Dividend Income Update December 2017

The start of every month is exciting for all dividend income investors as we look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. December was exciting as ever as my year over year numbers continue to highlight the trifecta magic of dividend investing which includes, adding fresh capital, dividend raises and basic compounding to create an ever increasing passive income stream. Even if I stopped adding fresh capital today and every dividend stock I owned kept all distributions flat without a single raise, my passive income stream would continue to grow.


With that being said, let’s take a look back at my December 2017 dividend income.


Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $746.07 up from $541.46 an increase of 37.8% from December of last year.


Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $167.17 up from $110.34 an increase of 51.5% from this time last year.


Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $1.97 down from $35.39 from this time last year, a decrease of -94.4%. (Nothing wrong here. VTR used to pay in December last year which explains the year over year decrease).


Grand total for the month of December: $915.21 an increase of 33.2% from December 2016.


Grand total for 2017 dividends: $7,512.35 an increase of 23.6% from 2016. You just have to love the very real results of dividend growth investing.

Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: $4,931.09

Total: $746.07

ROTH Account

Year to date dividends: $1,932.19

Total: $167.17

IRA Account

Year to date dividends: $649.07

Total: $1.97

I hope everyone had a great 2017 with a renewed sense of what can be accomplished with patience, not panicking, common sense and general investing consistency and discipline. These traits enable consistent dividend income results you see above as well as the knowledge that with high, moderate or even low income levels passive income growth can be achieved. Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your December dividend income? Please let me know below.


Disclosure: Long all above

65 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update December 2017”

  1. Nice post, Keith. I continue to enjoy your updates. I also like the use of multiple account types to leverage a balance of tax impacts.

    Overall, December was a good month for us and a number of other investors based on the year-end posts I read. We hit an average of $1k in passive income a month, so looking to grow that in 2018.

    Thanks again for the post. – Mike
    Mike at Balanced Dividends recently posted…Balanced Dividends Passive Income Analysis: 2016 vs. 2017My Profile

    • Hi BD,

      Looks like things are rolling smoothly on your end as well. Just keep buying and growing that passive income stream. Look forward to following your progress in 2018. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi TCF,

      No official 2018 dividend target except that I want it to exceed my 2017 total. In the meantime, it’s slow and steady consistent monthly buying for me building up that passive income stream share by share. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi DDU,

      Thank you for those words of encouragement and continued support. While I don’t want to rush 2018, I do look forward to seeing my annual totals in December. We’ll get there soon enough. In the meantime, it’s consistent buying for me every month no matter what’s going on in the market. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  2. Nice summary Keith and great results. Thanks for putting it together. I like some of the words you use to close and summarize the post….”patience, not panicking, common sense and general investing consistency and discipline”. Great investing traits as you say. I like to think we share them in common as well as many of the stock holdings you outline. Tom
    Tom @ Dividends Diversify recently posted…6 Steps to Create Your Passive Income Machine (Part 2)My Profile

    • Hi DD,

      I’m glad you can appreciate those words from my post. Too often we say those words but when things get ugly our real selves emerge and we panic sell and succumb to the panic the financial media touts. I know I can withstand a devastating drop. I already went through it in 2008/09 when my portfolio was halved. I didn’t panic, didn’t sell. I just held on and continued to make my monthly buys and here we are today. As long as I can put up ever increasing dividend income figures I’m happy. Thank you for your comment and continued support.

    • Hi ADD,

      Thanks for those kind words. That’s the plan in 2018. More of the same. Continued monthly buying and growing my passive income stream. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  3. Hey DH,

    Congrats on 7,5k dividend income for 2017!! and a yoy increase of 23,6%. With a portfolio of your size that’s an amazing growth rate. Keep pushing and you’ll have a four figure monthly dividend income sooner than later.

    My dividend income for 2017 came in @ just over 4000$, a new record. If you have the time you can check the blogpost…


    2017 has been good to me, at every level;-)

    Wish you and your family all the best for 2018!

    • Hi DS,

      Looks like you put up some solid figures yourself for 2017. Congrats on your accomplishment. For me, 2018 will be more of the same in terms of making my monthly buys and growing my passive income stream slowly but surely. As long as I can put up solid year over year growth rates I’m happy. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  4. Great month and great way to end the year. Getting close to the 1k mark for December, nice work. Lots of quality companies paying you. Very nice growth rate too. Keep making those quality buys. They are paying off in dividends for you. Have a good 2018!

    • Hi DD,

      As you can already guess it will be more of the same for me in 2018. Just keep buying those quality dividend paying stocks and build up my passive income stream each month. As always, I appreciate your comment and continued support.

    • Hi DR,

      I appreciate your continued support. Just keep at it and in time you’ll be putting up these same numbers and better. Just stay in the game and don’t get shaken out of the market. The financial media always will highlight the red flags during the best of times or worst of times. Bad news is what sells. Just stay in the game. Thanks you for commenting.

  5. Nothing to complain about with numbers like that. $900+, 30%+ increase, over $7.5k for the year. That’s some awesome stuff. Your consistency with making purchases is one of the best things out of all of those traits. That’s what lets you keep building the portfolio up month after month, year after year. All the best in 2018.
    JC recently posted…1st Year of Options Trading: RecapMy Profile

    • Hi JC,

      So true. I always believed that consistent investing is the key to real success when it comes to the dividend growth game. Sometimes we pick dividend winners and sometimes we pick dividend losers but the key is to keep buying, building, diversifying and not get shaken out of the market and sit on the sidelines waiting for the best time to buy. There’s no such thing. The only thing that we have going is time spent in the market. As always, I appreciate your continued support.

