All you sucka’s gather ’round, there’s a new dividend income report coming to town. So get on up and check the scene of the latest April passive income stream. If you crave satisfaction then dig this dividend action:
Brokerage Account
Year to date dividends: $1,354.12
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
04/03/2017 | DIVIDEND:KO | KO | $38.92 |
04/04/2017 | DIVIDEND:KMB | KMB | $41.87 |
04/06/2017 | DIVIDEND:JCI | JCI | $23.47 |
04/11/2017 | DIVIDEND:ITW | ITW | $37.23 |
04/11/2017 | DIVIDEND:DEO | DEO | $50.86 |
04/11/2017 | DIVIDEND:PM | PM | $40.80 |
04/13/2017 | DIVIDEND:MDLZ | MDLZ | $6.15 |
04/17/2017 | DIVIDEND:CAH | CAH | $9.50 |
04/19/2017 | DIVIDEND:VSM | VSM | $1.00 |
04/20/2017 | DIVIDEND:ADNT | ADNT | $1.83 |
04/21/2017 | DIVIDEND:CB | CB | $6.32 |
04/25/2017 | DIVIDEND:GE | GE | $39.66 |
Total: $297.61 |
ROTH Account
Year to date dividends: $572.61
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
04/03/2017 | DIVIDEND:KO | KO | $11.27 |
04/04/2017 | DIVIDEND:KMB | KMB | $7.16 |
04/11/2017 | DIVIDEND:PM | PM | $7.83 |
04/13/2017 | DIVIDEND:MDLZ | MDLZ | $8.31 |
04/28/2017 | DIVIDEND:BNS | BNS | $86.46 |
Total: $121.03 |
IRA Account
Year to date dividends: $161.58
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
04/28/2017 | DIVIDEND:LTC | LTC | $1.91 |
Total: $1.91 |
Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $297.61 up from $277.55 an increase of 7.2% from April of last year.
Dividend income from my ROTH account totaled $121.03 down from $135.84 a decrease of -10.9% from this time last year.
Dividend income from my IRA account totaled $1.91 up from $0.00 from this time last year.
Grand total for the month of April: $420.55 an increase of 1.7% from April 2016.
Talk about a buzz kill. After coming off an incredible all time high in March I manage to scrounge up a 1.7% year over year increase. No worries and no concern here. This small increase was due to The Kraft Heinz Company (KHC) shifting their payout schedule. Since I hold shares of KHC in my taxable and ROTH account it had a larger impact on my grand total. Of course, I always say an increase is an increase and being up 1.7% year over year sure beats being down and I am on track to surpass my 2016 totals which means I’m still headed in the right direction.
On another positive note, I’m happy to finally see my spin offs Versum Materials, Inc. (VSM) and Adient plc (ADNT) begin their dividend distributions. The amounts may not be large but it’s a start and a heck of a lot better seeing those investments contribute to my passive income stream instead of just sitting there idle.
Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your April dividend income? Please let me know below.
Disclosure: Long all above
That is not a massive increase but overall a 7% increase is amazing. I hope that can continue to grow for many years.
Buy, Hold Long recently posted…Net Worth Update – April 2017
I must have misread this somehow. Regardless a 1.7% increase is still an increase so that’s always good. Cheers.
Buy, Hold Hold recently posted…Blog Progress Report – April 2017
No problem. 1.7% is what I managed for April. Not a lot but I’ll take it.
The plan is to keep this flow moving along month in and month out whether it’s a large or small year over year increase. My “jump” in April was 1.7% though 🙂 7% would have been nice. Thank you for commenting.
420 $ is a solid month according to me as we have a target of 300$ a month. So you perform well above that one. We would be very pleased with such a month. Our 3 dividend portfolios all had a record month in April. Blog posts will appear throughout the month.
Congrats with your solid month !
Patrick recently posted…How you can LOSE all your net worth and make also your kids poorer….ACT NOW !
Hi Patrick,
No doubt, $400+ is a great amount to earn passively. No complaints from me that’s for sure. Congrats on hitting multiple records across your dividend portfolio for the month. It’s always a great feeling when a milestone is reached. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
I don’t think you’re quite ready for a rap battle yet!
$420 for April is still a solid total and that’s good that you were able to show a 1.7% increase despite not receiving KHC’s dividends. I imagine you’re probably looking at a much better rate if you normalized the dividends.
