Dividend Income Update August 2022

It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my dividend income portfolio.

Without rehashing the wild ride we experienced in the market last few weeks, I could find comfort in one thing, my dividends (even if dividend cuts are very much on the table these days). As we all know, the market may move up and down irrationally and seemingly on a whim while our dividends remain much more stable, reliable and predictable. Sure, dividends may not increase every year and a cut or elimination is even possible but the odds are greatly reduced when you diversify among different companies and sectors and focus on dividend quality (free cash flow, EPS, debt, payout ratios and these days cash on hand). Keep in mind these days there are no shortages of accidental high yielding stocks but look at real cash on hand when viewing balance sheets. With that being said, let’s take a look at my August 2022 dividend totals.

Dividend income from my taxable account totaled $892.57.

08/01/2022GISGENERAL MILLS INC$132.89
08/01/2022TA T & T INC$116.62
08/08/2022APDAIR PROD & CHEMICALS$67.55
08/11/2022AAPLAPPLE INC$11.32
08/12/2022CLXCLOROX CO$20.16
08/15/2022ABBVABBVIE INC$316.31
08/15/2022PGPROCTER & GAMBLE$25.75
08/15/2022HRLHORMEL FOODS CORP$22.47
08/19/2022CATCATERPILLAR INC$90.81
08/26/2022SBUXSTARBUCKS CORP$15.14

I have to say I’m quite pleased with my August totals. Not too far from that coveted four digit milestone too. Of course, like other dividend investors we’re still feeling the effects of that dividend cut from T and that garbage spin off WBD. Oh well… not my first dividend reduction and I’m sure not the last. As long as I can grow my passive income on an annual basis I am happy and I continue to hold many great stocks in my portfolio that continue to raise their dividends and offset those occasional stinkers.

How was your August passive income stream? Please let me know below.

Disclosure: Long all above

9 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update August 2022”

    • Hi passivecanadianincome,

      ABBV has been with me since that ABT spin off and I continued to add over the years. I should get my dividends a little more balanced but it is tough to get equal payouts from each company. Not sure why GIS isn’t loved. Over the many, many years I held it has appreciated decent and continued to pay out a very reliable dividend.

    • Hi MDD,

      Thank you. ABBV is one of my bigger payers in general. Build that up over the years after the ABT spin off. Still trying to recover after that T debacle. But hey, I have own(ed) GE, WFC, YUMC and other cutters and the portfolio still manages to grow.

    • Hi Doug,

      Look forward to hitting that four digit milestone. Every now and then that passive income takes a hit (T) but overall keeps on ticking. Thanks for your comment.

  1. Those are some heavy dividend payers you got there DH. Especially ABBV but the GIS and T dividends are still very strong. Any thoughts about what to do with T? Guess you’re still holding for now and so am I although I sold off the WBD shares. My original plan was to give T 1-1.5 years post spinoff to see how things develop before making a decision. I rode that one down and too much of the damage had already been done for it to make sense to sell.
    JC recently posted…Dividend Increase | Verizon $VZ #DividendMy Profile

    • Hi JC,

      For now T is staying with me but I am losing WBD. Have enough dog spin offs that lose value and pay no dividends. Free up some cash and put it to work elsewhere. Frankly, I’m sick of all these spin offs. When I first started investing, spin offs were quite rare. Today, it seems that every company is engaged in accounting trickery fooling shareholders with crap spin offs that only disguise dividend cuts. Rarely does a spin off these days equate to a solid real world standalone company.


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