It’s dividend income update time. One of my favorite times of the month as I get to review my previous month of passive income received from my two dividend income portfolios. August was an interesting month for me as I initiated three new positions in the Canadian banking space. I have added TD, BNS and RY to my ROTH account and eagerly anticipate my first dividends from those stocks. This was the first time in seven years that I added new positions to my portfolio.
Brokerage Account
Year to date dividends: $1,452.05
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
08/01/2014 | DIVIDEND:YUM | YUM | $20.67 |
08/01/2014 | DIVIDEND:GIS | GIS | $16.31 |
08/01/2014 | DIVIDEND:BCR | BCR | $0.87 |
08/08/2014 | DIVIDEND:CLX | CLX | $9.66 |
08/11/2014 | DIVIDEND:APD | APD | $29.27 |
08/15/2014 | DIVIDEND:PG | PG | $11.32 |
08/15/2014 | DIVIDEND:CL | CL | $6.04 |
08/15/2014 | DIVIDEND:ABBV | ABBV | $36.16 |
08/15/2014 | DIVIDEND:ABT | ABT | $11.77 |
08/20/2014 | DIVIDEND:CAT | CAT | $41.18 |
Total: $183.25 |
ROTH Account
Year to date dividends: $260.74
Date | Description | Symbol | Amount |
08/01/2014 | DIVIDEND:YUM | YUM | $6.05 |
08/15/2014 | DIVIDEND:PG | PG | $6.73 |
08/20/2014 | DIVIDEND:CAT | CAT | $11.73 |
Total: $24.51 |
Disclosure: Long all above
Wow, the first time in seven years? That is quite the gap between investment periods, especially with some available cash in each of your accounts. Either way, $1,700+ dividends year-to-date is a great number, and with your fresh capital being put to work, you should see some great increases in the months/years to come.
writing2reality recently posted…Rapid Fire Passive Income Monthly Updates: May, June, and July 2014
Hi w2r,
To be clear, it was the first time in seven years that I initiated a new position in my portfolio. I have been investing every month for the past seven years simply averaging down or adding to my current holdings. So far 2014 is shaping up nicely and is looking to surpass 2013 dividend revenue greatly. I’m very happy to see that. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Nice show, DivHut. Congrats on the dividends and best wishes for the future. Keep that income stream growing. First in seven years is a long time! Im guessing you’ve been investing in the same companies you’ve owned for long…just adding to your positions. I am in a similar boat – I have a decent mix of stocks and will probably keep adding to them instead of overly diversifying.
Roadmap2Retire recently posted…Passive Income Update – Aug 2014
Hi R2R,
Thank you. That’s the name of the game, to keep that income stream growing. Compounding is a wonderful thing. To think, this portfolio can deliver increasing streams of income without having to add new capital is amazing as well. I have been investing every month for the past seven years just have not added any new stocks till last month. I believe in contributing every month as much as you can to keep the dividend growth rolling along. The question of diversification has may responses depending on who you ask. What is the ultimate in diversity? The truth is only back testing can show. Thank you for commenting.
Nice dividends for August! Keep on investing as much as you can to increase your passive income…
Hi FerdiS,
Thank you. I plan to keep adding to my portfolio every month for as long as I can. When you can see dividend income growing each year it becomes very hard to argue against this investment strategy. I appreciate your comment.
Congrats on becoming part owner of Canadian banks. First time to add to new position in seven years is a long time. That’s crazy! Hopefully you don’t need to wait for another 7 years to initiate the next new position.
Great dividend income in August. Good job!
Tawcan recently posted…Is Facebook doing you any good?
Hi Tawcan,
I had my list of stocks that I wanted when I first started following a dividend growth strategy. After I bought everything I wanted I felt no need to invest in other companies till now. I’m happy to hold the Canadian banks in my portfolio now by the way. I’m still looking to initiate potentially new positions in my portfolio but I do not want to be over-diversified. Thank you for commenting.
Looks like a pretty solid month! $200 for waking up in the morning is not a bad deal!
I haven’t yet bought any Canadian banks, I spent some time a few years ago looking at all of them, but my aversion to owning to many banks stopped that right there. If I had to buy a new bank today I would probably buy a Canadian bank (in my roth of course!).
But we shall see!
Take care! Have a great weekend.
ILG recently posted…August Portfolio Updates – It’s been a while!
You said it! Making passive income 24/7 is a great feeling. Knowing that your reliance on a regular job is diminishing with each passing month really helps you sleep well at night. Regarding the banking world, I understand your aversion to the sector but one cannot discount the amazing profitability of those institutions. For years I only owned one bank in my portfolio, WFC. Only last month did I add three new Canadian banks. I think with four banks now in my portfolio I’m OK for a while. Though I still have USB, CM and BMO on my radar. Thank you for stopping by.
Almost $200 in one month is mighty impressive! Also, congrats on adding the Canadian banks to your portfolio. I’m about to pull the trigger on BNS myself. Nothing not to like about them! 🙂
Seraph recently posted…Frugal Eating
Hi Seraph,
I’m pretty happy with the dividend income for August. I’ll never complain about $200 coming my way in a passive manner. BNS is a great Canadian bank as well having good international exposure. I have been eyeing the large Canadian banks for some time and finally decided to pull the trigger last month. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Good stuff! And the best thing even if you don’t buy any more shares, the chances of those dividends increasing are pretty high. =D
Henry @ Living At Home recently posted…Net Worth Update – August 2014
That’s the name of the game. Anytime you can have an investment that grows on its own without adding new capital you are ahead. That’s what I like about dividend investing. There are three ways for your dividends to go up. First, the company can increase their dividend, second, you add fresh capital and third, the magic of compounding takes effect. If you can manage to get all three the dividend snowball really starts to roll. I appreciate your comment and stopping by.
