How many of these movies have you seen?
Number | Year | Title |
1 | 1983 | Trading Places |
2 | 1987 | Wall Street |
3 | 2000 | Boiler Room |
4 | 1992 | Glengarry Glen Ross |
5 | 2005 | Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room |
6 | 2000 | American Psycho |
7 | 1990 | Bonfire Of The Vanities |
8 | 2010 | Quants: The Alchemists Of Wall Street |
9 | 2012 | Arbitrage |
Thank you Personal Income for sharing.
Cool post! Trading Places is one of my favorites! I haven’t seen Boiler Room, the Enron movie, and Quants. Mmm, maybe I should.
I did see The Wolf of Wall Street, which is not on your list 🙂
FerdiS recently posted…Recent Buy: Nike Inc
Hi FerdiS,
I have seen most of those movies but not all. Like you, I loved Trading Places, Boiler Room and the original Wall Street. That remake that came out a few years ago was a big disappointment. I would have loved to see more of Bud Fox. I happened to see the Wolf Of Wall Street a couple years ago when I flew to Shanghai from L.A. Needless to say I saw the movie about four times on that flight. Thank you for commenting.
I was curious as heck when I saw the title haha. Love most of these titles – haven’t seen the last 3 listed, but should check them out. Boiler room was awesome and Glengarry + Wall Street = legendary.
Curious to see what others say! The Big Short – though very modernized is good to introduce individuals to what actually happened in a simplified format.
Dividend Diplomats recently posted…5 Methods for Earning Income Online While Traveling
Hi DD,
It’s a pretty great list when you think about it. I did not see Glengarry Glen Ross but from the trailer I saw online it does look interesting. I never heard of Quants: The Alchemists of Wall Street but just saw it on YouTube. It’s a short documentary but really interesting and shows you that trading these days is really more about mathematical models than actual investing acumen. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Hey DH,
Thanks for sharing!
I know “Wall Street”, but I never heard of the others. Think I have to watch these movies.
best regards
easydividend recently posted…Letzter Kauf 28.07.2016
Hi easydividend,
I think you would enjoy seeing many of the other movies on this list. Some are serious and others are comedies. Either way, they offer a real insight into the world of stock and commodity trading. As always, I appreciate your comment.
Thanks for the list, there’s a couple I haven’t seen yet. I loved Glengary Glen Ross, Wallstreet and Trading Places. All classics for sure.
Captain Dividend recently posted…Recent Sell – Realty Income (O)
Hi CD,
Wall Street and Trading Places are among my top picks as well. I could watch Wall Street over and over and not get bored of that story. I still have not seen Glengarry Glen Ross but from another comment and the trailer I saw online it looks pretty interesting. I also enjoyed The Wolf Of Wall Street even though it focused a bit too much on the personal life (drug abuse) of Jordan Belfort. Thank you for stopping by and commenting.
Wolf of Wall Street was AMAZING and the Big Short was FANTASTIC! I saw a lot of the movies, I love to throw on boiler room every once in a while. I have heard of Glengarry Glen Ross but I have never seen it
Evan @ Building Income Investments recently posted…Bought to Close HOG and Sell to Open HOG – All in One Day
I still haven’t seen the The Big Short but my friend tells me it’s great. It’s amazing how many financial/Wall St. related movies have been made for the big screen not including those made for TV series like Madoff, etc. I guess real life can be as interesting as fiction especially when the world is full of Worldcom’s, Enron’s and the like. Thank you for commenting.
Sad to say I have only seen 3 of these. I need to step up my game =). I did watch Wolf of Wall Street and the Big Short however! I think Boiler Room will be top of my list to watch!
The Dividend Mogul recently posted…Loyal3 and Robinhood – Week 28: Recent Buys
The Big Short is still on my list of ‘to watch’ movies. I have heard good things about it. Many of these titles I could easily watch over and over again and not get tired. Wall Street probably ranks among my favorite from the bunch. I was really, really disappointed with the recent remake though. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Hi Divhut,
I have seen quitte a few of them but my favorite is certainly Wall Street.
Mrs. Moneypenny
Hi MM,
I happen to agree with you. It’s a movie that I could watch any time over and over. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Keith,
I must admit I haven’t seen any of those films. I have seen the wolf of wall street and I’d like to see the big short. I guess with time I may come across them, not sure I’d want to pay to watch them specifically though 🙂
Dividends Down Under recently posted…Dividend update: July 2016
I would recommend you see Wall Street if you can find it online. I’m sure there are ways to see it for free. It actually plays on T.V. in the U.S. often enough. It’s definitely one of my favorites. As always, I appreciate your comment.
Hi, don’t forget to put ‘Billions’
I am not familiar with ‘Billions’ at all. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I almost forgot another great HBO movie that I have watched many, many times already, ‘Too Big to Fail.’ Another great Wall St. movie. Thank you for sharing.
All great movies! I haven’t seen Arbitrage yet, but I hear good things about it.
I’d also add Money For Nothing to the list. Not technically about Wall Street but there’s little on Wall Street these days that isn’t run by the Fed…
Jack recently posted…Unexpected Money Lesson: Banking “South Park” Style
Hi Jack,
I have not seen ‘Money For Nothing’ yet. Any movie dealing with the Fed is dealing with Wall Street. It’s just the way it is. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.