I messed up and should have added some DEO back when it was below $100 post-Brexit but kept looking at other opportunities. CB is another company that you own that I want to add to my portfolio. The P&C insurance business can be very lucrative as long as the underwriting stays conservative.
JC recently posted…Dividend Update Preview – April 2017 [Infographic]
Hi JC,
My rap skills are second to none. It’s all about increasing our dividends you son of a gun 🙂
I’m happy with my $420 for April. I have to realize that it’s a lot more than I was earning just a few short years ago. KHC kind of throws a wrench in the accurate year over year comparisons. I forgot to mention HCP also changing their payouts too. Even with those dollars not coming into the account in April I still managed a gain. Of course, this just means my other months will show a stellar year over year change. Keep following DEO. I have a feeling we’ll get better buying opportunities in that name as Brexit fallout makes the headlines once again. As always, I appreciate your comment.
Thanks for sharing your portfolio! It’s always fascinating to see what others are investing in. Congrats on continuing to move in the right direction!
Jay recently posted…Trend Following Stock Trade Ideas for May 2017 (Part 1)
Hi Jay,
My pleasure. These monthly updates are always fun to share as it charts our real world progress in the DGI game. Thank you for your continued support.
Whoa rapper DH in the house! I hear that could happen when your on a ($)420 high. Get it? Gotta have fun with it that’s for sure. Especially the most fun posts to write and read of course, monthly dividend income reports. The payment schedules on a few stocks moving are getting everyone this year. It will only change the growth numbers around for a year until things get back to normal as far as YoY% growth goes. But as long as you’re increasing, you’re headed in the right direction. Keep it up!
Dividend Daze recently posted…Dividend Update – April
Hi DD,
A 420 high??? You must be blowing smoke! I get my highs from watching my dividends roll in 🙂 The changes in payouts from KHC, HCP and others are throwing many off a bit but as long as the annual totals are larger than the previous year I know I’m headed in the right direction. It doesn’t really matter what months those dividends get distributed. I can’t complain about putting up a year over year increase though despite these payout changes. In all, a good April. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Stinks when companies switch but as long as they pay all is good because it all works out in the end. 420 is an awesome amount soon you will be knocking on the 500 dollar door. Keep it up.
Doug recently posted…AAPL Dividend increase
Hi Doug,
Exactly. As long as they continue to pay or even better continue to raise their dividends it doesn’t really matter to me when they hit my account. Thank you for the continued encouragement.
Hey Congrats on the big return, 1.7 % still something, lol. I wonder if GE is still a good buy now a days with such a high PE, but still a good yield? I like that dividends just keep coming without much issues. Good luck in May
EL recently posted…In Life There are no Shortcuts
Hi EL,
1.7% is still an increase which I’ll gladly take over a decrease, that’s for sure. I have been reading quite a bit about GE in recent days. Some call it a dog others say they are still getting back into their “groove” and should be patient. For now, I plan to simply hold my GE but wouldn’t mind adding to my position at slightly better pricing. Thank you for commenting.
it may be a buzz kill, but it’s still higher than you made last year this time and you did not have to work for it!! 😀
FiscalVoyage recently posted…Dividend Increase – CAH
Hi FV,
So true. Passive income generated is great no matter the amount received. I will not forget that. It’s all good though. Now I can look forward to May and everyone’s favorite month June for future dividend income reports. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Another solid month Div Hut. And a 1.7% increase is still in the right direction.
Dividend Portfolio recently posted…How I Invested $3000
Hi DP,
Thank you for your continued support. It’s all about maintaining that forward progress and with that being said April proved to me that I’m still headed in the right direction. I appreciate your comment.
Just remember to keep growing your dividends so they don’t go up in smoke. Have fun with all the munchies you can eat with those dividends.
Hi DM,
That’s the plan… dividend growth every month, every year. With all those 420 references I think I am getting a case of the munchies 🙂 As always, I appreciate your comment.
Dam div, over 400$ ain’t nothing wrong with that! End of the quater is my best month as well. Keep it going man!
Passivecanadianincome recently posted…April 2017 Dividend Income
Hi Passivecanadianincome,
I appreciate your kind words and continued support. No doubt, there’s zero reason to complain about earning over $400 passively. Believe me, I’m perfectly fine with my results. Still, I do look forward to that June report!
Frustrating but an increase is an increase right?! Just feels like the ebbs and flows of the dividend investing game. I’ve had either huge increase months or decreases so far this year, hasn’t felt like there’s been much in between. Probably a product of my smaller portfolio and shifts in dividend payments as well.
