Century Club Dividend Stocks

Stocks That Have Paid Dividends For Over 100 Years


As dividend investors we are always on the lookout for reliable sources of future income. Of course, the future is never guaranteed (as I recently wrote about dividend stocks in the death care industry) but we can use the past as a guide for potential results. We’ve all heard about the “mile high club,” now I’d like to introduce to you the “century club,” a select group of companies that have continuously paid dividends every single year for over one hundred years. Some of the companies have even managed to raise their dividends for decades within that century span. Think about what that means. These companies have been able to pay out a part of their earnings to shareholders during the depression, two World Wars, natural disasters, terrorist events and other economic downturns. The next time the headlines scream doom, pause, take a breath and never “panic sell.” Often, those who do sell regret their decisions years later. Many companies on the list are very well known while others are not. See how many are in your portfolio:

Coca-Cola Company (KO)

Dividends Paid Since: 1893
Dividend Yield: 3.00%
PE: 22.24


Colgate-Palmolive Co. (CL)
Dividend Paid Since: 1895
Dividend Yield: 2.10%
PE: 29.50


The Procter & Gamble Company (PG)
Dividend Paid Since: 1891
Dividend Yield: 3.20%
PE: 21.31


Johnson Controls Inc. (JCI)
Dividend Paid Since: 1887
Dividend Yield: 1.80%
PE: 24.96


Consolidated Edison, Inc. (ED)
Dividend Paid Since: 1885
Dividend Yield: 4.60%
PE: 13.55


PPG Industries Inc. (PPG)
Dividend Paid Since: 1899
Dividend Yield: 1.30%
PE: 14.06


WGL Holdings Inc. (WGL)
Dividend Paid Since: 1852
Dividend Yield: 4.30%
PE: 121.37


Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)
Dividend Paid Since: 1882
Dividend Yield: 2.70%
PE: 14.15


Chevron Corporation (CVX)
Dividend Paid Since: 1912
Dividend Yield: 3.40%
PE: 12.86


General Mills, Inc. (GIS)
Dividend Paid Since: 1898
Dividend Yield: 3.00%
PE: 20.03


Norfolk Southern Corporation (NSC)
Dividend Paid Since: 1901
Dividend Yield: 2.10%
PE: 17.97


The York Water Company (YORW)
Dividend Paid Since: 1816
Dividend Yield: 2.80%
PE: 27.96


An interesting point about this prestigious list is the number of names in similar sectors. We basically have stocks in the consumer, industrial, energy and utility sector. I think that says something about the resilience of these sectors in any economic environment.


Disclosure: Long KO, CL, PG, JCI, ED, GIS

40 thoughts on “Century Club Dividend Stocks”

    • Hi AG,

      Why would the propaganda networks want to cover these types of stories? They aren’t sensational enough to grab viewers and ratings. The networks find a lot more value in announcing the gloom and doom reports because, quite frankly, they sell. Oh well, just continue doing what you are doing and as you say “Grind On” with those dividend stocks!

    • AG, of course you wont hear this in media because general public and Wall Street are obssessed with quarter to quarter earnings, chasing quick buck, home run, and predicting bottoms and ups. Dividend growth strategy has never been in spotlights (only in periods when those normally panicking investors realize that dividend stocks could get them a quick buck better and faster than small, high flying caps. Once that turns back again and small caps start flying high again, dividend stocks will go out of favor again – and that will be our great time to start loading up the truck).
      Martin recently posted…A weird day of tradingMy Profile

  1. Nice list! I didn’t know so many companies would be on that list! I think 3M and IBM also qualifies, they’ve been around for 100+ years. Not sure if they paid dividends for over 100 year now.

    Cheers and happy investing!

    • Hi LAH,

      It is a pretty amazing list to say the least. I still can’t believe how some of these companies managed to pay dividends through some of the darkest hours of the last century. Regarding MMM & IBM I haven’t seen them on any of the 100+ year lists. They might have been around that long but haven’t paid out dividend that long. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. 6 for me! KO, CVX, XOM, PG, GIS, NSC. I’ve heard of most of the others, but they are all selling either below my desired initial yield or above a PE of 20.

    It is great to know that these companies have been run well continuosly over the last 100 years to ensure the payment of the dividend, even if it doesn’t rise.

    Take care! Have a great weekend!
    ILG recently posted…Loyal3 Purchase: TargetMy Profile

    • Hi ILG,

      6 for me too from the list. Granted these days most companies on the list are very overvalued, CL being one, but regardless of current value there is no denying the amount of cash that has been returned to shareholders in the form of dividends for so many years. As you said, a notable trait of how well these companies have been managed. Thanks for the comment.

