Dividend Income Update September 2015

The start of every month is exciting for all dividend income investors as we look back at the previous month and see how much passive dividend income our portfolios generated. September was exciting as ever as my year over year numbers continue to highlight the trifecta magic of dividend investing which includes, adding fresh capital, dividend raises and basic compounding to create an ever increasing passive income stream. Even if I stopped adding fresh capital today and every dividend stock I owned kept all distributions flat without a single raise, my passive income stream will continue to grow.


Going forward, it will be interesting for me to quantify the increasing dividends from a number of my holdings as for the last several months I have simply been adding to my existing positions rather than initiate new ones. The way I see it, the homework has already been done on my end when I decided to make a particular purchase in the first place and there are at least half a dozen companies that have fallen on hard times which has been reflected in their stock prices that I like to continue adding fresh capital to. Has any of their businesses fundamentally changed? Not really, which is why I feel comfortable adding to those holdings when most are selling. You already know the names, Caterpillar Inc. (CAT), Emerson Electric Co. (EMR), The Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS), The Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) and more. If things stay depressed for a while I may not be initiating any new holdings for some time.


One exciting note to mention is new dividend payer Care Capital Properties, Inc. (CCP) which found its way into my IRA account as a spin off of Ventas, Inc. (VTR). The plan is to keep the CCP shares and perhaps add to them in the future once several dividends have been paid.


With that being said, let’s take a look back at my September dividend income.


Dividend income from my taxable account totalled $346.90 up from $277.89 an increase of 24.8% from September of last year.


Dividend income from my ROTH account totalled $75.05 up from $53.74 an increase of 39.7% from this time last year.


Dividend income from my IRA account totalled $23.92 up from $0 from this time last year.


Grand total for the month of September: $445.87.


Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: $2,359.67

Total: $346.90

ROTH Account

Year to date dividends: $733.52

Total: $75.05

IRA Account

Year to date dividends: $96.36

Total: $23.92


Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your September dividend income? Please let me know below.


Disclosure: Long all above

69 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update September 2015”

  1. Excellent growth again and really shows the consistency at which you’ve been investing. I really need to start focusing on building positions up rather than adding news ones, but it’s just so much more interesting to find new companies that make good candidates. In the long run though a simpler and more concentrated portfolio is what I need although I still want to own between 40-50 companies. Keep up the good work and hopefully you can get some 20%+ increases in your next year over year comparison.
    JC recently posted…Weekly Roundup – October 3, 2015My Profile

    • Hi JC,

      Consistency is the name of the game. I invest every month in all market environments. I think that’s what allowed me to slowly build up a portfolio over time and not worry about chasing yield or some other risky investment.

      I can appreciate the excitement many in the DGI community have for finding the next “new” dividend investment but sometimes you just have to step back and look at what you already own and see if there aren’t good opportunities in those holdings first. With the recent downturn in the market I am seeing some very high quality companies selling at great value and yield which is why I am focusing on those names first. As always, I appreciate the comment.

    • Hi D4s,

      Thank you for your continued support. We always talk about the inconsistency of the market and the consistency of dividends. Of course, nothing is ever guaranteed, even dividends, but one thing is certain, dividends are a heck of a lot more reliable than stock performance which is why my focus has always been dividend growth. Dividends are real cash and not paper profits which make them a lot more tangible. Look forward to reading more results among our fellow DGI’ers. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi Steph,

      Thank you for your kind words. September has been a great month for total dividend income. That’s real money that can pay for a lot of things. Electricity, Internet, cel phone or a car payment perhaps? The beauty of these updates is seeing the continued year over year growth which makes it that much more exciting. Just goes to show that building up a solid portfolio of consistent dividend payers is a great way to generate an ever increasing passive income stream. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi IP,

      Thank you for your continued support. The year over year increases always put a smile on my face. It’s just further proof that what we are all doing is the right thing. Of course, juicing those returns with fresh capital always helps but so do the dividend raises and reinvestment. Let’s keep the flow going and finish 2015 strong. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi FV,

      I know the industrial names took the spotlight in recent weeks as CAT, EMR, DOV, MMM and more all tumbled but when JNJ went well under $100 I thought I’d be reading about a lot more JNJ buys. Still, it’s a great long term dividend payer that is selling at a bit better price and value these day. Curious to see if you’ll pick any up. Thank you for commenting.

