble that. Who knows? What’s the alternative? Cash in the mattress? If cash will be worth anything (Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Argentina, etc.). Stay in the game, tune out the noise.
Wow, $520 received in an off-month! That’s more than my target for the whole year. And I love that it’s almost $100 more than what you received in January 2018. It’s really an example that DGI works when you turn off the noise and just keep investing, no matter what is happening with the market 🙂
I am sharing ITW with you this month. As you saw in my January summary, it’s the first time when I receive dividend from this company 🙂
Good luck in 2019!
BrokeInvestor recently posted…January 2019 Summary
Hi BI,
DGI most definitely works. You just have to stay in the game to see these results. We all know that the financial headlines always read doom no matter the economic climate. I just make my buys every month, reinvest, enjoy those raises when they come, diversify to mitigate any cuts and ride out any financial storm. Happy to be a fellow ITW shareholder. I have held that stock for over ten years and plan to keep it for the foreseeable future.
Congrats on the ever growing income stream! I love many of the names sending dividend income your way each January. I hope to add both ITW and PEP to my portfolio sooner than later.
Passive Income Vortex recently posted…2019 January Dividend Summary
Thank you for your comment and continued support. Both ITW and PEP have been with me since I started down the DGI path about a decade ago. Let’s keep buying and building that passive income stream.
DH –
Love your BNS and KMB! Growth rate is awesome and cruising past $500 feels nice, eh? 2019 – first month in the books!
Hi DD,
Feels good to start 2019 like this. Double digit year over year gains with the ugly GE cut. I’ll take it. Time to keep spreading my bets and boost my MO and maybe PEP payouts. I never want to be too dependent on just a handful of stocks for my income.
Decent double-digit returns from last year and a good start for the new year div hut. Looking forward to following your progress for the rest of the year.
Dividend Portfolio recently posted…Dividend Income Report – January 2019
Hi DP,
I like my start to 2019, even with the GE cut I managed a year over year gain. That’s what diversification is all about. I never want to be too dependent on just a handful of stocks for the majority of my income.
Hi Keith,
your YoY rates are really impressive at this numbers. 500 USD in Dividend Income in low income month is not bad at all. Keep up the good work :)!!
Div.Income recently posted…Portfolio Update February 2019
Hi DI,
Thank you for your comment and continued support. More of the same for me going forward. Even with the ugly GE cut my passive income still rose. The power of diversification.
Great month! I finally threw in the towel on GE this week. I think Culp is making the right moves for the long run but don’t care to assist further (as a shareowner) by absorbing tax liabilities (WAB spin, for one).
Hi Charlie,
I hear you on GE. No plans for me to sell just yet though other comments have suggested it may be time to let it go. We’ll see how the rest of 2019 progresses. Maybe sell towards the end of the year? I’m holding for now as my passive income continues to rise despite the GE cut.
As usual, nice progress, DivHut. I’d say it was a terrific start to 2019 for you. Growth rates over 20% are hard to argue with, as is over $500 of income. Keep it rolling.
Looks like we’ve got 4 companies in common this month in PEP, MO, ITW, and CAH.
Engineering Dividends recently posted…Monthly Dividend Income (Jan. 2019)
Hi ED,
Nice to see some common names paying us both. No complaints about my 2019 start. Even with a dud like GE income still managed to rise. That’s the beauty of DGI.
Great progress. 20 percent YOY is awesome. Over $500. in dividends from lots of different companies. Keep it up.
Doug recently posted…January 2019 Dividends
Hi Doug,
Always appreciate the encouragement. Despite GE I was very happy with my start to 2019. Diversification is key!
These numbers are great. I like your returns. Im going to look over your methods and apply them to my own path of success. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Hi BB,
Always happy to share my real world results from my dividend income portfolio. I just stay in the game no matter what the financial headlines read and stay diversified. Over the years I have held on to some duds (GE) but on the whole still manage a year over year rise in income.
Hi there,
Have you considered mutual fund? Perhaps they will help to avoid nasty GE surprises?
Financial Independence recently posted…January 2019 update ($480,872 +$40,797 or +%9.3)
Hi FI,
No funds for me at this point. I prefer to stick with individual names and to an extent I have my own concentrated fund between all my holdings. Most funds have some exposure to GE so it would impact me one way or another. The reality is that my passive income continued to rise year over year so the effects of the cut has been mitigated.
Wow, what a fantastic month. $520 is pretty fantastic. It might be time to throw in the towel on GE though! I look forward to seeing how you do in February.
Hi PB,
Thanks for the comment. I’m not against selling by any means but seeing my passive income still increase year over year means my portfolio can absorb the GE cut. I’m not ready to let go of GE yet.
Nice worth, Keith.
We have some overlap with the PEP and BNS. I’ve been following CAH a bit over time and may well pick it up at some point; I think Healthcare is a great space to be in for the long run. The demographics are there to support a tremendous runway for the coming decades.
Take care,
No doubt healthcare has a long runway for the foreseeable future. That being said, some health stocks still seem to be stuck in the mud, CAH being one of them. The dividend is still safe and it is trading at much better values these days so I agree that it may be a good long term winner. As always, I appreciate your comment.