    • Hi DD,

      My pleasure. I guess with regard the list you have to give credit where credit is due. And each company listed definitely deserves mention for their incredibly long dividend history. Just imagine the compounding if someone purchased shares in the 1800’s and passed them down from generation to generation. I can’t imagine what 100+ years of compounding would result.

    • Hi PIP,

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. When you put things into perspective and talk about the Civil War in the same sentence as a dividend paying stock you have to respect that company that has been making those payments all along. Every name on the list stands for quality, longevity and resilience.

  3. That’s a great list – the Dividend Centenarians! I’m in for 5 (KO, PG, XOM,CVX,GIS). I know past history is no indication of the future, but you’d have to think that quality management is well ingrained in those companies by now. If it takes 4 weeks to form a habit, imagine what 100 years must do!
    I read somewhere that 3M has a 97 year dividend history, so not long to go before it too joins the list.
    Keep on compounding!
    Dividend Life recently posted…Financial dividend stocks – my next purchase in JuneMy Profile

    • Hi DL,

      It’s nice to see so many of us dividend bloggers holding the same companies. I guess we can all recognize quality when we see it and looking at 100+ year dividend payers is a definite sign of quality. Soon MMM and a few others will join that amazing list. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. DivHut,

    Nice list there! I own five, and I feel great about that.

    To think a company can pay dividends through world wars, multiple recessions and a major depression, huge inflation, and all of the changes we’ve undergone as a world is amazing. So glad to be a shareholder in a few of these great companies.

    Best wishes.
    Dividend Mantra recently posted…Recent BuyMy Profile

    • Hi DM,

      That was the point of this amazing dividend list… to think that these select companies not only paid a dividend for so long but also that they continued to pay during the darkest hours of the last 100+ years. In recent times we have only known minor wars (not World Wars) and economic hiccups (Great recession versus the Great Depression). These recent events pale in comparison to what was experienced decades ago and yet the companies on this list continued, business as usual, through it all. Thanks for the comment.

  5. DIvHut,

    You are like an investment encyclopedia. You find some of the most unusual and interesting pieces of information. I always look forward to reading your posts. Keep them coming.

    I don’t which is more impressive paying dividends for a hundred years or staying in business for hundred years. Both are improbable accomplishments.

    My Dividend Pipeline recently posted…Weekly Run Log 10k Milestone ReachedMy Profile

    • Hi MDP,

      Thanks for the compliment. I try to make my articles informative, easy and fun the read by focusing on investment themes. With regard to century plus dividend stocks just being in business that long is an accomplishment let alone being able to pay dividends for that long too and through some of the darkest hours of the last 100 years. Appreciate your comment!

  6. DivHut,

    I own 5 on the list. 4 in my regular account and General Mills is the other one that’s in my Roth IRA. Nice list of great companies that have taken care of shareholders well throughout all economic trends.

    It’s nice to own some of them especially when they still are not only paying but raising their dividends with no signs of stopping anytime soon.
    The Dividend SWAN recently posted…Recent BuyMy Profile

    • Hi DS,

      Well, there is no question that any company that has been around for 100+ years and paying a dividend that long is a definite “sleep well at night” stock. Good to know from you and many other bloggers that we share investments in many of the same companies. Thanks for your comment.

    • Hi HHWG,

      Yup… 100 years is an amazing achievement just for staying in business let alone being able to pay dividends.

    • Hi AAI,

      So do I. Imagine the legacy you can pass on if you keep these stocks from generation to generation. Thanks for stopping by.

    • Hi DGJ,

      It is a pretty amazing list and just goes to show that a greatly managed company creating goods and services needed by all can last through the best and worst of times. Thanks for commenting.

    • Hi DD,

      I know the comforting feeling knowing that you are invested in a company that has paid dividends for 100+ years. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Great list!

    I’m glad I own some Exxon shares already. They recently increased the dividend by 9,5%!

    I’d like to buy shares of PG, KO and CL pretty soon too and add them to my freedom fund. But it seems that the market is stalled and… I’d like to buy them with higher initial yields (lower prices).

    Any recent buy on your side?

    Keep going!
    Allan recently posted…Become Rich Even Millionaire With This Simple Plan!My Profile

    • Hi Allan,

      It is a pretty amazing list to say the least. I think you and many others are waiting for PE’s to drop a bit for many of the consumer stocks mentioned. Regarding any recent buys… I’ll be posting tomorrow so please check back to see my June purchases. Thanks for stopping by.


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