  2. Awesome job Keith. Slow and steady will win it. It’s such a great feeling to see the fruits of our labour. Keep it up and don’t stop. Keep hustling it up and the trend is gonna move higher and higher. Can’t wait to hear your next purchases. Cheers bud.

    • Hi DH,

      Thank you for the kind words. I’m all about the slow and steady. Every month, I make at least one buy, I nibble on positions and over time I get results like these. The hustle continues and be on the lookout in the next week or two for my September buy(s). As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi mraitn,

      With results like these it’s hard not to have a nice weekend. Slow and steady, no yield chasing, buy solid companies and watch the dividends slowly roll in. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi R2R,

      Industrial and financial is where many are going. I think quite a few of the dividend bloggers are suffering from oil overload which is why many continue to nibble on the sector instead of gorge.

      No complaints from my end with September’s dividend income. As long as I can post some great year over year growth I know I’m headed in the right direction. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi IH,

      My thoughts exactly. While I run this dividend marathon my eyes are on that long term prize when dividend income will be reported in the thousands instead of hundreds. Appreciate the support and comment. Thanks!

    • Hi Tawcan,

      Thank you for your continued support. I sometimes can’t believe at that figure when I look back at those very first dividends received. I’m happy that I started this blog as it really does keep me much closer to my investments and dividend income. Prior to the blog I just looked at my portfolio every two or three weeks, made a buy or two and that was it. This blog allows me to track to the penny my progress and, quite honestly, it’s exciting. I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi ADD,

      Always appreciate the continued support from the blogging community. I was pretty happy with my September results, not just for the amount of passive income that was generated, but also for the year over year growth. As long as I can see a meaningful increase with each passing year I know I’m doing something right. Congrats to your dividend success as well. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Keith,

    Great work. You’ve really got that income spread around some great names. And what this report shows is that $10.00 here and $20.00 there adds up in a hurry when you’re well diversified.

    You’re rocking along this year. Setting up for a strong finish and an even better 2016.

    Keep it up!


    • Hi JF,

      Thank you for the kind words. It’s a great feeling seeing dividend income come from about twenty different sources. Diversification is key, but you already know that. Your comment highlights exactly what a bunch of small amounts can add up to. I sometimes chat with others who ask me how I invest and the look on their faces is often of confusion as I explain that X company paid $5 and another paid $20 for a month. They’re like, “So what, that’s nothing.” Of course, it’s not nothing, it’s something and every penny and dollar that comes in is part of a larger compounding machine. True, individually the dividend income is not that impressive but the collective whole is awesome. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi Jack,

      Thank you! It’s all about slow and steady consistent buys that make long term dividend growth investing worthwhile. No worries about not getting into MMM three years ago. If you have a long term horizon there will always be an opportunity to buy into a high quality name like MMM. Besides, it’s a company that rarely goes on sale so almost any time can be a good time to nibble on it and initiate a position. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  4. That’s a very nice month, Keith. Gotta love seeing money flowing into the accounts when the market gets silly like it is now. Very inspiring year over year totals you’re seeing and I’m hoping to follow in your footsteps 🙂 Have a great week ahead my friend and keep up all the great work!

    • Hi MDG,

      I appreciate all the kind words and support. Your comment highlights one of the key benefits to being a dividend investor, reliability. We all know the market gyrates on a whim. Especially these days when triple digit moves in the DOW are common. The market is very inconsistent and unreliable. Though never 100% guaranteed, dividends are a whole lot reliable and consistent. So who cares about the volatility and market uncertainty, dividends continue to get paid through it all. Just think, many companies have been paying dividends through two World Wars, Korean and Vietnam Wars, Cold War, famine, floods, earthquakes, terrorism and more. How’s that for consistency and reliability? Wishing you a great week as well. Thank you for the comment.

