Dividend Income Update June 2016

With half the year officially under our collective belts a clearer picture of our full year of dividend income comes into view. June, of course, is a favorite month among dividend investors as end of quarter months usually signify higher than average passive income received. Looking back at the last six months I can see that my individual buys have really slowed. I have made only two separate buys in January and June with the other four months ending in just one buy each. Of course, this is a testament to my investing mantra of always remaining consistent with my buys no matter what the market is doing. I feel that it’s important to always deploy fresh cash as allowed to continually diversify and enhance future dividend income. With the recent market swoon and recovery it becomes increasingly difficult to figure near term investment choices. Time will tell where I ultimately deploy my July cash but rest assured at least one July purchase will be made. With that being said, let’s take a look back at my June dividend income.


Dividend income from my taxable account totalled $448.22 up from $316.02 an increase of 41.8% from June of last year.


Dividend income from my ROTH account totalled $81.36 up from $74.54 an increase of 9.1% from this time last year.


Dividend income from my IRA account totalled $44.37 up from $11.60 from this time last year. An increase of 282.5%.


Grand total for the month of June: $573.95 an increase of 42.7% from June 2015.


Brokerage Account

Year to date dividends: $1,876.23

Total: $448.22

ROTH Account

Year to date dividends: $738.02

Total: $81.36

IRA Account

Year to date dividends: $273.18

Total: $44.37


Who says dividend growth investing doesn’t work? Just look at the figures above and see what fresh capital, dividend raises and compounding can do to year over year income. It’s truly magic in the making.


Are any of these dividend stocks in your portfolio too? How was your June dividend income? Please let me know below.


Disclosure: Long all above

62 thoughts on “Dividend Income Update June 2016”

  1. Keep it up Keith.
    You’re doing awesome. Every month, these posts are inspirational and motivating.
    Passive Income is the only ticket out of the rat race. Let’s keep pushing to get more and more. Cheers bro and happy fourth of July. Cheers.

    • Hi DH,

      Thank you for the continued encouragement. I totally agree that these updates are very inspirational and motivating to anyone on the dividend growth path no matter where they are in their journey. Here’s to more growing passive income in the second half of 2016. Thanks for commenting.

    • Hi easydividend,

      Another month down, another month of impressive returns. You won’t hear me complaining about my results 🙂 Keep up the good work over on your end. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi Wayne,

      I know what you mean. I don’t want life to rush by too quickly but at the same time I do look forward and anticipate every month ending so I can tally my total passive income earned. Thank you for the support and comment.

    • Hi DL,

      I always believe that consistency with investing is key to long term success. No use trying to time the markets and wait for the “best” time to put your dollars to work. As long as you buy a quality company that offers a sustainable dividend, then anyone can put up results similar to mine if not better. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi TMB,

      Thank you for your kind words. As you can imagine I am quite pleased with my monthly results. It will be interesting to see how July unfolds and if we’ll continue to see this crazy volatility or will the market be somewhat subdued during the summer months. As always, I appreciate your comment.

  2. Awesome stuff DH. Over a 40% increase year over year across all of your accounts is impressive. It looks like you’re doing about $900-1k per quarter which is fantastic. Keep up the great work and hopefully the second half of 2016 will give us some better opportunities to buy at great values. All the best.
    JC @ Passive-Income-Pursuit recently posted…Weekly Roundup – July 2, 2016My Profile

    • Hi JC,

      Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. It’s always nice to read this positive feedback from fellow DGI bloggers. Like you, I hope the second half of 2016 will give us a lot better buying opportunities. My first half of 2016 buys have all been small but least consistent. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi timeinthemarketblog,

      Seeing these impressive year over year growth numbers each month just continues to encourage me to follow this investment path. As long as I can add fresh capital each month, buy quality stocks that are known to raise their dividends annually and reinvest my dividends automatically I know that I will enjoy these strong year over year growth numbers for years to come. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi R2R,

      Always happy to share these results with my fellow DGI bloggers. Thank you for your continued support and comment.