Here’s to May! The year is flying by.
DividendStacker recently posted…April 2017 Passive Income Report
Hi DS,
Yes, an increase is an increase even without KHC and HCP reporting which is still amazing to see. Just goes to show the value of having a well diversified portfolio in solid dividend paying stocks. It’s scary to see that we’re already in May. I don’t want to blink for fear of opening my eyes in December and wondering where 2017 went. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
It was still an increase so that is something. April and May are typically pretty tough for me but I am always happy if it is an increase.
Looks like we both got GE and KO
Hi JP,
Happy to be a fellow GE and KO shareholder with you. Both of those names should remain in my portfolio for the foreseeable future. I’ll take a small increase year over year rather than a decrease. While April is a slow month for dividends I still managed a gain which shows I’m still headed in the right direction. Thank you for commenting.
Hut –
Yep, the Kraft payout scheduling continues to throw off the comparisons! All good and you STILL had more than last year, just AWESOME!
Dividend Diplomats recently posted…Expected Dividend Increases in May 2017
Hi DD,
KHC, HCP and others are throwing many of us off in terms of calculating our year over year results. As you said, I still managed a gain despite these changes to payouts which just shows the power of dividend growth investing and staying diversified. Another way to look at these payout schedule changes would be to imagine those companies suspending their dividends. Could your portfolio still manage a gain with one or two or more of your dividend payers going belly up? Something to consider. Thank you for your continued support and comment.
Good to see the spin off payments. We share a bunch of positions, and I had the same reaction with KHC – hey they still pay me.
April is a down month for me too.
– Gremlin
Dividend Gremlin recently posted…April Review / May Preview 2017
Hi DG,
Yeah… finally those spin offs started paying me something. I still have a few non-payers in my portfolio (YUMC, QCP and HYH) and really look forward to the day they announce a distribution. I’ll take anything at this point. Even a token 0.5% would make me happy. It’s still better than zero. Look forward to those May and June reports. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
April is one of my slower months also. I was expecting a 70% or more increase from last April, but fell short considerably. Again, this is due to a shift in payment schedule, but it it bump up May quite a bit. I’ll be looking forward to that one, but still purchasing along the way.
I’m always setting high expectation of surpassing last year number by 70% or more, but these unexpected life events and payment keep creeping up. I can’t wait till I start seeing them rolling in the thousands, at least then I feel like some sort of accomplishment.
Nice job on portfolio, I’m looking to add more package food maker, and see them consolidating again in the near future.
Micro Dividends recently posted…5 May 2017 – AEP, IBM, CSQ
Hi MD,
Those changes in payouts really affected many of us in April. Between KHC, HCP, TD and others our year over year totals have all been skewed artificially lower last month. Oh well. As long as those dividends keep rolling in I don’t really care which month they are deposited in my account. Look forward to seeing which stocks you are considering in May. I wonder which packaged food maker is enticing you? Keep buying those quality stocks. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I have KO, PM, and GE all in my accounts, but I just added KO at the end of the month so I have to wait for those distributions to start rolling in. April is usually a slow month for me, but VIG shifted their payout by a couple days and it actually ended up there instead of in March which helped me smooth over my normal payments. I’m averaging $500 a month right now which is pretty nice over my three accounts.
Duncan’s Dividends recently posted…Recent Purchase – O!
Hi DD,
Happy to be a fellow shareholder with you in those stocks you mention. I plan on keeping them all in my portfolio for the foreseeable future. Averaging $500 a month is a very solid figure for passive income earned. While I am still a while away from my next goal my eyes are set on averaging $1k a month next. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Wow you are crushing it with your dividends!!! I have been following JCI for awhile and I definitely need to pull the trigger on it one of these days. Overall, really fascinating look into portfolio. Keep up the awesome work.
Mustard Seed Money recently posted…Guest Post: Is Your Heuristic Showing?
For a slow month with payout schedule changes too, April still proved to be a very strong month in terms if passive dollars earned. I have held JCI for almost ten years and it hasn’t disappointed. Now that its spin off is paying a dividend too I plan to keep both in my portfolio for the foreseeable future. If JCI gets to $40 or below I’ll be adding. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Nice companies all around. Congrats DH for squeezing some growth after all. HCP is changing its schedule back to May. Keep it chugging along!