    • Hi Dividends,

      Thank you for your support. I think if most people truly understood the power of compounding we’d have a lot more people in better financial situations. Too bad the marvels of compounding start off slow which usually turns many off. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi R2R,

      It’s all about putting that cash to work as soon as possible and those dividends received are already spoken for 🙂 Thank you for your continued support and kind words. The progress is definitely showing up nicely on a year over year basis. I appreciate your comment.

  5. 26 paychecks? I’d take it! 😛 Keep adding quality stocks and baby DivHut will benefit greatly in the future as Ms. DivHut and you don’t have to work anymore to tutor him, hangout with him, so many opportunities open up when you are financially independence.
    vivianne recently posted…Recent buys – BAC and CATMy Profile

    • Hi vivianne,

      As you know we try and diversify our investments just in case we suffer from a “dividend snafu.” The more quality companies that we can find to pay us the better. While I feel sufficiently diversified for now, I still have a number of companies on my watch list that I’d like to add to my portfolio one day. The more passive income generated, the more time I’ll have with my family! Thank you for commenting.

  6. DH,
    Very nice work. It’s a good feeling to see the income grow, eh? I like your comment about “the trifecta magic of dividend investing”. That pretty well sums it up. At some point in the near future I’ll run out of fresh capital, in that I retired last year. My 401K to IRA rollover is still about 60% cash. That’s the only “fresh capital” I have left for dividend investing. Once that is invested, it will be up to dividend increases and whatever reinvesting I engage in. In that this is my last hurrah when it comes to investing larger chunks of money, I’m trying to be cautious.

    I’m still trying to decide what to do with my CCP shares. The problem is that I held very few VTR shares resulting in a pretty dang dinky CCP allocation. I may take the same stance as you and just ride with them for a while. Might end up being something I want to put more capital into. In the meantime, it can’t hurt my portfolio much.

    It looks like you are doing well for yourself. Looking out a few decades, you should be sitting pretty in retirement. Keep it up.

    Dividend Gravy recently posted…September 2015 UpdateMy Profile

    • Hi DG,

      It’s important to be cautious especially in your situation when your cash horde is finite but that doesn’t mean you can’t nibble on positions (assuming decent commission rates) instead of gorge. If you’ll notice, most of my buys are around $800 (0.25% commission based on $2 a trade). In this way I can slowly build up a position over time without concerning myself about putting too much cash all at once.

      I’ll be keeping my CCP shares for the foreseeable future. I tend to keep all my spin offs received as ALLE, ABBV, MDLZ, HYH and CCP all made their way into my portfolios over the years. I’m happy CCP pays a dividend. The question will be, do I add more dollars to CCP? The jury is still out on that one for a while. I’d like some dividend history to build up first. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  7. Nice! Those are some huge increases there!

    Does your Roth account contain REITs, MLPs, and other non-tax advantaged stocks? The tax free earnings might make that the optimal account to hold such securities. I’m planning on opening a Roth IRA to compliment a Roth 401k for a second job I’m applying for, and that’s going to filled with nothing but REITs.

    ARB–Angry Retail Banker
    ARB recently posted…How To Write Out A Check 101My Profile

    • Hi ARB,

      I enjoy reporting my dividend income, as every DGI blogger does, but I get the most pleasure when I calculate my year over year growth. That metric really shows the power of long term dividend investing and the increases that can be had by continually investing.

      I do not own any MLPs but I do have my Canadian banks TD, BNS and RY in my ROTH account (there is no withholding tax on Canadian dividends if held in retirement accounts) and I hold my health REITs, HCP, HCN, VTR and CCP in my IRA. Those are the two types of investments that I have in tax advantaged accounts. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi Chris,

      Thank you for your support. You know the saying that every journey begins with a single step. Same thing with dividend investing. My very first dividend distributions were all in the single digits. Now I’m consistently bringing in triple digits. Next goal I’d like to achieve is quadruple digits every month. Patience and consistency with your investments is all that’s needed. Happy to be a fellow MCD shareholder with you! Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi DC,

      Just stick to the game plan which is always buying into quality companies with sustainable and growing dividends, never chase yield and don’t get shaken out of the market should you see your holdings decline, 20%, 30%, 40% or more if the business has not fundamentally changed. Before you know it, you’ll be pulling in triple and quadruple digits each month. Thank you for commenting.