    • Hi Tawcan,

      Buying stocks that are known to raise dividends annually, adding fresh capital each month and reinvesting my dividends automatically all contribute to my year over year increases. Progress is the name of the game and as long as I see growth each month I am a happy camper. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Awesome job Div Hut.

    I’m sorry to say that none of your stocks are in my portfolio. I previously invested in JNJ years ago, but sold out of the position. Now, I think it’s too expensive for me to purchase shares, but will no doubt be including JNJ when I have more capital.

    It’s always motivating to see the dividend growth strategy in action.

    Keep it up.
    Data Lore recently posted…Recent Purchase – Coca ColaMy Profile

    • Hi DL,

      The key to being a successful dividend growth investor is to remain long all solid dividend payers. As long as the fundamental business has not changed and the dividends remain safe, I’ll continue to hold all my positions. I’m sure you’ll get another opportunity to buy into JNJ again. As we all know, stocks do not go up forever and the inevitable drop will occur one day. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi SY,

      Thank you for your continued support. Just keep buying solid dividend payers and do not chase high yield and next year you too will be putting up some great year over year figures I’m sure. Thank you for commenting.

  4. Good work. Dividend growth is the key to stay on the course. I dont really like utility stocks because of the low dividend growth rate. Instead, I love those dividend stocks with the growth rate above 10% annually like IBM, CSCO, TGT, ABBV, etc. After having them for 10 hears, no one would complain.

    • Hi ERi2019,

      I appreciate your kind words and support. For now, I’ll be sticking to my utilities but you are right, their dividend growth has a lot to be desired. Still, they do pay a pretty decent current yield that makes up for that low growth. Other higher dividend growth names I would like to add to include, GWW and VFC among others. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi MrSLM,

      I was very happy to see my year over year results last month. It’s just a continued testament to my dividend investing strategy. The plan is to keep this hustle going and invest every single month as I have been doing all these years to continually grow my passive income stream. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi TCF,

      Boring works just fine for me. It helps me sleep well at night and is very consistent, reliable and predictable in terms of dividend income. As always, I appreciate your continued support and comment. Let’s continue on towards a strong second half of 2016!

  5. Nice;y done. June was a good month for me as well. Keep on going, stay patient and you will be rewarded. monthly reviews are a great way to keep your eye on the prize and stay focused. Congrats !

    Brian recently posted…June 2016 DividendsMy Profile

    • Hi Brian,

      Thank you for your kind words and comment. I totally agree with you that patience is a key factor to long term dividend growth success. Too often, dividend investors get lured by the seductive call of the high yield only to find a dividend cut occur shortly thereafter. I’m keeping my eye on the prize via safe long term dividend growers that may not be the highest yielding but are at least safe. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    • Hi Papa,

      I love reading and writing these posts from our fellow dividend growth bloggers. I find every dividend income report inspiring and it just motivates me to continue on this path. I plan to continue making my monthly buys and reinvest my dividends through all market conditions. I think consistency with investing is an important aspect to being a successful dividend growth investor. Thank you for commenting.

    • Hi DI,

      Patience is key. You cannot rush building a solid passive income stream. There are no shortcuts. High yielding stocks are often sucker investments while interim downturns can shake the confidence of many stock owners causing them to sell prematurely. I’m quite pleased with my results and happy to share my ongoing progress. Thank you for your continued support.

    • Hi Jack,

      You said it. There’s nothing like seeing your passive income continue to go up and up on a year over year basis. It just reaffirms my commitment to this strategy and my wish to see it through year after year. You have to admit, it’s always fun watching dividend income hit your account without having to lift a finger. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi BII,

      My grand total for the month was $573.95 between my three accounts. In any case, I was quite happy to see that amount come in and witness my year over year growth as well. I’ll just keep plugging away and look forward to a strong second half of 2016. Thank you for commenting.