Race2Retirement recently posted…Dividend Income Update – April 2017
Hi R2R,
As always, I appreciate your kind words and continued support. April was a funny month with several payout schedule changes like KHC, HCP and even TD but I still managed a year over year gain. No complaints from me. Seeing those dollars roll in never gets old. Thank you for commenting.
Not to worry. You are positioned well. This is where the patience part of DGI investing will pay off. Stick with the plan and the y-o-y increases will tick up in short order. Keep ‘Plugging’ along!
Brian recently posted…April Dividends 2017 are here !
Hi Brian,
I already know I have the patience to see this DGI investing method all the way through. Believe me, I have my eye on the long term prize and with these inevitable “slow” months happening from time to time it just reminds me to continue to further diversify my holdings and keep “plugging” along 🙂 Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Solid month. Always cool to see that we share many of the same stocks! Any year-over-year increase is a good!
Two Investing recently posted…5 financial metrics you should ignore when investing
Hi TI,
You said it. Any year over year increase should be celebrated. It sure beats being flat or worse, seeing a decrease. Always happy to be a fellow shareholder with you in some really great companies. Thank you for commenting.
Just think if KHC had not switched up the payout schedule. You’d have had an even better increase than you did. Even as it stands, you pretty much kept up with inflation over last year. Any number that’s higher is a good thing.
Hi Chris,
That’s true. There also was a change with HCP. Bottom line, as long those dividends hit my account at some point it really doesn’t matter which month they come in. Still, I was quite pleased with the results as earning over $400 passively in a month is always nice and I also managed a year over year increase. All is good. Thank you for your continued support and comment.
These are excellent numbers! To have Kraft change payment months and still knock up a Y-O-Y gain is great! Just shows that you have a diverse enough portfolio to handle the absence of a dividend.
That’s true. It wasn’t just KHC. HCP also changed their payout schedule. I have nothing to complain about, that’s for sure. Posting any year over year gain should always put a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Great work nonetheless Keith. Most of us had lackluster Aprils. 🙂
Dan recently posted…Passive Income Report: April 2017
Hi Dan,
April was a funny month for many of us. Those payout schedule changes really skewed many results. Just goes to show how similar a lot of our portfolios are. Thank you for your support and comment.
Nicely done Hut. You are an inspiration.
Hi dividendgeek,
Wow, thank you for those kind words. Believe me, I also receive plenty of inspiration from all the blogs I read out there. Let’s keep the dividend train rolling along!
Always killing it nice work DH,
I keep most of my taxable dividends in my Scottrade account because of their FRIP. I am really seeing a nice bump from all the new shares I am purchasing in that program for no commission. Love the growth every month.
Keep it up, as a competitive numbers guy I am secretly trying catch you….haha!
Save Splurge Deny Debt – Cameron recently posted…April Blog in Review
While the year over year growth was minimal I was happy with my total that was brought in for the month. Nothing wrong with $400+ coming in passively. I used to be with Scottrade many years ago. One of the reasons I left was because they did not offer any DRIP type programs. I hear good things about FRIP and I think it’s neat to be able to earn dividends from one company and automatically reinvest them in another. Keep the dividend growth moving along on your end 🙂 As always, I appreciate your comment.
Hi DH,
Congrats on a solid result for April, despite those pesky payment schedule shifts!
Keep up the inspiring updates 🙂
Best wishes,
Hi DL,
Thank you for those kind words. Over time those payout schedule changes will happen. It’s just an annoyance more than anything else as I try to calculate my year over year progress. Bottom line, as long as those dividends continue to get paid it doesn’t really matter which month they hit my account. Thank you for commenting.
Thank you for sharing your dividend income for the month! I find a lot of value in seeing how other dividend investors are investing. Congrats on another solid month and on the increase over April 2016.
Graham @ Reverse The Crush recently posted…Development Plan | 6 Goals for May 2017
It’s always a pleasure to share my monthly dividend income. Like you, I get a lot of inspiration from reading other reports and seeing dividend income continually rise on a year over year basis. Thank you for your support and comment.
An increase is an increase 🙂 Good job Keith on your path to FI, one step closer and lots more cash to put into more stocks.
Dividends Down Under recently posted…Dividend update: May 2017
It’s true an increase is an increase which is better than being flat for the month or worse, down year over year. No complaints. Believe me I’m happy to see forward progress and will only continue to build up form here. As always, I appreciate your comment.