Solid dividend total DivHut. Over $200 combined and over $1,700 YTD is great. And that’s mighty impressive that you haven’t added new positions to your portfolio in 7 years. Although looking at the holdings that paid you this month I can’t really blame you for now wanting to just keep adding to those.
JC @ recently posted…How To Get Someone Started: Part 2
I’m happy with my dividend totals for 2014 so far. Looks like I’ll be surpassing my 2013 totals by far which I am happy about. I built this portfolio about seven years ago and felt very happy with its allocation and didn’t feel a need to add anything new for a long, long time. I still am looking to add some healthcare REITs one day… HCP, VTR, OHI to name a few and I also like UL in the consumer space. Those stocks should suffice for another seven years. Thank you for commenting.
Very nice looking month right there. And you have a great total YTD. Those are all really solid companies, and I’m happy to be a fellow shareholder in a few of them.
September should be a nice month for many of us, so I’m looking forward to seeing how 2014 finishes up! Keep up the great work.
Best regards.
Dividend Mantra recently posted…Recent Buy
Hi DM,
Thanks for the encouraging words. I am very happy with my dividend income so far this year. Looks like I’ll surpass my 2013 total by a good margin. Though I feel my portfolio is pretty complete these days I still feel like adding some REIT exposure to it. We’ll see how things pan out in the coming weeks and months. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comment.
Nice month! I don’t have any Canadian banks, but not too long ago was looking to add one. Right now though I am stuck hoarding money for school and it will disappear fast that way. Looks like you are starting to build the Roth pretty good too.
At least after this month I won’t have a car loan anymore though.
Dividend SWAN recently posted…August 2014 Dividend Update
The Canadian banks seem to be solid all around relative to many of the American banks. With four banks in my portfolio now, WFC, TD, BNS, and RY, I think I am content in terms of diversification. I still will be adding more to those holdings but probably not adding any new companies though, USB, CM and BMO are on my radar.
The ROTH account is coming up slowly but surely. Hard to grow it when you have a cap of $5,500 a year in total contributions. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Keep making those car payments to yourself once it’s paid off. This way you can continue to save for future dividend investments.
Nice choices! I’m hoping we can both share in the profits of this banking oligopoly we’ve got up North here.
Seven years is quite some time without initiating any new positions! Good to see you’re branching out with your investments.
Take care,
– Ryan from GRB
Get Rich Brothers recently posted…Book Review: The Science of Getting Rich
I had my core group of stocks that I wanted to be invested in and once that was achieved, I’ll admit, I closed myself off to any new stocks. While this was a good strategy, as it kept me focused on my current portfolio, it did allow me to miss some great gains in other stocks and sectors. That was the main reason I haven’t added any new companies to my portfolio in seven years. I was very content with my holdings. After doing a little preliminary research on the Canadian banking stocks I felt compelled to take part in that sector as I only held WFC in my portfolio and wanted, as you said, to branch out. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Solid month, DivHut! Can’t wait to receive an amount like that myself for the first time.
First time initiating a new position in seven years is quite a special occasion, but given your already diversified portfolio completely understandable. Keep it up!
No More Waffles recently posted…Advice from a Belgian Newspaper on Saving Following the New ECB Interest Rate
In time you’ll be seeing these amounts roll in and more. It’s all about the long road we are all on and the key is to just keep feeding the dividend beast and get that snowball rolling.
Regarding my portfolio, as you have seen, I felt very comfortable with my diversification and did not feel the need to add additional companies for a long time. As it is, I own three new companies as a result of a spin off, ABBV, MDLZ and ALLE. So without buying into new companies my portfolio added new positions anyway. The large Canadian banks felt like a good fit for my portfolio as I only owned one bank, WFC and was looking to diversify a bit in that sector. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Hi DivHut,
Nice progress for the year and month. I would like to one day post those kind of numbers.
I have nominated you for the Liebster award. I hope you will chose to accept, I have posted more information and your questions on my blog.
Best Regards,
Income Succession Plan recently posted…Liebster Award
Thank you for the kind words and the Liebster award nomination. Much appreciated. Keep feeding the dividend beast and you will see the progress of your own portfolio in short time. I see from your portfolio that you own a lot of very high yield stocks. Have you considered looking into high dividend growers as well? Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
It sure is fun to watch our dividends grow! That’s a long time to add new positions. I’m sort of in the same boat now, I’ve built up to nearly the max positions I want so I just keep adding to positions I already have. Keep up the good work!
As dividend investors I know we always look forward to the beginning of the month to tally up the previous month of dividend income. It is fun to watch them grow. I still have a few names I’d like to add to my portfolio but it may be a while before I do as I simply might add to my existing positions. Thank you for commenting.
Hi Divhut,
It seems you had a pretty solid month. Also congrats with the new positions.
Geblin recently posted…Umicore – An intresting stock for the ethical investor.
Hi Geblin,
Thank you for the encouraging words. I’m happy with each passing month. I can honestly say that I look forward towards the end of each month so I can get an idea of my passive income collected. I appreciate you stopping by and commenting.