  6. Well done ! Great progress YOY. I expect that you will be rolling in it within a few years at your current pace. I am going to assume that the increase was due to additional money added as well as increasing dividends ?
    Also, Nice portfolio. I am adding any day now with rollover money. I think a few of your current holdings are on my short list. Congrats, keep it going !
    Brian recently posted…June 2016 DividendsMy Profile

    • Hi Brian,

      It’s all about the trifecta of dividend investing when year over year growth is significant. These include, adding fresh capital, dividend raises and automatic reinvestment. This is how I have been investing since day one. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement regarding my results.

    • Hi BSR,

      Thank you, thank you, thank you. Of course, all the support and inspiration I receive from our fellow DGI bloggers helps a ton. Seeing the buys and sells we each make as well as following each others’ progress helps keep me on my path. As always, I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi CFD,

      You know the saying, “Slow and steady wins the race.” This is exactly how I feel about my continued progress year over year. Thank you for your continued support and comment.

    • Hi IH,

      Some might say my investment strategy is solid while others might say too conservative. I guess I just like to avoid the high yield fantasies and potential dividend cuts that may result. Of course, I realize I’m not immune to dividend cuts as even the bluest of blue chips can stumble every now and then. My GE and WFC have been a case in point. As long as I can continue to post these solid year over year gains I’ll be a happy camper. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

  7. Hey man you keep rocking those positive numbers, keep it up. Dividend income will be and is a big part of my FI journey. I think it is a big testament that if you want to be free you have to invest. In 20 years I don’t want to play catch up, but will let my dividend income do all the leg work for me. Good luck.
    EL @ Moneywatch101 recently posted…What is Your Personal Savings Rate?My Profile

    • Hi EL,

      It’s great forward thinking to not want to play “catch up” in twenty years as individuals who are close to retirement without any income streams to live on eventually realize. You’ll be way ahead of many people by sticking to your dividends as well as other forms of passive income. For now, I plan to make dividends my almost exclusive form of passive income though owning a rental property might entice me if properties can be bought at the “right price.” Thank you for your positive comment.

  8. DIVH,

    Great month, killing it on the taxable income increase from that portfolio, sick growth. I love the sheer number of dividend aristocrats in your portfolio, great entities there, and they checks will keep coming an will keep growing. Nice job and don’t sweat it on the purchases! They’ll come.

    Dividend Diplomats recently posted…Bert’s June Dividend Income SummaryMy Profile

    • Hi DD,

      It’s no accident that most of my payers are on the dividend aristocrats list. After all, that’s how I first built my dividend income portfolio.

      I know those purchases will come down the road. It’s just a little frustrating to watch month after month go by with relatively few and small buys being made. Thank you for your support and comment!

  9. Even with the slowdown in buying, these are some huge increases. I don’t think I can ever manage to pull a 42% annual raise. Even my promotion didn’t give me that.

    Nothing like the magic of compounding to make your money work harder for you, right?

    ARB–Angry Retail Banker
    ARB recently posted…The Bank Isn’t Out To Get You PersonallyMy Profile

    • Hi ARB,

      I was quite surprised to see that year over year increase as well as the first six months of 2016 has been very slow in terms of adding fresh capital when compared to last year and 2014 too. As you suggested, the magic of compounding as well as dividend raises all help to push that year over year increase figure right along. No complaints from my mouth regarding these results. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    • Hi HHaWG,

      Thank you for your kind words. I’ll always be happy putting up those year over figures. I still cannot understand the people that do not believe in this investing strategy. I appreciate your continued support.

    • Hi MF,

      Thank you for the support. I’ll always have a smile on my face if I can consistently put up that kind of year over year growth. Thanks for commenting.

    • Hi Steve,

      Thanks for those encouraging words. Growth is the key and with each passing month I hope to put up strong year over year gains. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.


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