    • Hi MB,

      Thank you for those kind words. Though I don’t want to rush through the year I too look forward to seeing how my performance will fare for the year. In the meantime, I’ll continue to make my monthly buys and build up my passive income stream share by share.

    • HI MDD,

      Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to hitting my first $1K month sometime this year perhaps??? In the meantime, it’s consistent buying for me every month and growing my portfolio bit by bit. Appreciate your support.

    • Hi DG,

      It took me many, many years to get to this point. Of course, I’m not done and look forward to putting up continued year over year growth each month. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi MH,

      I don’t go for the high risk stuff in my dividend portfolio. Just good old fashioned boring dividend stocks that grow steadily. For action, I have my cryptocurrency holdings. Thank you for your kind words and support.

    • Hi dividendgeek,

      Those drops occur every now and then when a company decides to change their payout schedule. It doesn’t matter to me as long as I can put up year over year gains which means I’m headed in the right direction in terms of growing my passive income stream. Thank you for your continued support!

  6. DH –

    Man.. just tore the cover off this month. Also – how many fricken aristocrats do you own!? I guarantee you’ll have well over $1,200 this December, or maybe you’ll just cross $2K, COME ON! You got this.



    • Hi DD,

      My portfolio was built on the dividend aristocrats list. From there I expanded to other names but I still believe that every noob should start with that list. I’m not sure where I’ll be in December 2018 but one thing I do know is that my consistent monthly buying will keep my portfolio growing and see that passive income stream turn into a river. Thanks for commenting.

    • Hi ED,

      We pick dividend winners and we pick dividend losers too. The key to successful long term dividend growth investing is consistency. As you know, I make monthly buys no matter what’s going on in the market. In the near term my buys might work out or not but it doesn’t matter to me as I have a long term outlook. Keep investing and stay in the game. It’s easy to sit on the sidelines and wait for that mythical best time to buy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  7. Hi Keith — congratulations on your ever-increasing dividend income. Great year over year growth! I just love quarter-ending months, as those usually allow me to set new records for monthly dividend income!

    Take care and happy investing in 2018!

    • Hi FerdiS,

      Thank you for your continued support. I love how we continually share and push one another on our DGI paths. I’ll keep it going in 2018, that’s for sure. Look forward to following your progress as well!

  8. Hey Keith
    What an impressive YoY Growth and strong December dividend income. You really have built an enormously strong cash generation machine. Just thinking ten years ahead, the compound effect will work in your favour just miraculously.
    Have a great year 2018!

    • Hi FS,

      While I’m quite happy with my progress so far, I am always looking towards the future and know that my actions of today will reap great benefits down the road. Another ten or twenty years this portfolio could really be doing something. Thank you for your kind words and support.

    • Hi BHL,

      No need to be jealous 🙂 In time, everyone can put up numbers like these. It just takes time. This result was the culmination of about ten years worth of dividend growth investing. This is a marathon indeed. Thank you for your continued support.

    • Hi Stockles,

      Well, those end of quarter months are usually the longest list of dividend producers and create the highest returns. It’s well diversified and I’m happy to watch it grow year over year. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  9. Excellent growth you got here A+++!! And it’s from a very well-diversify portfolio, this offer a great safety net. Job well done!!

    Next up is 5-digits dividend payout!!

    • Hi Vivianne,

      I’m looking forward to my first ever five digit monthly payout. I know it will come in time. In the meantime, it’s monthly investing for me to slowly build up that passive income stream. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi SD,

      Thank you for your continued support. Dividend growth keeps on doing its thing no matter what’s going on in the world or financial markets. Thanks for commenting.

    • Hi DD,

      This portfolio is a culmination of about one decade of slow, monthly investing. It’s nice to see the progress that has been made. Keep it going in 2018!

    • Hi IM,

      $1K will come when it comes 🙂 That’s my attitude. My next long term goal is to average $1K a month but I still have some time before I reach there. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Frankie,

      Thank you for those kind words. I have built up my dividend portfolio over the last decade or so and while it wasn’t always a pretty picture I simply held on through the tough times and kept on investing. As you mentioned… it’s hard to argue with the annual results. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi DP,

      As long as I’m up year over year overall, it doesn’t matter if I see some negative numbers. Growth is growth. Keep up the good work on your end as well and look forward to a strong 2018!

  10. Trifecta Magic is a great way to put it. Checking accounts in the morning is my favorite thing to do at my favorite time of day. It never gets old seeing that money just show up in your account and you don’t have to do anything for it. Not even any fees after the initial stock purchase. I will be following along!

    • Hi Bob,

      As you stated, it never gets old seeing money flow into your account as you simply go about your business. Dividend investing is a long term proposition and for those that don’t panic sell or let fear grip their emotions it can be a great way to build up a passive income stream. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi DFG,

      We all love those end of quarter months the most. Just keep investing, don’t panic sell and long term you should be just fine. Thanks for the support.

    • Hi TDK,

      I was pretty excited to see that year over year increase. You know I’ll keep that snowball growing with my monthly buys no matter where the market is. I’ll just keep buying. Thanks for those words!


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