  8. DH,
    You’ll break $500 this time next year easily. Looking at your stocks though, I think the really awesome years will be in 5 or 10 years when massive compounding starts to take place. Congrats on the spin off with CCP too, its nice to get something you don’t expect!
    – Gremlin
    Dividend Gremlin recently posted…Fall Mix PackMy Profile

    • Hi DG,

      I just aim to keep on the same path I have been on for the last seven years or so which no doubt will translate into continued year over year growth. My next long term goal is averaging $1K a month. I’m a while away from that, but I can see that goal coming down the pipe. Love the CCP spin off. I hope it will unlock real value and growth in both VTR and CCP going forward. Thank you for your continued support and comments.

  9. Hi DivHut,
    it’s been quite a while…
    Congratulations to your September income. Very impressive. Seems like you are on a good way to reach your targets for this year.
    Keep on investing.
    Best regards from Germany

    • Hi rickrack,

      Yes, it’s been a long time since I have heard from you. Glad you came back and commented. Thank you for your kind words and support regarding my recent dividend income update. Slow and steady I’m building up that dividend income machine. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  10. DivHut,
    nearly $450 in one month is a great achievement! Considering your high quality portfolio with excellent payout yields and therefore big growth opportunities, it’s only a matter of time to see this snowball crush everything in its path.

    Thanks for your update!

    DivRider recently posted…Monthly Update September 2015My Profile

    • Hi DR,

      I realize that my portfolio may not be highest yielding but it is set up for long term dividend growth with many high quality long term dividend payers and raisers. As you stated, the real mojo will come down the line when yield on cost will really crush everything in its path. Till then, I’ll keep nibbling on stocks and slowly build up my positions. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi GRB,

      That’s exactly how I see the dividends rolling in. Relatively small sums of money that are not as impressive as the whole. Clearly, the results speak for themselves in terms of seeing the dividend income continually grow. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi EL,

      I fully agree with you. Nice add to EMR and taking advantage of a beaten down stock but a great long term company. Slowly and steadily those dividends are growing and piling in. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi OBFW,

      Thank you for your continued support. It’s always a pleasure to watch cash being added to your account without you having to actively do anything for it. The beauty of dividend investing. JNJ under $100 is still quite attractive but I think many industrial names stole the attention in recent weeks as great value could be found with the likes of CAT, EMR, DOV and more. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi OutlierX,

      Even though the market jumped back pretty nicely last week there are still quite a few bargains in the industrial space. CAT and EMR top my list for potential buys this month but the volatile nature of the market may definitely present us with many more buying opportunities. Thanks for letting me know about my comment on your blog. I’m sure I’ll comment again.

  11. Hi Keith,

    Very impressive results for September! Keep that trifecta going and I’m sure there will be more $500 div income months. I hope to have such a diversified portfolio in the coming years. Many of those names are on my wishlist: AFL, WFC, JNJ, EMR, and JNJ.


    • Hi Dividendniche,

      I appreciate your kind words and support. It’s all about building that dividend income over time with high quality names rather than chase dangerous high yield. Looking at your watch list it looks like EMR might be the most beaten down currently. I have added to my position in recent weeks and look to add more in October. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi DD,

      Thank you for your words of encouragement. It’s great how we all cheer each other on. Don’t think too much about “missing” on CCP. It may be another great dividend stock in the making. I’d like to wait a few quarters before considering adding to that name. If it does what it’s supposed to do we’ll all have an opportunity to buy into the stock down the road. The snowball is growing. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi LB,

      Glad to be of inspiration to you. One thing that I find pretty amazing about the online FI community is its openness and candor. To be able to see real world portfolios being updated on a monthly basis as well as to their performance and income derived is truly amazing. This isn’t some theory or back tested stock picking plan, rather it’s a real world example of what can be done with consistent investments in high quality dividend paying stocks, for better or worse. I appreciate your comment.


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